Chapter 11

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A/N- Wow, I can't believe that this story has over 200 views! That's awesome because I really didn't expect for this many people to read this story. Anyway, here's another chapter for you guys.

Hau's POV

Ash and I wake up Gladion, who fell asleep while we were waiting for night to come. He opens his eyes suddenly and sits up. Then, he looks outside to see that it's now night. He gets out of bed and walks over to the door before turning to us.

"Let's go," He tells us. We nod and follow him out of the hotel. There, we slowly make our way to Po Town. There, we see two guards standing outside of the gate.

"Yo, where do you think you're going?" Grunt A says. Gladion scowls.

"We'll take you guys on, but if we win, you have to let us through the gate," Gladion tells them.

"Fine, you're on. No way will you guys beat us anyway," Grunt B says. Ash and Gladion prepare to battle as I stand by. After a few minutes of battling, Ash and Gladion defeat the two grunts and they let us through the gate. We make our way to the mansion in Po Town where we have to defeat three more guards before we can enter. Once we open the door to the mansion, we have to walk up some stairs to get to the room where the leader is at. Gladion leads us through the hallways because he's been there before. We arrive at the door, where we're told to wait for Gladion's orders. We can hear yelling coming from inside and Gladion informs us that the leader, Guzma, is yelling at some Team Skull grunts. Then, Gladion tells us that we should go inside now. Ash and I follow him into the room. Guzma stops yelling and everyone stares at us.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Gladion. I thought I told you to never step foot in here again," Guzma says. Looking around the room, I notice Serena with her arms tied up and her mouth covered. There is also a cage in the corner holding four Pokemon. There are two Team Skull grunts in the room and two others who I assume are the Team Rocket members. They have a Meowth with them, which looks a little different than an Alolan one does. I run over to Serena to untie her, but the Team Skull grunts jump in front of me before I can reach her. They glare at me and cross their arms. I look over to Ash, who is standing in front of Team Rocket.

"Don't worry, I'll take on Team Rocket," He tells us. I nod and turn to Gladion.

"And I've got Guzma. Hau, take care of those grunts," He says. I nod and turn back to the grunts. They throw out their Pokemon which are a Zubat and a Salandit. I bring out Raichu and Brionne.

* * * * * (Time skip because I really can't write battle scenes)

"We did it!" I exclaim happily, once I beat the grunts. They run out of the room and I move to Serena. I untie her and uncover her mouth. She gives me a hug.

"Oh, Hau. Thank you so much," She tells me.

"Of course. I'm happy to help," I reply. I help her onto her feet and we make our way over to the cage holding her Pokemon. She unclasps the cage and her Pokemon come running out. I grab the four Pokeballs that are by the cage and hand them to her. She thanks me before returning her Pokemon to their Pokeballs. By this point, Ash is done with his battle against Team Rocket and Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, sending Team Rocket soaring through the roof and into the sky. Serena giggles.

"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again," She says to Ash. He laughs and I just smile, clearly not understanding the joke. Gladion falls on his knees with his hands on his head.

"I'm still not strong enough to beat him," He says to himself. Ash and I step in front of Guzma and challenge him. He has two Pokemon remaining, so we each take on one of them. Raichu and I quickly take out his Ariados, but Ash is struggling with his Golisopod, which seems to be his strongest Pokemon that he has. So Raichu and I help out Pikachu and we eventually take down Guzma.

"Whatever, you punks. I don't know why I agreed to work with those Team Rocket chumps anyway," He says before walking out of the room. I look over to Gladion, who is now standing up.

"Thanks for helping me out," He says to us. We smile and ambush him with a group hug. Ash runs over to Serena and hugs her.

"I was so worried about you," He tells her.

"Pika!" Pikachu agrees. Serena smiles and thanks all of us for saving her. We all begin to make our way out of the mansion. After that, we exit Po Town and head to the docks, where we board the boat we came in and head back to Melemele Island.

We arrive at Melemele Island and Ash decides to walk Serena home and he tells us that he'll be staying with her at the hotel. After they leave, Gladion and I make our way back to his mansion, where Lillie is at. We walk into the house and I tiptoe up to Lillie's room. I knock on the door softly.

"Come in," I hear her say. I turn the doorknob and push open the door. Lillie smiles at me. She is sitting on her bed with her Vulpix.

"Hey Lillie," I say to her. She pats on the bed next to where she is sitting and I sit down. Then, I quickly kiss her on the cheek before telling her all about the mission.

"I'm so glad that it went well and that you're all safe. I don't know what I would do without you," She says to me. I smile and hug her.

"Don't worry. I'll always be here for you," I reply sincerely. We hear someone clear their throat, so we look to the doorway, where Gladion is standing. Lillie runs over and hugs him. She then walks back to her bed and sits down.

"I'll be staying here, I guess," Gladion tells Lillie. She beams.

"I'm so happy to hear that!" She exclaims, "Your old room is still as you left it, though I have been inside a few times." He nods and smiles slightly.

"Goodnight, Lillie, Hau," He says before walking away. I turn to Lillie.

"I'd better go too. It's way past my bedtime," I say to her. She giggles.

"It's too late for you to walk home. You can stay in one of our guest rooms," She tells me.

"Okay," I reply, "Just let me text my gramps to let him know." I pull out my phone and send the message. Then, I follow Lillie to a room and sit my bag on the bed.

"I'll be right back," She tells me. She walks away, leaving me alone in the room. I kick off my shoes and sit on the bed patiently. A few moments later, she returns holding some pajamas. She hands them to me.

"These belong to Gladion, but they should fit you," She tells me. I thank her and we say goodnight to each other before she leaves. I close the door and change into the pajamas. Then, I let Raichu out of his Pokeball and lie down on the bed. Raichu climbs onto the bed as well. I close my eyes and go to sleep.

A/N- I'm really sorry because this chapter isn't the best and it took me longer than I wanted it to. My school starts up again on Wednesday, so I may not write as much, but I'll try to still update once a week. Be sure to vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter and as always, let me know if you have ideas for future chapters. Thanks for reading.


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