Chapter 47

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Okay, here's another chapter for you guys. Once again, I've written a Beyblade Burst x reader story on my other account, @daigokenwakiya . So go and read it if you want to. Anyway, let's begin.

Hau's POV

"Hau, come here!" I hear my Grandpa Hala yell. I run out to the living room and sit down on the couch next to him. 

"What's wrong, Gramps?" I ask him. He points to the TV and then turns up the volume. I listen closely to the news.

The Champion of the Alola Region, Shu Kurenai, has been overthrown by another citizen of Melemele Island. This citizen goes by the name of Gladion and he is the son of  Lusamine, the founder of Aether Paradise. 

The reporter continues to talk about the subject, but that was enough for me. I jump up off of the couch and yell,

"What? Gladion beat Shu?!?" I then run out the front door and continue running until I reach the house of the Beybladers. Quickly, I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it. The door opens and Ken is standing there. 

"Hey, Hau," Besu tells me. 

"Ken, where is Shu? Is he alright?" I ask him. 

"What do you mean?" He replies slowly. 

"The news. Shu got beat and he's no longer the Champion. It's Gladion now," I explain. Ken's jaw drops. 

"I had no idea," Keru says.

"Poor Shu," Besu adds. I walk past Ken and make my way to Shu's room before opening the door. Ken is right behind me. I look in the room, but Shu isn't there. Ken touches my shoulder and leads me to another room: Valt's. I open the door, unsure, and see Shu lying on Valt's bed.

"Shu? Are you alright?" I ask him. Shu meets my eyes and I gasp, seeing no emotion in his. 

"I'm fine," he replies with no emotion in his voice whatsoever. I take a step back. Then, I turn and run out of the room and out of the house. I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Valt. After two rings, he picks up. 


"Hau. What is it?" Valt replies. 

"It's Shu. Have you talked to him?" 

"Not today, why?" 

"I'm worried about him. You see, Gladion beat him and he's not champion anymore. And he's acting. . ." I trail off.

"Different? I've noticed it too. He must have lost the battle the other day. That's when he started acting so weird. It's like he has no emotions anymore," Valt finishes. 

"Exactly. Will you try to talk to him?" I ask. 

"Yeah, sure, And Hau?" 

"Hm?" I reply.

"Let me know if he gets any worse. I'll talk to you later, bye," Valt hangs up the phone. I sigh and place my phone back into my pocket. 

I run to the Malasada shop, grabbing my wallet out of my backpack on the way. Once I arrive, I walk up to the front counter and pull all of the money out of my wallet. I place it on the counter. 

"I want as many Malasadas as this will buy," I say to the woman behind the register. 

"Oh, Hau. So nice to see you again. I'll get those Malasadas started right away," she tells me. I smile and thank her. I pace back and forth as I wait for my Malasadas. Then, another worker comes out carrying a very large bag. 

"I've got 23 Malasadas here for you, Hau," he says before handing the bag to me. I take it and thank him. I then leave the shop and begin walking to Lillie's house. I begin eating the Malasadas, one after the other. Once I come to Lillie's front door, there are only five left. 

I ring the door bell and am greeted by Lillie's butler. He lets me inside and then I proceed to Lillie's room. Her door is open, so I knock on the door frame and then walk inside. 

"What are you doing here so early?" Lillie asks me. I hand her a Malasada and reply,

"Eat this while I explain." Lillie nods and takes the Malasada before beginning to eat it. 

"Go ahead," she tells me. I take a deep breath and begin, 

"I'm worried about Shu. After I heard that Gladion beat him, I went over to his house and he was completely emotionless. And then I called Valt, who said that Shu had been acting that way for a few days, I guess since he was beaten by Gladion. So I came over to talk to Gladion and see what was up. And here I am." I look at Lillie for a response. 

"Let's go see Gladion then," she says before leading me to his room. Lillie knocks on the door and then barges in shortly after. 

"Lillie, Hau, come in I guess," Gladion says coldly. 

"Spill. What happened during the battle between you and Shu. What did you do to him that made him so upset? What happened?" I interrogate. 

"Fine, fine. Here's what happened. We were battling, and it was our last two Pokemon. I had my Type: Null and Shu had his Sylveon. Something fell out of Shu's pocket I guess and I had already told Type: Null to use one of its moves. It was too late to stop the move. It just got crushed. It really was an accident and I was caught up in the batt-" 

"Wait, what are you talking about? What was it that fell out of his pocket and was crushed?" I interrupt. 

"His Beyblade. Spryzen is destroyed, but it was an accident. You have to believe me. He was just so crushed afterwards. Shu didn't stand a chance in the rest of the battle. I easily won and became Champion," Gladion finishes. 

"Poor Shu," Lillie states, bringing her hands up over her mouth. 

"No wonder that Shu is so upset. He was already hurt that Valt left, but this had to be the final blow. I wonder if he'll be okay?" I reply sadly. After saying goodbye to Lillie, I run out of Gladion's room and the house. After that, I run straight back to the house of the Beybladers. Wakiya and Acerola are standing out front. 

"What is it, Hau?" Acerola asks. 

"It's about Shu. Wanna know what's wrong with him? His Beyblade was destroyed during the battle between him and Gladion," I answer. 

"Oh, no. This is not good. Shu and Spryzen have a really strong connection, so there's no surprise that he's completely destroyed after this as well. I wonder if he'll be okay," Wakiya says, looking back at the house. I head inside, followed closely by Wakiya and Acerola, and enter Valt's room where Shu was at before. After not finding him in there, we move into Shu's bedroom, where we find a note. It reads: 

Shu's gone. But don't worry, someone else is taking his place. Someone much, much stronger.

I look to the others and find the same expression on both of their faces. Worry. I have a feeling that whatever happens next is going to be bad. 

A/N- Whew! There's another chapter. I'm sorry about this chapter being mostly conversations, but I had to get this part of the story over with. I promise that the next ones will be better and more action-packed. Anyway, if you liked this chapter, please vote and/or comment down below. Also, comment if you have ideas for future chapters. 

What will happen to Shu?

What about when Valt finds out about this? 

Find out in the next chapter. Thank you so much for reading!


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