Chapter 4

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Hau's POV

When I arrive at Professor Kukui's lab, I open the door to see Lillie.

"Alola!" I exclaim.

"Oh, Hau, Alola," she smiles.

"I was just coming to get you. I thought that we could maybe walk to school together today," I say. She blushes and replies,

"Sure, I'd like that." We walk past the house that the new students live in and we hear yelling.

"Should we go check on them?" I ask Lillie. She nods and runs up to the front door.

"You're just jealous that I'm a better blader than you!" Someone yells.

"Am not! And plus it's not like you're better than me anyway!" Another voice replies, "Let's have a battle!"

"You're on!" The first person says. I ring the doorbell and knock also. We hear running and then Valt opens the door.

"Alola!" I greet him, "Is everything okay? We're on our way to school, but as we were walking by we heard yelling." He sighs.

"Honcho and Wakiya got into a fight again. They really don't seem to get along together at all," He explains.

"I see. I'll go and try to get them to stop and come to school with us," Lillie states, walking in the house and into the backyard. I follow along behind her and Valt.

"Let's battle already," Wakiya says angrily. Lillie walks up behind him.

"Come on guys. It's time for school and we're going to be late. You shouldn't be arguing with each other. You're both great bladers and it doesn't matter who's better," She says sternly. She grabs Wakiya by the arm and pulls him towards the back gate. Wakiya blushes because of her actions and I frown. 'Does he like her?' I wonder. Then I run along behind them.

"Come on Honcho. Let's get everyone out of the house," Valt says. They go inside and I wait for them to come back out with the others. Once they do, we walk out of the back gate and catch up with Wakiya and Lillie. A wild Rockruff jumps out of the tall grass near us. It runs over to Wakiya and barks.

"What's it doing?" He asks, annoyed.

"I think it likes you," Lillie giggles. He stares at it. He pulls out his Pokedex.

"Rockruff, huh?" He says, " Do you want to be my Pokemon?" He asks the Rockruff.

"Who would want to have to deal with you as their trainer?" Honcho asks. Valt elbows him in the side. "Ow," He complains. Rockruff looks at Wakiya and barks happily. When Wakiya throws a Pokeball at the Rockruff, the rock-type let itself be captured immediately. Wakiya smirks and picks up his Pokeball. I cheer.

"Good job, Wakiya. You got your first Pokemon!" I exclaim. Lillie speaks up,

"That is great, but what won't be great is when we're late for Pokemon School." She says. We all start running until we come across a young boy with his Magnemite surrounded by two familiar faces.

"Oh no, not Team Skull," I pout. 

"Yo, we're gonna steal that Pokemon and add it to our collection," One of the grunts says.

"Yeah and the boss'll be so happy with us," The other grunt says.

"I won't let you steal those Pokemon," I tell them. They turn around.

"Whatever. Like you're gonna stop us," The first grunt says.

"Yeah that's two against one," The other grunt replies. I turn to Wakiya.

"Can you and Rockruff help me out? I'll help you too, so don't worry," I say. He nods and calls Rockruff out of its Pokeball. I call out my Raichu. The Team Skull grunts call out Zubat and Drowzee.

"Raichu, use Psychic!" I yell. Raichu gathers up psychic energy and shoots it at Zubat. It's super effective.

"Now Zubat use Poison Fang!" Grunt A yells. Zubat attacks Raichu and Raichu gets poisoned. I tell Wakiya what to do and he nods.

"Rockruff, use Bite!" He commands. Rockruff barks and bites Drowzee. The move is also super effective due to the type advantage. Drowzee uses Psychic on Rockruff, but it's not very effective.

"Hang in there Raichu! Use Gigavolt Havoc!" I move my arms and legs in the position that I was taught when I received my Z crystal. Raichu powered up and used its Z move on Zubat. It's super effective and Zubat faints. Wakiya looks shocked.

"That was awesome Hau!" Lillie yells. I smile and nod at Wakiya.

"Rockruff! Bite once more!" He yells. Rockruff bites Drowzee and dodges its next attack. Then it uses tackle and Drowzee faints.

"We did it!" I yell, jumping up and down.

"No fair, yo. We weren't expecting any of those Z moves. We'll be back," Grunt B says while they run away. The little boy thanks us and we continue to run to school. The bell rings as soon as we reach the school yard.

"We're late," Shu says. We all run as fast as we can to make it to the classroom. Professor Kukui's standing in the doorway.

"Got an explanation?" He asks us. Valt nods and explains everything to him. "Team Skull, huh?" He asks. We all nod and Lillie speaks up,

"It's the truth, Professor. We got here as fast as we could." He nods and moves out of the way.

"Come on in. We're just about to get started with class," He says. We walk past him and sit down at our desks.

*     *     *     *     *

After school, I walk over to Wakiya's desk to ask him about Lillie. But Acerola runs over to him first.

"I heard that you helped Hau battle with your new Rockruff," She says, "Can I see it?" He rolls his eyes, but still lets Rockruff out. Mallow runs over to the Rockruff as well.

"Awww, it's the cutest thing ever!" She exclaims. Rockruff barks happily because of all the attention.

"Hau?" I turn around to see Lillie. "I thought that you were really great with Raichu in that battle," She tells me.

"Thanks, Lillie," I reply, blushing.

"No problem," She says, "Do you maybe want to go get some Malasadas or something?" My eyes light up.

"MALASADAS?!?" I exclaim, "Of course! Let's go right now!" I drag Lillie along to Hau'oli City and into the Malasada shop. I walk up to the front desk. "I'll take ten sweet Malasadas," I tell her.

"I'll have one also," Lillie says. The woman nods and I pay her for all eleven Malasadas. Then we sit down at a table until they are brought to us shortly. Lillie eats her Malasada in the time that I eat all ten of mine.

"Those were delicious!" I exclaim, "Malasadas are the best things in the world!" Lillie laughs at me.

"You love Malasadas way too much," She says.

"No way! It's impossible to love Malasadas too much because they are superior to any other food in all of Alola!" I yell. People turn and look at us.

"You're being too noisy, Hau," Lillie says quietly.

"Sorry," I tell her. We leave the Malasada shop and walk around the city some more.

A few hours later, Lillie claims that she has to go home and begins walking in one direction.

"I'll walk you home," I offer. She shakes her head back and forth.

"I'll be okay. I'll see you at school tomorrow!" She tells me. I nod and start to go the other way to get to my house. But then I realize that I'm too hungry to walk home right now, so I run back in the direction of the Malasada shop. 'Five more and I'll be okay.' I think to myself.

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