Chapter 24

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Sorry that I updated this kind of late. I meant to do it earlier, but I couldn't find the time. So anyway, here we go.

Lana's POV

I enter the gate to Daigo's backyard only to find him training with his Beyblade, Dark Doomscizor. He turns and smiles at me when he notices that I came in. He puts away his launcher and his Beyblade before he walks over to me and kisses me quickly on the lips. I smile and take his hand before we walk inside of the house. Wakiya is sitting on the couch. His arms are crossed and he has a scowl on his face. Daigo notices me looking at Wakiya and whispers in my ear,

"Ken is sick and Acerola is in his room taking care of him. That's why Wakiya is upset." I nod, feeling bad for Wakiya, Ken, and even Acerola for being caught in the middle of the two. Daigo takes me to Ken's room so that he can check up on him. When we open the door, Acerola is sitting on a chair next to Ken's bed and is placing a cloth on Ken's forehead. Ken coughs and Acerola croons to him about how he'll be okay. Ken smiles ever so slightly before he breaks into a coughing fit again. Daigo and I tell him to get well soon before closing the door and heading to the kitchen of the house. Shu is there. He hands me a plate of spaghetti and then does the same to Daigo. We take our plates over to the table and then wait for the others to come. Slowly, they all trickle into the dining room. First Acerola, and then Wakiya, who sits next to her of course, followed by Valt, Rantaro, and Shu. We all eat our food, which is delicious, and talk.

"So how's Ken doing?" Valt asks Acerola.

"His fever is going down, but it's still high. Also, he's been coughing a lot, so I'll have to give him some cough medicine. But he'll hate that because he hates taking medicine. Still, I think that I can get him to take it for me," She replies.

"Of course he'll take the medicine if you tell him to," Wakiya says, rolling his eyes. He then places his arm around her and she smiles. He smirks at her and then she blushes. I smile at the two of them and then start to take my plate to the kitchen. Daigo grabs it from me and places both of our plates in the dishwasher. Then, the two of us tell the others that we're leaving. After we exit the house, we make our way to the harbor. There, I pull out my Pokeball that has Lapras inside of it. I let her out and then Daigo and I climb onto her back. She transports us to Akala Island and we get off. Then, I place Lapras back into her Pokeball as Daigo and I head towards my house. Once we're there, I bring Daigo inside and we begin to walk towards my room to watch TV. My little sisters stop us and instantly talk to Daigo.

"Hi, big sister's boyfriend!"

"Your hair is so spiky! Do you put gel in it?"

"Can I see your bandana?"

"Why do you wear so many skulls?"

"Can I see your Pokemon please?" I ignore their questions and continue pulling Daigo along behind me. Once we reach my room, I close the door behind us.

"I'm sorry about my sisters," I tell Daigo.

"It's no big deal. I have a little brother, so I know how younger siblings can be," Daigo tells me. I smile and kiss him on the cheek before I turn on my TV. Daigo and I begin to watch a romance movie about two Pokemon Trainers who fall in love over their love of battling. The two main characters met at a Pokemon tournament and then instantly fell in love. After that, they went their separate ways, but two years later they reunited and began to train together. At the end of the movie, they kissed and they all lived happily ever after. It was a pretty typical romance film, so I could pretty much tell what was going to happen next at any moment. Daigo seemed to like this movie, though he never struck me as a romance movie kind of guy. Oh well, we still had a good time watching it together. About halfway through the movie, I got cold and Daigo put his arms around me. Daigo makes me feel so safe when I'm around him. I'm so glad that he moved to the Alola region because I don't know what I'd do without him. Since it's pretty late now and it's been a while since we ate dinner, we head to my kitchen to get a snack. I pull some ice cream out of my freezer and then grab two bowls and two spoons out of the cabinets/drawers. Daigo's eyes light up when he first sees the ice cream. I giggle and put some into a bowl for him. After I place some in my bowl, I hand him his and we both eat our ice cream. I shiver after I finish mine.

"Want my jacket?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"Of course not. I live here and you'll need your jacket since it's cold outside," I reply. He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you for having me over," He says to me.

"No problem. Thanks for letting me come over earlier today," I tell him.

"Of course. You're welcome anytime," He replies before he kisses me on the lips and walks over to the door.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow," I tell him. He nods.

"Yeah. See you then," He says before he walks out the door, closing it behind him. I smile at him before locking the door behind him and heading to my bedroom. There, I change into my pajamas and brush my teeth before going to my bed. I lie down under the covers and yawn before receiving a text from Daigo.

Daigo: night, Lana <3

Me: goodnight Daigo <3

I smile to myself. It's something that we do every night. Just send goodnight with a heart. It's become part of my schedule now. Every night, after getting into bed, I text Daigo and he texts me back or vice versa. I place my phone on my nightstand before turning onto my side and closing my eyes. Then, I fall asleep.

A/N- I know that this chapter was bad, but I wanted to write a chapter and I didn't know what to write about. If (for whatever reason) you liked this chapter then feel free to vote and/or comment. Leave a comment if you have any ideas for future chapters because I'm kind of in a writer's block right now. Thanks so much for reading this chapter and this story!


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