Chapter 59

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Alright, two chapters left in this story. Thank you all for reading this for such a long time. I appreciate those readers who have stuck with this story since the beginning. 

Lillie's POV

Gladion, who had left during the battle between Shu and Faba, was already inside of the lab when the rest of us got there. He is repeatedly pounding his fists against the lock on the cage where Type: Null is being held. Type: Null is crying out sadly at Gladion. Gladion's knuckles are bloody from hitting the lock. 

"Gladion, stop! Please, you're hurting yourself!" I exclaim, grabbing him by the wrists. Tears are streaming down his face as he quickly pulls his wrists out of my grasp. 

"I-I don't have a key. I can't unlock the cage," Gladion says hysterically. Shu steps into the room and comes over to Gladion. 

"I think I can help you out with that," Shu says, pulling a key out of his pocket. He inserts the key into the keyhole and takes the lock off of the hook. The door to the cage is opened when Type: Null bursts through it. He tackles Gladion to the ground and licks his face. Gladion laughs happily. Type: Null sniffs Gladion's bleeding knuckles and then licks the blood off of him. Gladion smiles and thanks Type: Null for caring for him. Gladion then turns to Shu and says,

"Kurenai, thank you for freeing Type: Null. And I'm glad that you're back to being yourself." Shu smiles at him. 

"You're welcome, Gladion. It's the least that I can do," he tells him. Gladion stands up, Type: Null right next to him. I turn to Shu and say,

"Why don't you and the others go and help Ash? I'm gonna get Gladion bandaged up and then we'll meet you there." Shu nods and then leaves the room. I walk over and grab the first-aid kit from the wall. I set it down on an examination table and then open it. I take out some wound cleanser and bandages. I then take out a rag from the kit. After doing that, I take Gladion's right hand in mine and lead him over to a nearby sink. 

"Lillie, you don't have to do this," he tells me. I shake my head and reply,

"Oh, please. It's not the first time that I've cleaned up your wounds, you know." Gladion chuckles and I say, "This is gonna sting a little bit." I pour the wound cleanser onto his bloody knuckles and then dab the remaining liquid off with the rag. After that, I wrap up his hand in the bandages and repeat that process with his left hand. Gladion places a kiss on my forehead before saying,

"Thanks, little sis. Now, let's go and help our friends." I smile at Gladion and nod. We walk quickly to the elevator, Type: Null right behind us. After arriving there, we take the elevator to our floor and then make our way to our old mansion. Once we enter the mansion and arrive at the secret lab underneath, we see our friends and Ash. Opposite of them is our mother, who seemingly has been defeated by Ash. 

"This can't be happening. How could this mere child beat me?" Our mother asks, looking distressed. 

"Pikachu and I beat the bad guys all the time," Ash says, "So the fact that we beat you was no different." Shu steps forward and speaks,

"Give it up, Lusamine." She looks over at Shu and replies, 

"Oh, so you're back on their side now?" Valt grabs Shu's hand as Shu nods. 

"Shu's always been on our side. He just. . .lost his way for a little while," Valt tells Lusamine. She laughs slightly before saying,

"I'm sorry. What's done is done. There's probably no stopping it now." I turn to Gladion, looking confused.

"Mother, what are you talking about?" I ask her. She smiles sadly and answers,

"A new experiment. . .like Type: Null, only much bigger and better. It was that man's idea. Theodore Glass. They're going to take the souls and DNA out of strong Pokemon and morph them all together. All of those Pokemon, they'll be. . ." 

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