Chapter 30

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I'm watching Pokemon Indigo League as I'm writing this. With that, let's begin.

Shu's POV

I wake up to someone knocking on our front door loudly. After grabbing my normal clothes and changing into them, I walk to the front door and open it.

"Lillie? What's wrong?" I ask her. There are tears running down her cheeks.

"I need your help. It's Valt. H-He's been kidnapped," she answers while sobbing.

"What?!?" I demand angrily, "Who did this?!?" Lillie grabs my arm and pulls me outside. Her brother, Gladion, is standing in the front yard with his arms crossed. Lillie hands me a note that is addressed to her. I take it from her and begin to read it.

Miss Lillie,

You always have admired friendship over everything else. So here's a situation for you. I have your friend, Valt. He's a rather short, blue-haired boy who's very energetic. Ring any bells? Anyway, if you want to get your friend back, you'll have to come to Aether Paradise and take his place. If not, he'll remain our prisoner. I do hope that you'll show up in the next twenty-four hours or I'll assume that you're not taking this deal and just keep your little friend locked up here. I'll see you soon if this goes according to plan.

Sincerely, Faba.

I look at Lillie after I've finished reading the note.

"Who is this guy?" I ask her, still angry.

"He's an employee at Aether Paradise. He also used to look after us when we were younger," Gladion answers. I turn to him.

"We have to go and save Valt," I tell him. He nods and then looks down at the ground.

"The only problem is that Faba obviously wants something in return, other than Lillie. And that something is my Pokemon, Type: Null. I won't give him up to Faba. My Pokemon and I have a great bond with one another and I don't know what I'd do if he ended up back in that lab," Gladion says to me.

"Well, we're not just going to leave Valt there. If I have to, I'll go by myself and save him. I refuse to leave my best friend there," I tell him angrily. Gladion sighs.

"I never said anything about leaving your friend behind, did I?" He asks me. I cross my arms and glare at him. He reminds me of someone. The infamous Lui Shirasagi. (btw I hate Lui and I don't think that he's anything like my precious Gladion, but just go with it, okay?) Lillie places a hand on Gladion's shoulder.

"This is no time to fight, you two. We need to gather the others and come up with a plan," she tells both of us. I nod and enter the house to wake up the others. Once that's done, I tell them all to quickly get ready and meet us outside. Once I return to the front yard, Hau, Acerola, Lana, Kiawe, and Mallow are there.

"Where are the others?" Mallow asks me.

"They're inside getting ready. It'll only take a few minutes probably," I reply to her. The other Bladers slowly trickle out from the house, starting with Daigo and ending with Wakiya. Lillie clears her throat and everyone quiets down and looks at her.

"We need to rescue Valt. With all twelve of us, we should be able to get him back without giving up Type: Null. Everyone in?" She asks.

"Wait, rescue Valt? From who?" Rantaro questions. Lillie explains the situation as we make our way to the harbor and a boat.

"This boat belongs to Team Skull, but we can borrow it. I've used it plenty of times before," Gladion explains. We all get onto the boat and take off from Melemele Island, heading for Aether Paradise.

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