Chapter 54

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in quite a while. I haven't had time with all of my schoolwork. Last weekend, I had a history essay to write, so I didn't have a chance to write this story. I'm still going to be writing from Wakiya's POV this chapter, but this will be the last one from him for a while. Let's get started.


"C'mon. Are we gonna battle or are you forfeiting?" She asks sassily. Red Eye turns to her and pulls out a Pokeball of his own.

"Sure, but you won't be winning this one, little girl," he says before preparing to battle.

"Oh, bring it on," Acerola replies competitively. 

Wakiya's POV

I look at Acerola and smile. She's so adorable when she's hyped up for a battle. She calls Palossand out of its Pokeball. Red Eye calls out Absol. I glance at Acerola to see if she's worried; she's clearly at a type disadvantage here. I'm surprised to see that she is just as determined as she was before. Smiling to myself, I return my attention to Red Eye. I observe his white hair, the same color as Shu's. And while Red Eye has more intense eyes than Shu ever did, that same color is glowing from under the mask. 'How did Shu turn out like this?' I ask myself. Shu's always been there for us, even when I was a jerk to him all those times. He's always been a good friend to all of us, especially Valt. Judging by how cold Shu is acting, I don't think that Valt being here would have made a difference anyway. 

I get interrupted by my thoughts when a huge boom can be heard. Looking up, I see Palossand on the ground, struggling to get up. Acerola has a worried look on her face, but she shows a smile for Palossand. 

"C'mon, let's win this thing. I believe in you," she says to the sandcastle Pokemon. Palossand cries out happily and gets back up to continue the battle. 

"Ssand!" It says.  

"That's more like it!" Acerola exclaims happily. She places an arm out in front of her and commands another move. Before Palossand can make the move, it gets hit by a dark-type move. Palossand falls back and this time does not move. Acerola frowns and calls Palossand back. 

"I'm not done yet Frosslass, come on out!" Acerola sends out her Frosslass. Red Eye chuckles and says,

"You don't stand a chance against me. Absol and I will crush you." Absol crouches down to the ground, as if ready to continue battling. "Let's finish this! Now!" Red Eye yells. Absol uses another Dark-type move and pushes Frosslass back. 

"No!" Acerola exclaims. Frosslass is hit directly and the move is super effective. It feints immediately. Red Eye chuckles and watches Acerola closely as she calls out her last Pokemon. Her Sableye looks back at her, waiting for directions. With the small amount of damage that is already inflicted on Red Eye's Absol, it doesn't take long until he has to switch out Pokemon as well. He calls out his Pyroar that he beat Ken and me with the day that he challenged us. 

As the battle continues, each Pokemon is inflicting small amounts of damage to the other. Then, Red Eye holds his Z-Ring. 

"Oh no," I say. Acerola didn't have a chance to use her special move yet. Pyroar absorbs power from the crystal. 

"Inferno Overdrive!" Red Eye commands. Pyroar follows through with the move. Once the smoke from the attack has cleared, Sableye is lying on the ground with stars in its eyes. Acerola pouts and calls Sableye back into its Pokeball. 

"Good battle," she mutters, crossing her arms. 

"Weak. Just like the rest of the trainers that I've battled," Red Eye replies coldly. I glare at Red Eye and say,

"You don't call her weak. Got it? I don't care what you say or think about me, but leave her out of it. We clear?" Red Eye scoffs and walks to the center of the room onto the glowing platform. The platform goes down, taking Red Eye back to the main room so that he can move on to battle the other three trainers. I turn to Acerola, but she has her back to me and I can hear her sobbing quietly. 

"Acerola. . ." I start. She wipes off her face and turns around. 

"I'm alright. No need to w-worry," she says, faking a smile. I take a step towards her and place my arms around her. She nuzzles her face up against my chest and we stay in that position for a little bit until she calms down some. 

"Sorry, it's just that I haven't had someone tell me that I was weak since back in preschool when I first got a Pokemon. I guess I wasn't prepared for it is all. Especially coming from Shu," she tells me quietly. I kiss her on the forehead and reply,

"You're not weak. You're one of the strongest people that I know. You stand up for what you believe in and you work with your Pokemon team so well. Don't ever think that's showing weakness in any way. You hear me?" Acerola gives me a small smile and kisses me on the lips. 

"Thank you, Wakiya," she whispers. I smile and nod at her. 

"I hate to interrupt, but shouldn't we get to the rooftop with Gladion and Honcho for when Red Eye gets up there?" Daigo asks. Acerola nods and we get onto a secret elevator that is hidden in her trial room. She presses the top button and we ascend. Gladion and Honcho are standing by a throne that is sitting behind a battlefield. 

"A throne?" I ask sarcastically, "Isn't that a bit much?" 

"You're one to talk. You have an entire training room in your house," Honcho says. Acerola giggles and my face heats up. Before I can reply, a sound is heard behind us. We turn towards the entrance and see Red Eye standing there. Gladion frowns and tells us all to stand by the throne. Red Eye pulls out a Pokeball without saying a word. Gladion does the same. Red Eye's Pokemon is Pyroar, but Gladion sent out Umbreon. 

"Let's start this long-awaited battle," Gladion says seriously. The two of them begin to battle.

*     *     *     *     *

Red Eye calls back Absol, his third Pokemon. Gladion smirks, Type: Null in front of him. 

"Is that all?" Gladion mocks. Red Eye pulls out a purple Pokeball, I think it's called a Masterball, but then hesitates and places it back into his pocket. 

"That's all," Red Eye states coldly. 

"You have another Pokemon. C'mon, Shu, let's see what you caught with that Masterball," Gladion argues. 

"I said that I was done. I refuse to use that Pokemon...yet," Red Eye says. He walks back to the platform that he came up here on and presses the down button. "I'll be back to beat you soon." The platform then goes down, leaving us all standing on the battlefield. 

"I think that we can establish that was definitely Shu," I say, "they have the same Pokemon, same eyes, same hair, same everything except for personalities." Acerola grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly. I glance at her sadly. 

"Well, I guess we should get home," Daigo tells everyone. I nod and begin walking towards the platform. 

"Who's gonna tell Valt that we didn't bring Shu back?" Honcho asks, barely audible. 

"You're his best friend after Shu himself, right? You do it," I say, pointing to him. 

"You've got a point. But I don't want to break his heart," he replies sadly. 

"Someone has to. You're probably the one that should break the news to him. It'll be hard, but it needs to be done," Daigo states. Honcho nods solemnly and we all get onto the platform before pressing the button and descending. Once we reach the bottom, we begin the walk home with sad faces. 

A/N- There was another chapter. I hope that you guys enjoyed it. What'll happen next? Will Red Eye come back as Shu or be forever stuck in his alter-ego? How will Valt take this news? You'll just have to keep reading to find out. Please vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter and let me know if you have anything that you'd like to see in future chapters. I love to hear from you guys. Thanks so much for reading!


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