Chapter 56

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I'm so sorry for not updating for so long. Time just seems to get away from me. During the week I always have so much homework and tests to study for and then weekends are usually full for me. I really do want to apologize for the huge gap between now and my last update. Anyways, let's continue where we left off.

Recap: "Looking for someone?" A voice beside us asks. I follow the voice and see Faba. Next to him, Red Eye is holding onto Valt by the hood on his sweatshirt. I look behind us and see at least a dozen Aether Foundation employees. I take a deep breath and turn back to Faba.

"You kids will be accompanying us back to Aether Paradise. Sound good?" Faba says with a grin on his face. The employees surrounding us each grab onto one of us and push us onto a boat with the Aether Foundation logo on it. Red Eye pushes Valt into the arms of one of the employees as well.

"Don't worry, this will be lots of fun," Faba says before laughing. I feel the boat begin to move and I begin to prep myself for what will happen next. 

Valt's POV

I struggle against the arms of the Aether Foundation employee who is holding onto me, but his grip on my arms is solid. Then, I look to the left of me, where Red Eye is standing. 

"Shu," I whisper, "Shu." Red eyes meet mine quickly. 

"Be quiet," he says coldly. Tears fill my eyes at the sound of his voice. It's Shu's voice but that's not Shu anymore inside. 

"Please, Shu. You have to snap out of it. It's me, Valt," I plead, struggling once more. 

"I don't care who you are. You mean nothing to me. The only thing that matters is getting stronger," he snaps. My heart breaks. I mean nothing to him? I open my mouth to respond but there's nothing for me to say to that. Instead, I just stare blankly at the floor. 

"Alright, time to hand over your Pokemon," a voice to my right says. I look over and see Faba holding a bag. He grabs the Pokeballs from Ken's belt and tosses them into the bag. He then does the same with Rantaro, Daigo, me, Acerola, and Wakiya. As he approaches Gladion, Gladion sneers. 

"Don't even think about it," Gladion says with a growl. Faba smiles and chuckles before replying,

"That Type: Null of yours needs to be returned to the lab. We weren't quite done with its experiments yet. I'll be taking him now." Gladion struggles against the arms of his captor. 

"Over my dead body, Faba. You're not taking Type: Null from me," he replies angrily. One of the Pokeballs on Gladion's belt begins to glow. Seconds later, Type: Null appears next to Gladion. He smirks. 

"Fascinating. Type: Null can exit from his Pokeball at will," Faba enthuses, "He really is a special Pokemon. All the more reason for us to keep him." Type: Null charges at Faba, but Faba pulls out a spray bottle from his lab coat. As soon as Type: Null closes in, Faba sprays the liquid and Type: Null falls to the ground. 

"No!" Gladion yells, sadness in his voice.

"What did you do to him?" Acerola demands. Faba smirks and rubs his chin,

"Hmm. . . think of it as a reverse awakening. A sleeping potion, if you may. When he awakes, he'll be safe and sound in the walls of our laboratory." Gladion begins to struggle again and it seems to be working this time. Faba frowns before spraying Gladion with the sleeping potion as well. Gladion goes limp in the employee's arms. 

After a while of silence, the boat rumbles and then becomes very still. Faba leads the men holding us off of the boat and into Aether Paradise. We take an elevator down to the floor where the labs are at. A group of people is standing right outside of the elevator. One of the people, a woman with long blonde hair, looks at Gladion. 

"What happened to him?" She demands, looking to Faba for an answer. Faba explains the sleeping potion and her uptight expression turns into a calm one. She turns to a man next to her who has hair alternating from brown to blond and then to white. His eyes are a shade of blue. 

"How interesting to run into these talented young bladers. I've read about you five before," he says, meeting eyes with me, "Valt Aoi, Daigo Kurogami, Rantaro Kiyama, Wakiya Murasaki, and Ken Midori." 

"Who are you?" Wakiya asks angrily. 

"My name is Theodore Glass. For now, all you need to know is that I am the one who molded Red Eye into the person that he now is. You'll find out more about me later," he says. 

"You're the one who did this to Shu?" I question, anger in my voice.

"Hmm. . . yes," he answers, smiling at Red Eye. Before I can say anything else, the employees begin moving us again. They throw half of us inside of one lab and the other half in another before locking both of the doors from the outside. I am in a room with Acerola and Daigo. The other room consists of Ken, Honcho, and Wakiya. Gladion was taken into some other lab, along with Type: Null. 

"Are you two okay?" Daigo asks us. Acerola is holding her head; she must've hit it on the ground when they threw her inside. 

"I'm feeling a little bit dizzy," she says, continuing to hold her head. She blinks and says, "Where are we anyway?" Daigo scoots over to her and asks,

"Are you feeling nauseous also?" Before Acerola can answer, she grabs a nearby trash can and vomits into it. "Guess so," Daigo says after she is done. 

"What's wrong with her, Daigo?" I ask him. He frowns and places a hand around Acerola before responding,

"I think that she might have a concussion. I'll call for a nurse or something." 

"Where's Wakiya?" Acerola asks miserably. She then proceeds to throw up once more. 

"Hey, we need a nurse!" Daigo yells, "We think that she has a concussion!" Shuffling can be heard and then the voice of someone yelling,

"What? A concussion?! Acerola?" It has to be Wakiya. I scoot over as the door opens and a nurse walks inside. She hands Acerola a cup of water and various pills for her pain. After Acerola has taken the pills, the nurse wraps her head with bandages and sets a pillow down on the ground quickly. Acerola happily rests her head on the pillow and closes her eyes. 

"Thank you," Daigo says to the nurse before she leaves. The nurse nods once and then exits the room. Deep breathing can be heard from Acerola. 

After sitting in silence for quite some time, footsteps can be heard approaching the door of the lab. I look out of the glass and see Red Eye/Shu standing there. 

"Shu, please listen to me. You have to snap out of it. It's me Valt, your boyfriend. I'm here for you okay? I love you so much," I plead, trying to appeal to his emotions. For a second, something flashes in his eyes that almost looks like sadness. Just as quick as it appeared, it was gone and was replaced by the cold, dead eyes under that mask. "Shu? Shu, please come back to me," I say before breaking down and crying. 

"Shut up," Red Eye/Shu says harshly, "It's not Shu anymore, it's Red Eye. And you're being annoying. If I really wanted your love, I would've come back to you by now." With that, Shu left from the other side of the door, leaving me devastated as well.

"Valt? Are you okay?" Daigo asks me from the other side of the lab. I pull my knees up against my chest.

"I don't know anymore," I tell him honestly.


Gladion is thrown into a lab, handcuffed to a desk leg. Across from him, Type: Null is placed into a clear holding cell, which is then locked. Gladion struggles against the restraints, but to no avail. He reaches out to Type: Null with his free hand and is hurt when Type: Null cries out desperately to him. 

"I'm so sorry," Gladion tells him sadly.

A/N- Okay there's the end of this chapter. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to try and write again soon since y'all had to wait so long for this one. If you liked this chapter, please vote and/or comment. I love to get comments from the readers. Also, if you have future ideas for the story, comment them or message me them and I'll consider them. Thanks for reading!


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