Chapter 51

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Wow, it's been a while since I've updated. Once school starts up again, I'll go back to updating on Saturdays and I'll try to do it every week, but no promises. Here's a new chapter for you guys. I hope that you enjoy.

Wakiya's POV

After I launch, Wyvron heads to the center of the stadium and spins in place. I watch it and wait for it to stop spinning before picking it up again. 'This would be a lot better practice if I had someone to battle' I think to myself. Sighing, I head inside and look for one of the others to battle against. Ideally, I'd pick Shu but that's obviously not gonna happen since he's gone. I immediately skip Valt's room, both because I don't want to talk to him and because he's been down in the dumps after Shu disappearing. I guess that we've all been a little upset. It was really sudden for him to leave and he didn't say goodbye to any of us. What a jerk. 

After asking Daigo, who was my obvious first choice because Honcho is unreasonable, and being told that he was leaving to train his Pokemon, I walk to the one door in our house that I never go inside of. I take a deep breath and knock on the door quickly. Seconds later, the door is opened. 

"Hey, Ken," I say awkwardly. He raises his eyebrows at me and speaks to me through Keru,

"What are you doing here?" 

"Listen. I was training with Wyvron and decided that it'd be more beneficial to battle against someone else," I tell Ken. 

"And you came to Ken?" Besu asks me skeptically. 

"You obviously weren't my first choice, but you just so happened to be the second best person. Daigo was busy and I didn't want to ask Valt or Honcho, so what do you say? Wanna have a battle?" I finish. Ken closes the door for a moment and I can hear him moving around. After another minute or so, he opens the door. In his hand is King Kerbeus. I smirk and begin walking to the backyard with Ken. I notice that Ken is silent the whole way there. After we both set up on our sides of the stadium, we prepare to launch. 

"3...2...1...Let it rip!" We both exclaim. Both of our beyblades head to the center of the stadium. Once Wyvron makes it there first, I already know the outcome of the battle. I smirk as Kerbeus comes in for a hit. Wyvron is knocked back and I smile. 

"Shield crash!" I yell, holding an arm out in front of me. Kerbeus gets hit and bursts. 

"Kerbeus!" Ken shouts. I grab Wyvron and look over to Ken. Instead of bragging, which I really wanted to do, I decide to clear the air. 

"Ken, I know that things have been awkward between us lately. Well, ever since Acerola chose me," I start. Ken looks down at the ground sadly, "I want us to go back to being friends, like we were before. I mean, we used to hang out and play video games, but now we don't even talk to one another. Don't you miss when we were like that? I know that it can't be easy for you to be around me, but can we please go back to how things were before? Acerola is worried about you too. I'm always telling her to go and check on you herself, but she doesn't want to hurt you more than she already has," I finish talking and look at Ken. 

"I'll agree to going back to being friends. But don't forget that we're also rivals," he says to me with his own voice. 

"Whatever, don't think so highly of yourself. As if you could ever beat me," I say with a smirk on my face. Ken laughs softly and then puts Kerbeus into its launcher. 

"Tell Acerola not to be a stranger either," he says quietly. I smile and reply, 

"Will do." Ken holds out Kerbeus to me,

"How about a rematch, Wakiya?" I smirk and place Wyvron into its launcher. 

After a few more battles, Ken and I decide to go out to get some Malasadas. I order a spicy Malasada and Ken gets a sweet one. Once we order our Malasadas, we sit down at a table in the corner of the shop. 

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