Chapter 14

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Valt's POV

I grab Valtryek from my nightstand and sprint out the back door. Once I reach the Beyblade stadium, I pull out my launcher and begin practicing. After about an hour and a half, Honcho opens the door to the house and comes out into the backyard. 

"Oh, hey Valt," He says, walking to the other side of the stadium, "Mind if Roktavor and I join you in your training?" I beam.

"Not at all! I'd never turn down a Beyblade battle!" I exclaim. Honcho smirks and pulls out his launcher and Roktavor. We both get into our positions. 

"3. . . 2. . . 1. . . Let it rip!" We say in unison. Roktavor takes the center of the stadium while Valtryek circles around the outside. 

"Valtryek! Rush Launch!" I yell. Valtryek suddenly attacks, but there is no effect on Roktavor. Then Roktavor attacks and Valtryek bursts. 

"Yes! We did it!" Honcho exclaims. I smile and pick up Valtryek. 

"Wow, great job Honcho," I tell him. He smirks and pulls out his fan. The door opens and Ken walks out. 

"Hey Mittens," Honcho says to him. 

"Guys, it's almost time to leave for school. You'll be late if you don't hurry," Ken says without his puppets. Honcho and I race past Ken and into the house. After running into my room, I get changed and wake up Popplio. He opens his eyes and jumps down from my bed. 

"Come on Popplio, it's time for school," I tell him. He follows me out of my room and into the living room, where everyone is waiting for me. 

"Thanks to you, we're going to be late," Wakiya says to me. I frown but follow the others out the front door. On our way to school, we encounter Mallow, Lana, and Kiawe who are also on their way. 

"Alola!" Mallow exclaims, waving to us. Beside me, Honcho blushes. Lana walks over to us and begins walking next to Daigo. He smiles while talking to her. 

"I've never seen Daigo smile like that," I say to Honcho, who's staring at Mallow. "What's with you staring at Mallow?" I ask. His face turns red. 

"I'm not staring at her!" He replies. 

"Your face is red. Are you sick?" I ask. Honcho's face turns to a deeper shade of red. 

"Shut it, Valt," He says angrily. I shrug and continue walking to school along with the others. We arrive at the school and then arrive in the classroom. 

*     *     *     *     *

After class ends for the day, we all head to Lillie's mansion to hang out. I notice Shu wearing a weird looking bracelet on his wrist. 

"What's up with that bracelet, Shu?" I ask him. Kiawe looks our way and gasps.

"Is that a Z-Ring? I didn't know that you were taking part in the island challenge," Kiawe says to Shu. 

"Yeah, I got it about two weeks ago, but I don't normally wear it. I've passed the trial on this island and I've beaten Kahuna Hala in the grand trial," He tells us. Hau speaks up,

"You beat Gramps? He's a tough opponent. It took me a long time before I could finally win against him," he says. Shu nods. 

"It was definitely a challenge, but Machop and I have been training a lot," Shu tells Hau. 

"I guess we'll be seeing you on the Akala Island trials soon," Mallow says to Shu. He nods and smirks.

"I'll be beating you three as well," He tells Lana, Mallow, and Kiawe. They all smile at him. 

"Go on and try to. We'll be waiting," Kiawe replies. 

"It's a deal then," Shu says while chuckling. We stop at Lillie's front door and she turns to us.

"Let's go downstairs and we can hang out in our lounge. It was built for me and. . . my brother." Lillie holds back tears but quickly blinks them away. 

"Oh yeah, whatever happened to Gladion anyway?" I ask. Lillie looks down at the ground sadly. 

"He's still exploring the islands and challenging strong opponents," Hau says quickly. I open my mouth to respond, but Hau interrupts me, "Let's just go inside already," he says. We all follow Lillie and Hau inside and into her basement. There, we find lots of bean bag chairs and couches in front of a flat-screen TV. There is also a popcorn machine in the corner of the room. Hau runs over to the machine and immediately starts making popcorn. The rest of us take seats on the bean bag chairs and couches. Shu, Ken, Rantaro, Mallow, Kiawe, and I all sit on the bean bag chairs while Wakiya, Acerola, Lillie, Hau, Lana, and Daigo sit on the couches next to their boyfriend/girlfriend. Hau runs over to the couch where Lillie is with a bowl of popcorn in his hands. 

"So what should we watch?" Lillie asks, "I've got a Pokemon documentary that's really interesting." We all agree to watch the documentary because the Bey Club and I don't know much about Pokemon. Lillie puts the video into the movie player and turns off the lights. I yelp and grab onto Honcho, who's sitting in a bean bag chair next to me. 

"What's the matter, Valt?" He asks me. 

"See, I'm a little scared of the dark," I tell him. Everyone laughs and Lillie turns on a light in the bathroom so that it is a little bit lighter in the room. I sigh in relief and thank her. She smiles and starts the documentary. 

*     *     *     *     *

A few hours later, the movie is over and we're all ready to head home. The Bey Club and I say goodbye to the others and then head to our house. When we arrive, I unlock the front door and head straight to the kitchen, where I eat the last of the bread my mom packed for me. It gives me memories of back home. I then make my way to my room. I brush my teeth and change into some pajamas before taking off my headband and calling out Popplio. I place him onto my bed and then lie down next to him. He snuggles up to me and I fall asleep holding him. 

A/N- Sorry that this chapter was kind of short, but I didn't have a lot to write about. I promise that the next one will be longer. Please vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter and as always, let me know if you have any ideas for future chapters. Thanks for reading!


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