Chapter 25

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Just finished binge watching Stranger Things 2, so now it's time to update this story.

Ken's POV

The other bladers and I are walking with Kiawe, Mallow, Lana, and Acerola to try to capture some new Pokemon. We look around for about an hour. Sadly, we encounter no wild Pokemon where we're at, so we decide to retreat back to Mallow's restaurant for some lunch. 

Mallow prepares us a salad and a pot of soup. I thank Mallow for the meal before eating it quickly. Once all of the others are done eating, we head towards our house to hang out together. Wakiya suddenly trips and falls onto a rock. Acerola runs over to him and asks if he's alright. He holds his side, which was what made contact with the rock that he fell onto, but nods. Acerola frowns when blood seeps through Wakiya's shirt. She helps him walk the rest of the way to the house. 

Once we arrive, she rushes Wakiya into his room and then grabs bandages and antiseptic before heading back to his room. I wait outside of the door while the others head to the backyard to Beyblade battle. I hate to admit it, but I'm a little jealous of Wakiya and Acerola being in there all alone. I decide to open the door. When I do, I see Wakiya without his shirt on. His side is bandaged and there is a washcloth with some blood on it. And also, Wakiya is kissing Acerola deeply. They're both sitting on Wakiya's bed and they don't seem to notice me before I silently exit the room. I make my way to my room and lie down on my bed. 'Why would she kiss him?' I think to myself. Wakiya was a jerk to her during her relationship, yet she still ran back to him. I really didn't expect that because I thought that we had a good relationship. But I guess I did something wrong since she ended up kissing Wakiya when I thought that we were fine. About a minute later, I hear a faint knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in," I have Besu say. The door opens and Acerola walks in quietly. 

"Hey, Ken," She says to me. 

"Hey," I reply quietly. I sit up as she takes a place on my bed next to me. 

"I saw you in the doorway of his room, you know?" Acerola says. I look at her, but don't say anything. "I'm sorry. I know that was probably hard for you to see. I feel bad because I feel like I'm cheating on you with him, but at the same time, I'm cheating on him with you. I'm sorry," She continues. We sit in silence for a few minutes before she talks again. "Ken, I'm really sorry that I ruined our relationship," She finishes. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her gently on the lips. She kisses back slightly, then we pull away. I look up to see Wakiya glaring at me from the doorway. 

"What are you doing here?" I have Keru ask. 

"What's wrong? Didn't want me to see that?" Wakiya retorts. 

"Please don't start arguing, you two," Acerola pleads. Wakiya and I glare at each other. 

"So I'm just supposed to be okay with you kissing me one minute and then kissing this stupid ventriloquist the next?" Wakiya asks. I stand up and take a step towards him. 

"Don't get mad at her," I tell him. 

"And why not? I thought that she had feelings for me, but since she was kissing you, it's obvious that I was wrong," He says to me angrily. Acerola stands up and makes her way to the door, stopping near Wakiya. 

"Wakiya, I do have feelings for you, but I have feelings for Ken as well," She tells him. He scoffs. 

"So, I'm just supposed to accept that sometimes you kiss me, but the next day, you're doing the same thing with him? No way, Acerola. I'll be upset if you choose Ken over me, but I'll be more upset if I have to pretend that we have a relationship when you have the same relationship with Ken," He replies. I open my mouth to argue with him but decide against it. 

"You're right, Wakiya. I'm sorry," She turns to me, "Ken, I'm sorry too. Until I decide between the two of you, I'm going to stop coming over. Also, I'll probably avoid you at school. I'm sorry about this, but I need some time to choose between the two of you. Goodbye," Acerola is crying as she exits my room. I hear the front door close and I look over to Wakiya. 

"Ken, it had to be done. I couldn't keep living like that. Were you actually okay with that?" He asks me. 

"Honestly, no. I think I just went along with it because I was scared to mess things up with her again. I mean, while we were dating, she kissed you, so I must have done something wrong," I  tell him. 

"I don't think that you did anything wrong, I think I'm just too handsome to resist," Wakiya jokes. I laugh at his remark. 

"You're not such a bad guy, after all, you know?" I say. He chuckles. 

"I'm glad that you don't hate me. But seriously, don't think so low of yourself because of your relationship ending," He replies. 

"Thanks for the advice," I say sincerely. Then, Wakiya and I walk out of my room and out into the backyard. He tells a joke and I begin laughing before we reach the others. 

"You two are actually getting along now! That's great!" Valt exclaims. 

"Shut up. It's not that surprising," Wakiya says. I laugh at him and smile at Valt. 

"Where's Acerola?" Rantaro asks. 

"She's going to keep some distance between us until she chooses between the two of us," I explain to the others. Rantaro nods. 

"Anyway, are we too late to join in the battling?" Wakiya asks. 

"Of course not. Come on up," Shu tells him. Wakiya smiles slightly. Daigo leaves Lana and comes over to us. 

"Come on, Wakiya. I'll take you on," Daigo says. Wakiya smirks and follows Daigo to the stadium. Then, we battle until the sun goes down. After we're finished, Lana, Kiawe, and Mallow leave and the rest of us head back into the house. I go to my room and get ready for bed. Then, I lie down under my covers and think about what happened with Acerola. 'So she's going to make her choice soon, huh?' I think to myself. I then shake the thought out of my head as I close my eyes and go to sleep. 

Boom! Finally done with this chapter. I hated making Ken feel bad because he's such a cute character. I did like writing Wakiya the way that he was towards the end though. Thanks for reading this chapter. If you liked it, vote and/or comment because I love hearing from you guys. And, as always, be sure to comment if you have any future ideas. Thank you so much for reading!


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