Chapter 12

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Hey. Sorry that it's been a while since I updated, but here's a new chapter. 

Lillie's POV

I walk to the room that Hau slept in and knock on the door. When he doesn't respond, I creep into the room and make my way over to the bed. Hau is sprawled across the bed and quietly snoring. Giggling, I tap him on the shoulder to try to wake him. When that doesn't work, I shake his shoulder gently and then a bit harder. His eyes open groggily and he yawns while stretching. 

"Good morning, Hau," I say to him. He groans and lies back down. I laugh before speaking again,

"I know just what you need to wake you up. I'll bring you some Malasadas. Just wait here, I'll be right back." His eyes light up at the word Malasadas and he quickly sits up. I giggle once more and leave the room. On my way to the kitchen, I wake up Gladion, who was sleeping on the floor next to Type:Null. 

When I arrive at the kitchen, I grab a tray of Malasadas for Hau and then make my way back to his temporary room. I open the door and am shocked to see him without a shirt on. 

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I didn't k-know that y-you were c-changing," I stutter while blushing.

"It's fine. I don't really. . ." His eyes rest on the Malasadas and he jumps forward and takes the tray from me. He devours the desserts and then smiles. 

"Those were AMAZING!" He exclaims. I smile at him and walk to the doorway. 

"Do you want to go to the beach today?" I ask him. He nods eagerly. 

"Yes! I love the beach! Just be sure to bring some more of those Malasadas!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes. 

"That's all you care about," I complain. 

"That's not true. I care more you more than I care about Malasadas," He replies. I blush. 

"Awww thanks Hau," I tell him. He smiles and walks over to the bed, grabbing his shirt and putting it on. 

"I'm going to run home and change into my swim trunks to get ready for the beach," He tells me. I nod and reply,

"I'll meet you there in an hour, okay?" Hau nods and places a quick peck on my cheek as he runs past me and out of the room. I hear the front door open when he leaves. Then, I walk up to my room and change into my bathing suit. It is a white one-piece swimsuit with a ruffly skirt at the bottom of it. I also grab my sun hat and some sunglasses before walking to Gladion's room. He looks up when I enter his room. 

"Hey Lillie," He says to me. 

"Hi," I reply. It's been awkward talking to him ever since he came back. It's been so long since I've seen him. 

"Going to the beach?" He asks me. I nod and smile.

"Hau and I are going together. Wanna join us?" I reply. He shakes his head. 

"I'll pass. I want to train some more with my team. But I promise to stop by if I have the time," He tells me. I nod and put my hands behind my back. 

"I'm going to the kitchen to pack some food for my picnic. I'll see you around then," I say to him. He nods and quickly hugs me before leaving his room and leaving the house soon after. I slowly walk to the kitchen and make sandwiches for Hau and I, packing an extra one for Hau. I also pack about twenty Malasadas in the basket, just for Hau. After that, I throw in some water bottles and close the lid of the basket. 

After everything is ready for my day at the beach, I walk out of the front door and close it behind me. I head to the beach and am shocked to see Ash and Serena sitting under an umbrella. She laughs at something that he said and then they kiss for at least thirty seconds before breaking apart. Hau yells my name and waves at me once I turn towards him. I smile at him and he runs over to me and plants a kiss on my forehead. 

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