Chapter 28

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Yay! Time for another chapter. I'm kinda upset because I probably won't get Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon until my birthday, which is in December. Anyways, here we go.

Mallow's POV

Rantaro and I are sitting in the grass outside of my father's shop looking at the clouds. Steenee and Rowlet are playing together, not too far from where we are. I lean over to Rantaro and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiles and pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. I breathe in his scent as I place my head on his chest. 

After a while of lying there, we sit up to talk. But before we can, a set of twins run up to us and challenge us to a battle. We gladly accept, grabbing our Pokemon. 

The two of us crush the young twins and then high-five each other. All of a sudden, we hear Rowlet cry out. We turn to it to see what's wrong. A glowing, blue light surrounds him. 

"What's going on?" Rantaro asks me. I squeal with delight.

"Rowlet's evolving!" I exclaim happily. We watch as Rowlet changes form. Finally, the evolution is complete. Rantaro's Rotom-Dex scans the Pokemon and speaks, 

"Dartrix, the blade quill Pokemon and the evolution of Rowlet." Dartrix flies over and lands on Rantaro's shoulder. 

"That's awesome! You evolved!" Rantaro exclaims to Dartrix. 

"Trix!" Dartrix replies happily. I try to pat Dartrix on the head, but it moves out of the way. 

"Oh yeah, you probably shouldn't try to touch Dartrix on the head. Dartrix doesn't like getting his hair messed up. Or getting his feathers dirty," Rantaro tells me. I nod, knowing this already. But I used to pat Rowlet on the head all of the time so it was a natural move. Steenee moves towards Dartrix to congratulate it as well. Steenee nuzzles her head into Dartrix's side and Dartrix wraps his wings around her. 

"Awwww," I say to the Pokemon. Rantaro smiles. 

"I always knew they'd end up together one day or another," he tells me. I nod and continue to watch the two Pokemon. Eventually, Dartrix falls asleep and Rantaro places him back into his Pokeball. I do the same with Steenee, knowing that she must be tired also. Rantaro turns to me. 

"Wanna go shopping or something?" He asks. My eyes light up. 

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Let's go to the mall!" I exclaim, dragging Rantaro along behind me as I walk towards the city. 

"M-Mallow," he stammers. I ignore him and make my way to the mall. Once we make it there, I let go of his hand and walk inside. Rantaro trails along behind me as I navigate my way through different stores. I go in a clothing store and Rantaro tells me that he's going to go buy something in another store. I kiss him on the cheek before picking out clothes and trying them on. Within fifteen minutes, Rantaro is back. I walk over to him. 

"What did you buy?" I ask him. He pulls out a box and hands it to me. Inside is a beautiful, heart-shaped locket. 

"It's for you," he says quietly. 

"It's beautiful," I say, amazed, "Thank you so much." He pulls it out of the box and puts on my locket for me. I look down at it and smile.

"It looks amazing on you," Rantaro says to me. I blush slightly before I pull him into a kiss. He kisses back softly. 

"A-Anyway, I'm done shopping, so we can leave whenever you're ready," I tell him. 

"Let's go then. Wanna go over to my house and play a video game with Daigo and Wakiya? Daigo invited me to play and I'm sure they wouldn't mind you tagging along," Rantaro replies. I nod and we begin walking to his house. An Eevee jumps out of the grass in front of us. I quickly grab Steenee's Pokeball and call her out. I use Steenee to lower the Eevee's HP and then throw an empty Pokeball at the small Pokemon. The Pokeball shakes four times and then stops. 

"Alright!" I exclaim while picking up the Pokeball. After placing Steenee into her Pokeball, I let out my new Eevee. The Eevee looks up at me and he cries out happily. I pick him up and hug him. Rantaro takes a picture.

"You two are both so cute," he explains, slightly blushing, "So I had to take the picture."

"Eevee, you're so cute!" I exclaim. 

"If I remember correctly, Eevee is the evolution Pokemon and it can evolve into one of eight different Pokemon," Rantaro says. 

"Yep! Hopefully, this one will evolve into a Leafeon though. I'll have to go to my trial site and battle around that certain rock," I reply. Rantaro smiles and we continue the walk to his house. Ken is outside, playing with his Growlithe. He throws a stick across the yard and Growlithe fetches it quickly. 

"Hey, Mittens!" Rantaro greets. Ken turns around and quickly puts on his puppets once he sees me. 

"Hello!" Besu says.

"What do you two want?" Keru asks. 

"We're gonna play a video game with Daigo and Wakiya," I tell him. 

"Okay. See you later," Besu says. Rantaro and I walk to the door and open it before going inside. Once we get to the living room, Daigo hands each of us a controller and we begin to play the game. I know the controls to the game because it is something that my older brother and I used to play all of the time. I beat Rantaro in the first Pokemon battle in the game and then Wakiya beats Daigo. 

"Yes! I am the best at this game!" Wakiya exclaims. 

"Don't get too cocky," I say, "I'm about to wipe the floor with you." He smirks at me. As I predicted, I beat Wakiya. He drops the controller in shock. 

"W-What? How did you get so good at this game?" He asks me, still clearly shocked. 

"I used to play with my brother all the time," I reply. 

"I've got to tell Kiawe about this," Daigo says while laughing at Wakiya. I look at the clock on my phone. 

"I have to go and help out at the restaurant, sorry. I had a lot of fun today, though," I tell Rantaro. He nods and gives me a hug. I giggle before I kiss him on the lips instead. 

"Gross," Wakiya says. 

"Oh, shut up. You're just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend," Daigo retorts. 

"No, I'm just wondering how he got a girlfriend before I did," Wakiya tells Daigo. I laugh at the two of them before exiting the house and making my way to my father's restaurant. 

A/N- Sorry that this chapter was kinda short. I really just wanted to evolve Rowlet in this chapter among other things, of course. Please vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter and, as always, let me know in the comments if you have any ideas for future chapters or if you really want to see something happen in this book. Thanks for reading! 


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