Chapter 32

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Here we go. I decided that it might be time for Acerola to make her choice between Ken and Wakiya. Thanks to everyone who told me their opinions on the matter, but I think that I've decided what to do. 

Acerola's POV

I put on my normal dress and then walk to my kitchen before eating some breakfast. Then, I quickly pull on my shoes. I stand up and take a deep breath. 'Today's the day that I tell Wakiya and Ken my decision' I think to myself. I begin walking to school after leaving the house. 

"Hey, Acerola," I hear a voice say. I turn around and see Ken standing behind me. 

"Oh, hi Ken," I reply, smiling at him. He smiles back at me and Mimikyu cries out happily to me. I kneel down and pet Mimikyu. 

"Wanna walk to school together?" Ken asks me. I nod and stand up.

"Sure. Let's go," I answer, "It's been so long since we've talked." Ken nods. 

"Yeah, we've missed talking to you," Besu says.

"Not too much though," Keru adds, arms crossed( well paws I guess). I laugh. Then, Ken and I begin walking to school together. There's some awkward silence for a few minutes. 

"I've missed hanging out with both you and Wakiya. I just needed some time and space to make a decision. But I finally have," I tell Ken. 

"What? You mean, you've made a decision between the two of us?" Ken questions. I nod and reply,

"I think I should wait and tell you until after class when Wakiya can be there too." 

"That makes sense. I guess we'll talk after class then," Ken says. We arrive in the classroom and Ken and I go our separate ways to our desks. Wakiya walks into the classroom and I take a deep breath before walking over to him. 

"Um, Wakiya?" I ask. He turns around.

"Yeah, Acerola?" He questions. A smirk rests on his face. 

"Will you meet me after class? I need to talk to you and Ken," I reply. His smile fades. 

"Sure. Guess you've made up your mind, huh?" Wakiya then walks to his desk and sits down. I follow suit, taking my place in my seat. The bell rings and Professor Kukui walks into the classroom. I sigh and begin doodling on my paper as the professor begins teaching. 

(Time Skip. I'm watching Lonely Doomscizor right now. One of the saddest episodes of Beyblade Burst)

I stand up when the bell rings. I'm so nervous to talk to Ken and Wakiya. What if the one that I don't pick gets angry at me. I don't want to upset him. 'No. I've put it off long enough. I have to decide' I tell myself. Ken and Wakiya walk over to my desk and I look at them nervously. 

"Um, can we go to the beachfront or something? I kinda want us to be alone," I tell them. They both nod and follow me as we walk to the beachfront. Ken and Wakiya joke around with each other as we walk and I try to come up with the best way to tell the two my decision. Once we arrive, I take a deep breath and turn to Ken and Wakiya. 

"Whenever you're ready," Wakiya says.

"Yeah, take your time," Ken tells me. I smile and take one more deep breath.

"Okay, I'm not exactly sure how to say this. I really do care about both of you, but one of you just makes me feel really special and I find myself always wanting to be around him. And I don't want you to be upset if I don't choose you," I tell them. 

"If it's not me, then I'll be happy for you and Wakiya," Ken says. 

"Same here. Ken's a cool guy," Wakiya tells me. I smile at them. 

"Okay, then here goes," I say, "here's my decision. It was hard, but I've decided on. . . Wakiya." I look at the two bladers and they share a look. Then, Wakiya smirks at me. 

"I'll, um, leave you two alone. But I'm glad you made your decision," Ken tells me. I smile at him. 

"Thanks, Ken," I tell him. He nods and walks away slowly. 

"Don't worry too much about him. Ken has a way of getting over things fairly quickly," Wakiya tells me. He takes a step closer to me and rests his arm on my shoulder. 

"W-Wakiya?" I ask, embarrassed. He blushes and places his arm behind his head. 

"Acerola? Can I, um, k-kiss you?" He asks, blushing even deeper. I feel my face heat up. 

"Y-Yeah," I stutter. Wakiya leans in and kisses me softly. Then, he pulls away. 

"I've missed you a lot, Acerola. And I can't even express how happy I am that you picked me over Ken," He tells me. I laugh and kiss him on the cheek. 

"Aww, Wakiya. You're so cute," I say. Wakiya blushes. 

"I'm sorry for everything that I said that made you upset. I just didn't want to lose you to Ken, you know," He tells me. I take his hand in mine and we begin walking back to the road. 

"I forgave you a long time ago, Wakiya. Now come on, I'm starving. Malasadas?" I reply. 

"Okay, but I'm buying," Wakiya tells me. 

"Fine by me," I giggle as we continue walking to the Malasada shop. Lana and Daigo are sitting in a booth by the window. 

"Wakiya?" Daigo asks me, "She really did choose you, huh?" Wakiya smirks and he says, 

"I know. I must be the luckiest guy in the world." I blush and look at Lana, who smiles. Then, Lana elbows Daigo in the side. 

"You should say stuff like that to me every now and then," She tells Daigo. 

"I don't need to. You know how I feel about you," Daigo replies simply. Lana blushes slightly and the two of them stand up. They say goodbye to us before exiting the shop. Wakiya orders a sweet Malasada for me and a spicy Malasada for him. After he pays, we take a seat and wait. 

"You know, this reminds me of our first date," I say. Wakiya nods.

"Yep. That was a good day, but today is better," He tells me. I smile. The waitress brings us our Malasadas and I take a big bite out of mine. 

"Yum!" I exclaim, smiling warmly. 

"Gosh, I love you," Wakiya says quietly. I open my mouth in shock. 

"What did you just say?" I ask him. 

"I love you, Acerola," He replies, smirking. My face heats up. 

"I-I love you too," I stutter. Wakiya laughs at me and I hide my face in my hands. I feel Wakiya's hands on mine and I let go of my face. He leans across the table and kisses me on the lips. Once he pulls away, he goes back to eating his Malasada like nothing just happened. I smile at him and take another bite of my Malasada. 

We finish eating and leave the store.

"So I'm guessing this means we're dating then?" Wakiya asks me. I nod and smile. 

"But you never really asked me," I say. He smirks. 

"Acerola, will you please be my girlfriend?" Wakiya asks. I pretend to think before replying,

"Yeah, I'd like that." Wakiya and I walk to the docks, where I rent a Lapras to take to Ula'ula Island. 

"I'll see you at school tomorrow," I tell him. He smiles at me and kisses me one last time. 

"Yep. See you then," He tells me. I wave at him as my Lapras gives me a ride in the ocean. I keep waving until he fades from my view. I sigh, thinking about my date with Wakiya and how great it feels to be dating him again. I just hope Ken isn't too upset about all of this. 

A/N- Wow I wrote that chapter way faster than I usually write chapters. I hope that you guys liked this chapter. I had to pick Wakiya because I felt like he was a much better match for Acerola than Ken. Even though I love Ken soooo much. If you liked this chapter, please vote and/or comment on this chapter. If you have ideas or requests for upcoming chapters, then feel free to comment them on this chapter. Thank you so much for reading!



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