Chapter 41

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I don't really have anything to say to y'all except thank you for continuing to read this story. Time to write from one of my favorite character's POV. Here goes nothing.

Wakiya's POV

(this takes place about a week after Mallow and Rantaro broke up)

"Hurry up or we're leaving without you!" I yell through the door. Seconds later, the door opens to reveal Rantaro standing there. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," he replies. Rantaro shoves me slightly out of his way and scoffs at me. 

"That was completely uncalled for!" I retort while he walks out the front door. After locking the front door behind me, I run to catch up with the others. 

"What took you so long, Wakiya?" Shu teases me. 

"Shut it, Kurenai," I reply. Shu smirks and then points behind us. I turn around and notice Acerola running up to us. I begin walking towards her as the others continue forward. Acerola stops about a foot away from me and catches her breath. After about a minute, her breathing returns to normal. 

"You left without me," she pouts. 

"Sorry, but we waited for you and you didn't come at the normal time. I assumed that you just weren't coming by today," I reply. She crosses her arms and I smile slightly. I place my arms around her and then kiss her on the lips. 

"Fine, I forgive you," she tells me after we break apart. I smirk and grab her hand as we continue our walk to school. Acerola and I talk for a while about her trial and my Beyblading before we come to the topic that all of us are talking about. 

"Have you talked to Mallow? How is she?" I ask Acerola. She looks down for a little bit. 

"Yeah, I've talked to her. She's acting angry, but I can tell that she's sad too," Acerola answers. I nod and reply,

"Rantaro's been the same way. He's a little angry with Mallow, but you should see him with Shu. Those two are getting along worse than Honcho and I ever did." Acerola squeezes my hand and we walk in silence the rest of the way to the school. Once we arrive at the classroom, I'm not surprised to see Mallow at one end of the classroom and Rantaro at the other. 

Lillie's Vulpix runs over to me and jumps up into my arms. 

"Hey there," I say sweetly. Acerola giggles at me. While holding Vulpix, I make my way to my desk and sit down. Vulpix settles down on my lap and falls asleep. I smile at the white fox Pokemon and then direct my attention to Mallow and Rantaro. They're not even looking at each other, so they really must both be mad. 

The bell goes off suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. The rest of the students make their way to their desks and sit down as Professor Kukui walks in. After he starts teaching, Daigo leans over to me and whispers,

"Rantaro and Mallow still aren't getting along, huh?" I nod and reply back,

"No, I think it's gonna take some time." Professor Kukui clears his throat. 

"Daigo, Wakiya. Do you two have something that you want to share with the class?" He asks us. 

"N-No sir," we reply in unison. He smiles and points to the board where he is writing down the names of some Pokemon moves. I zone out of his lesson in no time and realize how tired I am. Without thinking, I lay my head down on my desk. Before I know it, I've fallen asleep. 

BANG! I jump up suddenly to a loud noise. Professor Kukui is standing next to my desk and there is a textbook on my desk now. He must have slammed in on my desk to wake me up. 

"S-Sorry, Professor," I stutter, "I didn't mean to fall asleep." Professor Kukui walks back up to the front of the class.

"I know my lessons can be boring at times, but I promise that they will be helpful during Pokemon battles. Please pay closer attention, Wakiya," He replies. 

"Yes sir," I answer immediately. Kukui smiles and goes back to teaching. I hear snickers from all around the room. I meet eyes with Acerola, who is holding in a laugh. I stick out my tongue at her playfully and she smiles. Then, I turn back to the lesson, not wanting to upset the professor again.

*     *     *     *     *

The final bell rings and I gingerly pick up Vulpix before getting up out of my chair. I walk over to Lillie's desk and place Vulpix on top of it. 

"Vul!" It happily cries out. I smile at her before heading over to Acerola. Her lips meet mine as I quickly pull her into a kiss. After I let go of her, she smiles at me and begins playing with my hair. I usually hate people even touching my hair, but I don't mind it if Acerola is the one doing it. 

"Got in trouble twice in one day, huh Wakiya?" Shu asks me. I rub the back of my neck and reply,

"Yeah, definitely not one of my finest moments." Acerola and Shu laugh at me and I soon join in. Rantaro walks over to me and glares at Shu. Shu walks away once he sees Rantaro. 

"Wakiya, can I talk to you?" He asks me. I nod and Acerola walks away, sensing that Rantaro wants to talk to me alone. 

"You doing alright?" I question. He nods and then takes a deep breath. 

"I think that I've made a terrible decision," he replies. I stare at him, shocked that he decided to tell this to me. 

"Why are you telling me all of this? I thought that you hated me," I say. Rantaro looks around, making sure that no one else is listening. 

"I know that you're good at keeping secrets. And at winning girls back apparently," he tells me quietly. 

"Look, I'm not really big on helping others out much," I reply. 

"Please, Wakiya," he begs. 

"Okay, I'll see what I can do," I say, giving in. 

"Thanks, I'll see you at home later," he tells me before leaving the classroom. I look around and notice that everyone except for Acerola has left. She walks over to me and grabs my hand. We begin the walk back to my house. 

"What was that all about?" She asks curiously. 

"Rantaro wants me to help him win Mallow back apparently," I reply. She smiles,

"I knew that he couldn't stay mad at her. Now we'll just have to see just how angry Mallow is with him." Acerola squeezes my hand. 

"Yeah," I reply, wondering how to reunite the previous couple.

"Don't worry, I'm positive that we can find a way to get them back together," Acerola says, reading my mind. I smile at her. 

"Hey, Wakiya! Acerola!" We hear a voice yell. As we turn around, Mallow is standing there. 

"Mallow? What's wrong?" Acerola questions. 

"I need your help. I want to get back with Rantaro, but I need a little help from you guys," she replies. Acerola and I look at each other, confused. Acerola giggles and says to Mallow, 

"Don't worry, I know what we can do. After all, jealousy is a very powerful thing. Come with us back to Wakiya's house." 

"Wait, but won't Honcho be there right now?" Mallow asks. 

"No," I reply, "He always goes to the Malasada shop after school." 

"Okay, but what does Acerola mean about jealousy? And why are we going to your house?" Mallow questions, clearly confused. 

"That's easy, silly," Acerola replies, "We're going to talk to Shu." 

A/N- Whew! Another chapter is done. Thank you guys for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed reading, please vote and/or comment on this chapter. If you want a say in what happens next, then feel free to comment and I'll take your ideas into consideration. Thanks for reading!


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