Chapter 53

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I have several things to say before I start this chapter. 1) I want to thank all of you readers. It makes me so happy to see how many people have read this story and all of the votes. I get so excited when I get comments and I'm so thrilled that people like this book! 2) I know that I've been neglecting the Pokemon characters lately, but this is more of a Beyblade Burst story arc right now. Sorry about that; I'll be sure to write about them too, not much in this chapter though. It'll be from Wakiya's POV even though he had one like two chapters ago. Anyway, I'll start this chapter now.


"Wakiya, Ken, I need to talk to you two," I tell them. They shoot each other a look of confusion and then turn back to me.

"Alright, talk," Wakiya says, crossing his arms. Ken stares at me, waiting for me to begin. I take a deep breath before saying to them,

"I think that Red Eye is actually Shu."

 Wakiya's POV

I glare at Gladion. 

"Are you that dense? You think that our friend is Red Eye? Have you even met the guy? I have, and I'll assure that he's a complete jerk. He doesn't care about anyone or anything except himself. There's absolutely no way that he and Shu are the same person," I say to him angrily. Gladion replies almost instantly,

"Think about it for a second. If you're even able to do that. I know what it's like to lose to someone. And to want to get stronger so that you can beat that person. Do you have a better explanation for him up and leaving?" I look at him for a minute. 'Yeah, he could've been kidnapped like you were' I think to myself. I stop myself from saying this out loud after thinking of Valt. I can't bring myself to put that thought into his head. 

"You think you know Shu? Think again. He's our friend, not yours, so you don't know anything about him," I retort, crossing my arms. I feel someone touch my arm and I turn around quickly. 

"Wakiya, at least consider what Gladion is saying. I know that he's your friend, but Gladion does have a point. About the losing and getting stronger, I mean," Acerola says calmly. I sigh and look back at Gladion, expecting to see a smug look on his face. Instead, I see that he still looks very serious, with maybe even a hint of concern mixed in. Is he...worried for Shu? 

"Fine," I finally say, "I'll consider the idea. Now, where could we find Red Eye next?" 

"Well, he's obviously going to want to battle me again. After all, I'm the one that he's trying to defeat in a Pokemon battle. He's angry with me and I'm sure that he's a lot stronger now," Gladion tells us. 

"Right, well I guess that we're going to the Pokemon League," I say. 

"I want to come," Valt says, "If that's Shu, then I want to be there for him." I glance at Valt sadly. 

"I don't think that's a good idea, Valt," I say to him, "What if we can't get him back? I don't think that you should be there in case of that. Also, I don't think that you should see Shu how he is now. You might not be able to take that." Valt looks at me with anger and tears in his eyes. 

"You want me to just sit still while my boyfriend is out there? He's all alone and he's all by himself. He feels like no one is here for him. I have to let him know that I'm still here, that I still love him. I'm going," Valt says firmly. 

"No," someone next to me says. It almost sounds like a command. I turn towards the direction where the voice came from. 

"K-Ken," Valt says, clearly surprised. 

"No, Valt. Wakiya's right. It'll be too hard for you to see. You weren't there with us. You don't know just how cold Red Eye is," Ken pauses and looks at me, "I'll stay here with Valt. You guys go on without us." Tears continue rolling down Valt's cheeks. I nod at Ken and then turn to everyone else. 

"Okay, who else is coming with us?" I ask them. 

"Me," Acerola says, "and don't try to convince me otherwise." I nod at her and grab her hand before looking at the others. 

"I'll come too," Daigo says quietly. Lana is not with him, so I assume that she had left already. I smile at him slightly and then wait for anyone else to step in. 

*     *     *     *     *     

"Okay, we've got our group. Let's hurry and go," Gladion says, somewhat coldly. I look around at the group, which consists of Gladion, Daigo, Acerola, me, and Honcho. We exit through the back gate and begin our trip to the Pokemon League. I grab Acerola's hand and she looks at me with worry on her face. 

"Are you okay?" She asks me quietly. I smile and reply, 

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I move her bangs out of the way and place a kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks, but I can see right through you. We'll get him back, I promise," she tells me. I nod and think that maybe for a second, she could be right and we may have a chance. Honestly, though, I don't believe that at all. I try not to show my doubt, but somehow I know that Acerola already senses it. 

*     *     *     *     *

We arrive at the door of the Pokemon League. The guards immediately recognize Gladion and Acerola before looking at the rest of us like we're aliens. Acerola grabs my arm and pulls Daigo over to us as well. 

"These two are with me. They will be accompanying me inside as well," she says to them. They nod and move out of the way. 

"R-Right, sure thing," one of the guards stutters. She smiles at the guard and drags me and Daigo along behind her. As I look back, I see the guards letting Gladion and Honcho in as well. The two of them head to Gladion's throne area and the other three of us go with Acerola to her battle area. 

"Welcome to the Ghost-type room of Elite Four Trainer Acerola!" She exclaims, spinning around and letting her dress flare out around her. I blush at her cuteness and feel Daigo elbow me. When I look at him, he raises his eyebrows at me and smirks. I sigh and look away quickly, earning a snicker from him. 

An alarm-sound suddenly rings throughout the room. 

"What is that?" I ask Acerola. She smiles and answers,

"A new challenger has just entered the building. Get ready to watch me beat this trainer, guys." About five minutes later, the door to the room opens and Red Eye enters. 

"Red Eye," I growl. He turns to me and glares,

"Do I know you?"

"Yeah, we battled about two days ago," I tell him, clearly annoyed. 

"I don't remember weak trainers. There are too many of them out there. They all just look like failures to me," he answers coldly. 

"Shu, please. Snap out of it. This isn't you," Daigo says from beside me. Red Eye glares daggers into Daigo. 

"Shu Kurenai as you know him is dead. I'd give up on him if I were you," he says emotionlessly. Acerola holds out a Pokeball. 

"C'mon. Are we gonna battle or are you forfeiting?" She asks sassily. Red Eye turns to her and pulls out a Pokeball of his own. 

"Sure, but you won't be winning this one, little girl," he says before preparing to battle.

"Oh, bring it on," Acerola replies competitively. 

A/N- Whew. There we go; another chapter for you guys. I know that I left a cliffhanger again, but 1) it's fun and 2) I didn't want this chapter to be suuuuuper long. Anyway, please vote and/or comment on this chapter. I love to hear from you guys. Thanks so much for reading!


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