Chapter 29

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Valt's POV

I wake up at six when my alarm clock goes off. Rubbing my eyes, I get out of bed and wake up Popplio. Then, I get dressed and head to the bathroom. Once there, I fix my hair grabbing an apple from the kitchen. I finish the apple quickly and then brush my teeth. Finally, I put my shoes on and place Popplio into his Pokeball. Everyone else is waiting for me outside in the front yard. I run outside. 

"Sorry, guys. I'm ready now," I say. Wakiya rolls his eyes, but the others smile at me. We begin our walk to school. Right outside of the school, a man challenges me to a Pokemon battle. I gladly accept. 

After beating the man, I look over at Popplio to congratulate him. There's a blue light surrounding him. 

"Pop!" He cries. 

"What's goin' on?" I ask the others. 

"Don't you know anything?" Wakiya asks, "Obviously your Popplio is evolving." I turn to Popplio with a smile on my face. 

"Evolving?!? That's awesome, buddy!" I exclaim. The blue light disappears and a different Pokemon is in Popplio's place. My Rotom Dex flies out from my bag. 

"Brionne, the Pop Star Pokemon and the evolved form of Popplio," It states. 

"Amazing!" I exclaim once more. Brionne jumps on me and I fall to the ground. 

"Bri!" He exclaims. I laugh loudly. Shu puts his hand on my shoulder and offers me his hand. I take it and he pulls me up to my feet before letting go. 

"We're gonna be late if we don't go now," he tells me. I nod and place Brionne back into his Pokeball. Then, we all walk into the classroom right before the bell rings. We make our way to our seats before Professor Kukui walks in and starts class. 

*     *     *     *     *

"Honcho!" I yell. He turns around and smiles at me. 

"What's up, Valt?" He asks. 

"I'm booored. Wanna hang out?" I ask him desperately. 

"Sorry, dude. I would, but Mallow and I are going out on a date," He answers. 

"Okay. Well, thanks anyway," I reply sadly while walking away. I see Daigo and am about to ask him to hang out but Lana runs up to him and grabs his hand. The two of them then walk away. Ken's my next choice, but then I remember that he and Wakiya are going to hang out. 'Better not bother them' I think to myself. I look around and my eyes light up. 

"Shu!" I yell, running up to him, "SHU!" 

"Valt, you're being too loud. Quiet down a bit, will you?" He replies.

"Will you hang out with me? I'm so bored," I tell him. 

"Sorry, Valt. I have to train," he says. 

"Beyblading? I wanna come, I wanna come, I wanna c-"

"No, I'm not Beyblading. My Pokemon and I are training," he interrupts me.

"Aw, man. I could still come. I could use some Pokemon battling experience," I beg.

"Sorry. Maybe another time," he tells me before walking away. I frown. Hau and Lillie are leaving together, probably going to the Malasada shop. The only two left are Kiawe and Acerola. I quickly run to them, trying to catch them before they have a chance to leave. Kiawe turns around when I yell his name. 

"Oh, Valt. Alola," he greets. 

"Alola, Kiawe," I say, "I have a question. Can I hang out with you two? Everyone else left and they were busy."

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