Chapter 57

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I'm sooooo sorry for not updating sooner. I meant to update, things just got busy with school and crap. Here we go though...

Daigo's POV

I close my eyes and try to sleep, but the situation that we're in is not ideal. Will anyone be able to find us here? I wonder if Lana and the others will know where to find us. I look over at Acerola, who is still sleeping peacefully. My eyes then move to Valt. He is curled up in a ball on the floor and is snoring softly. I really wonder if Valt is going to be okay. With the way Shu is acting now, he might never come back. 

Suddenly, I hear yelling coming from outside. I jump up and hurry to the door to try and see what's going on. I can't see anyone or anything out in the hallway. A loud crash can be heard outside. Acerola and Valt both open their eyes. 

"What's going on, Daigo?" Valt asks me. 

"I don't know," I reply, "I can't see anything outside." Acerola sits up and places a hand on her head. I walk over to her and ask, "Does your head still hurt?" She smiles weakly,

"Yeah, but it's not as bad as it was. You don't have to worry about me." I smile back at her. The three of us whip our heads towards the door when we hear it open. I'm shocked by the person standing in the doorway. 

"Lui?" Valt asks, looking confused. Lui rolls his eyes and says coldly,

"Shut up. I'm here to get you guys out of here so come on." I help Acerola get up on her feet and then we slowly walk outside into the hallway, her leaning on me for support. Lui walks over to the next door and unlocks it. Wakiya and the others exit the room. As soon as Wakiya sees Acerola, he runs over to the two of us. 

"Are you okay, Acerola?" Wakiya asks, worry in his voice. She nods slightly and replies,

"Just feeling a little dizzy and my head hurts a little bit." 

"As much as I'd love to sit here and listen to the two of you blabber on, we need to move," Lui says, interrupting them. Wakiya picks up Acerola bridal style and we follow Lui to the elevator. 

"What about Gladion?" Ken asks. Lui sighs as if annoyed at the question,

"Don't worry about him. The others will get him out." I quickly ask, 

"What others?" Lui is silent as we travel on the elevator and make it back to the place where the docks are at. Hau and Lillie are standing next to the elevator. 

"Hey, guys!" Hau yells, waving at us. Lillie smiles at us, glad to see that we're okay. Hau sees that Wakiya is carrying Acerola and he waves Wakiya over. Once Wakiya gets over there, Hau talks to him and the two of them turn back to us. 

"The two of us are going to take Acerola back to Melemele Island to find a hospital for her. Hau's got Lana's Lapras with him. One of you will get Rockruff back for me, right?" Wakiya says. I nod at him and reply, 

"We'll get him back for you." Wakiya smiles at me and then he, Acerola, and Hau take off. I turn back to the others on the elevator. 

"We've got to get Gladion and our Pokemon back," Honcho says. I nod and then turn to Lillie before saying,

"Do you know where Type: Null would be? I'm guessing that Gladion is there as well. Also, any clue as to where Faba would be? He probably still has our Pokemon." Lillie thinks for a minute and then replies, 

"I don't think that Gladion and Type: Null are in the same place. I can tell you which lab Type: Null is probably in and I think I may know where Gladion is as well. As for Faba, he could be anywhere." I nod.

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