Chapter 31

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I'm watching Beyblade Burst as I'm typing. Also, I haven't written from Daigo's POV in a while and I decided to change that since he's my favorite character from Beyblade Burst. With that, let's begin.

Daigo's POV

I finish getting ready for school way earlier than the others, so I decide to walk to school by myself. Lana has been with Lillie a lot the past couple days since Gladion was taken. Lillie is still pretty shaken up and hasn't been to school since it happened. I totally understand though. If Ryota was taken like that, I wouldn't be functioning normally either. 

I hear yelling coming from the side of the road, so I turn to see what's going on. Once I figure it out, I roll my eyes. 'Not Team Skull again' I think to myself. I pull out Litten's Pokeball and run towards the member of Team Skull and the innocent victim. 

"Stop right there!" I yell as I call out Litten and prepare for battle. The Team Skull grunt laughs at me. 

"You're gonna take me on, yo? All by yourself?" He asks, laughing more. I smirk and tell Litten to use Fire Fang. 

*     *     *     *     *(time skip cuz battle scenes are hard)

The grunt sighs and calls back his last Pokemon. 

"This isn't the last you've seen of me," He tells me while walking away. I extend my hand to the lady who was being attacked. I pull her up off of the ground. 

"Thank you," she tells me. 

"It's no problem. You're welcome," I answer. The lady thanks me again before she leaves. I turn to Litten only to see that he's evolving. I smile and watch as he evolves. Finally, Litten evolves into a Torracat. I smile at Torracat as he runs over to me and rubs up against my leg. 

"You evolved! That's great, Torracat!" I tell him. 

"Torr!" He replies. I look at my watch and decide that I need to continue on my way to school. 

"Wow. Your Torracat evolved," Besu says. I turn around to see Ken and the others. 

"Wish Ken's Growlithe would evolve," Keru tells me. I smile and return Torracat to his Pokeball. I begin walking down the road towards the school with the others. Once we arrive in the classroom, we talk to the other students until the bell rings, when we head to our seats and prepare for class. Professor Kukui enters and begins to teach us about some Pokemon. I look over at Lillie's seat, not surprised to see that it's empty once again.

*     *     *     *     *

I walk over to Lana's desk after stretching. 

"Hey, Daigo," she says to me with a smile. 

"Hey," I reply. She takes my hand. 

"Everything alright?" She asks me. I nod and call out Torracat. 

"Check it," I tell her. 

"Awww, Torracat evolved," she croons. Lana pets Torracat on the head and he begins to purr. I smile at the two of them. 

"You heading to Lillie's house?" I ask her. She nods. 

"Sorry, but I need to go and check on her. I'll be over there for about an hour and a half and then we can hang out if you want to," she replies. I nod. 

"Okay. How about you come over for dinner? I'll cook something up for us. What do you say?" I ask. She smiles and replies,

"That sounds great. I'll be there." I kiss her on the cheek and then walk over to Shu. 

"What's up, Daigo?" Shu asks me. 

"Umm, I need some help. I want to cook something for Lana and me for dinner tonight, but I'm really not the best cook. You, um, have any suggestions?" I question. He laughs and replies,

"Just make something that you're comfortable with. Maybe something you've made before," Shu tells me. I nod and thank him before I walk out of the classroom. 

Then, I make my way home and head to the kitchen. I grab some noodles from the pantry and begin boiling some water on the stove. Once the water boils, I cook the noodles and begin making some spaghetti sauce. Lastly, I make the meatballs and grab two plates from our drawer. I set some noodles on each plate and then pour the sauce over the top of them. I place a few meatballs on top of each. Then, I hear a knock at the door. I sigh with relief because I finished the cooking on time. I walk over and open the front door. 

"Hello," Lana tells me, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I slightly blush. 

"H-Hey," I reply, "Come on in. Dinner's ready." She smiles and follows me to the dining room. I pull out her seat for her and then push it towards the table once she's sitting down. After that, I grab the two plates from the kitchen and place one in front of her. I take my seat in front of the other and look at Lana. 

"Spaghetti and meatballs, huh?" Lana asks me. 

"Sorry. I, um, don't really know how to cook anything else, so I figured that this would be okay," I reply awkwardly. Lana laughs and grabs my hand across the table. 

"It's wonderful. I didn't know that you could cook at all. This looks delicious," Lana says. I smile and let go of her hand as we begin to eat our dinner. Lana smiles. 

"How is it?" I ask her nervously. 

"It's really good. Thank you so much!" Lana exclaims. She grins and continues to eat her food. I smile at her softly before following suit and eating my food. After we've both finished eating, Lana pulls something out of her bag. She hands me a Malasada and then keeps one for herself.

"I decided to stop by the Malasada shop before I came here. Hope you like sweet Malasadas," she tells me. I smile and take a bite of the Malasada. I quickly finish it because it's so good. After Lana finishes her Malasada, I talk,

"So how's Lillie doing?" Lana frowns. 

"Well, she's taking this really hard, obviously," Lana pauses and I nod, "But I do think that she's doing better." 

"That's good. I was hoping that she would sooner or later," I reply. 

"I know it really hurts Hau to see her like this. He's been staying over there every night so that she's not in the house with only her maids and butlers. I'm glad that he's being so supportive," Lana tells me. 

"Me too. Let me know if I can do anything for her," I reply. Lana smiles. 

"Thanks, I will," she says. Lana looks at the clock and frowns. 

"I've gotta go now. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?" She tells me. I nod and kiss her on the lips before saying goodbye to her and showing her to the door. Lana leaves and I head to my room. After changing and brushing my teeth, I lie down and go to sleep. 

A/N- I hope you liked this chapter. If you did, vote and/or comment. I love hearing from you guys! And if you have any ideas for future chapters, leave them in the comments down below. Also, if you want a say in who Acerola chooses between Ken and Wakiya, comment on this chapter, okay? Thank you so much for reading!


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