Chapter 36

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Okay, so I actually still have one episode of Beyblade Burst left to watch and I'm sooo excited! With that, let's begin.

Ken's POV

I grab Growlithe's Pokeball and then quickly place Keru and Besu on my hands. After I finish getting ready, I head to the kitchen and grab a bagel with cream cheese on it. Then, after eating, I leave the house by myself to meet up with Kiawe on Akala Island.

On the way out of my house, I run into Acerola. I mean, literally ran into. We both fall backward and then stand up slowly.

"Sorry about that, Ken," Acerola tells me. I smile at her and reply,

"No problem. I shouldn't have been in such a rush. I'm just going to meet up with Kiawe, so I was desperate to get out of the house." Acerola smiles, making my heart skip a beat. 'No, Ken. She chose Wakiya, so get over her' I tell myself.

"Well, see you later then, Ken," Acerola says to me.

"See you then," I have Besu say.

"Bye," Keru tells her. I then leave our house and head to the docks. Once there, I rent a Lapras to take to Akala Island before I mount the Lapras and ride it across the ocean. I zone out and begin thinking about Acerola. Just last night, I had walked into Wakiya's room only to see them kissing and it really had hurt me. But I keep telling myself to just move on and forget about ever dating her.

"Pras!" The Lapras cries out when it reaches Akala Island. I snap out of my thinking and thank the Lapras before I dismount it and then begin the walk to Kiawe's house. On the way, I pass Lana and Mallow, who I obviously stop to talk to.

"Ken! Alola!" Mallow exclaims.

"Hey there," I have Besu say to them.

"How are you holding up?" Lana asks me quietly. I look at the ground and have Keru reply,

"Ken's doing just fine."

"Yeah, don't worry about him," Besu says. Mallow and Lana share a glance and then they smile at me.

"I'm glad that you're feeling better," Mallow says.

"Where are you headed, anyway? Going to see Kiawe?" Lana questions. I nod and smile before I have Besu speak,

"We're going to train with him." Mallow nods,

"Okay, cool. But remember, Lana and I would be more than happy to train with you anytime." I smile.

"Thank you guys," I have Besu tell them.

"See you later. We've gotta go," Keru says rudely. Mallow and Lana giggle.

"See you, Ken!" Mallow says.

"Yeah, bye," Lana tells me before the two of them walk off. I turn back towards Kiawe's house and continue the walk there.

Once I arrive at the front door, I knock and then wait for a response. Within seconds, Kiawe comes to the door and opens it.

"Alola, Ken. Ready to train?" I nod eagerly and then Kiawe walks outside, leading me to a small battlefield behind his house.

"Growlithe, come on out," I say, releasing him.

"Okay, then Turtonator, I choose you," Kiawe announces, throwing out his Pokeball. Growlithe and Turtonator glare at each other before getting in their battle stances.

"Growlithe, use Ember!" I command. Growlithe complies but the move ricochets off of Turtonator's shell, inflicting zero damage. I gasp and Kiawe smiles confidently.

"Okay, Turtonator, use Flamethrower!" Kiawe yells. (a/n- sorry if Turtonator can't use flame charge. I honestly have no idea) The move hits Growlithe and he falls to the ground in pain.

"C'mon, buddy. You can do it. I believe in you!" I exclaim. A blue light surrounds Growlithe and I smile.

"Growlithe's evolving! Wow!" Kiawe cheers. As the blue light ceases, an Arcanine stands in front of us.

"Yes! I'm so proud of you, Arcanine," I tell my newly evolved Pokemon.

"Arc!" He cries out happily. I smile at him and reply,

"Now, come on. This battle isn't over." Arcanine uses a new move on Turtonator and Turtonator falls to the ground. Then, Arcanine uses it once more and we win.

"That was Thunder Fang! Cool!" Kiawe exclaims. He returns his Pokemon to its Pokeball and then walks over to Arcanine and me.

"Nice battle," I tell him. He smiles at me and replies,

"You too, Ken. That was amazing."

"Well, it's not over yet. Mimikyu and I want to take on you and Flareon next," I challenge. He smirks and grabs another Pokeball. He throws it and calls out Flareon.

"Flar!" He says. I release Mimikyu and we prepare for battle.

* * * * * (Time skip because battle scenes are hard and I already wrote one)

"Haha! I won that one, Ken!" Kiawe cheers. I smile at him and reply,

"I guess that it's a tie overall. We each won one battle." He nods and then sighs.

"I could go for some Moo Moo milk right now. Want some?" He asks me. I nod before saying,

"Yes, please." Kiawe leads me inside and then into their kitchen, where he pours both of us a glass of milk and then we sit down at the table. While drinking our milk, we discuss our battle that we had.

"So Ken, have you been holding up okay after Acerola picked Wakiya?" I freeze at the unexpected question.

"I guess so. It's kinda hard for me to see those two together, but they're happy together. I just had thought that Acerola was going to pick me over Wakiya, you know?" Kiawe nods at my response.

"Me too, man. But I'm sure that she still cares about you as a friend. And you'll always have each other as friends, too," He tells me. I smile at him and then look at the clock on my phone.

"I should get going. Thanks for having me over to train. You helped Growlithe evolve into Arcanine!" I exclaim. He smiles at me and replies,

"No problem. Come over to train any time that you feel like it. I'll see you at school on Monday."

"Yeah, I'll see you then," I reply before I exit Kiawe's house and head back to the docks. I rent the same Lapras that I rode to Akala Island and ride it back to Melemele Island. Once back on Melemele Island, I head home. After entering my house, I head straight to my room, not wanting to see Wakiya and Acerola at the moment. I then take off my puppets, let Arcanine out of his Pokeball, and lie down on my bed to take a nap. My eyes shut and I fall asleep.

A/N- Oh my goodness. Right after I finished writing this, it wasn't saving, so I tried reloading the page and it deleted everything that I had written. Thank goodness that I had copied it because the undo button was not working. I was so upset for a minute. Anyway, you guys probably don't care about this. Okay, like and/or comment if you enjoyed this chapter and let me know if you have any ideas for future chapters. Sorry about how bad and how short this chapter was. I really had no good ideas for a chapter and my main focus was to evolve Growlithe. Thanks for reading!


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