Chapter 42

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To explain the gif above, I watched season 5 of Voltron Legendary Defender on Netflix yesterday. It was so good, but there were only six episodes. :( Here are some questions for you guys:

1. If you watch Voltron Legendary Defender, who's your favorite character? (Mine is either Lance or Keith)

2. Which Beyblade is the coolest? (Either Wild Wyvron, Dark Doomscizor, or Xeno Xcalius)

3. What are your favorite Pokemon? (I love Eevee, Cubone, Growlithe, I Litten, and Pikachu. It's hard to choose)

This chapter will be directly following the last one, so there is no time in between like I usually do. Here we go.

Mallow's POV

I follow Acerola and Wakiya, still uncertain as to what their plan is. They said something about making Rantaro jealous and then talking to Shu. I guess that I'll figure out what they mean once we get to Shu's house.

We arrive at the front door and Wakiya opens it for Acerola and me. He leads us to one of the bedrooms, which I'm guessing belongs to Shu. Acerola pulls me along into the room behind her.

"What are you guys doing in my room?" Shu asks us. I look to Wakiya and Acerola for an explanation from them.

"Mallow wants to get back together with Rantaro," Wakiya says calmly.

"Yeah, and we're going to try and make him jealous," Acerola adds. Shu looks at me and raises his eyebrows.

"What does this have to do with me?" He asks me. I look over at Acerola, begging for a clear explanation.

"You need to pretend to date Mallow, silly," Acerola replies excitedly.

"What?!?" Shu and I exclaim in unison.

"It's the best way to go about this. If Rantaro sees you two together, he'll get jealous and want to get you back, Mallow. Then, you two can talk it out and you can reveal that it was all an act," Wakiya explains. I look at Shu, trying to see what he is thinking.

"No offense, but why would I help Rantaro? He's not exactly my favorite person at the moment," Shu speaks up.

"You two may not be getting along, but it's clear that you two still want to be friends. And once Rantaro and Mallow are back together, he'll forgive you," Acerola says happily. Shu and I look at each other, trying to decide whether we should go through with this.

"Fine," Shu starts, "I'm in if you are." I think about how much I miss Rantaro and decide to go through with the plan.

"Okay," I agree, "let's do this thing." Acerola cheers and Wakiya smirks slightly. The couple explains what we should do to make Rantaro jealous. First of all, we've decided to only hug and hold hands. Secondly, we need to go on little 'dates' to keep up the act. Lastly, we need to keep up the act for everyone else so that nobody tells Honcho that it's a set-up and not real.

My phone goes off and I realize that I'm going to be late to my shift at my dad's restaurant. After saying goodbye and promising to return in the morning to walk to school with Shu, I leave the house and run to the restaurant.

After arriving at my destination, I begin working and think more about the day to come. It'll be hard for me to continue ignoring Rantaro and pretending to flirt with Shu and even holding hands with him. I shake my head at the thought and go back to cooking. As it gets later, I can't wait to return to my house and go to sleep.

Then, the time to close the restaurant finally arrives. I grab my school items and walk to the docks. Once there, I rent out a Lapras so that I can go to Akala Island. The Lapras takes me across the ocean and drops me off on Akala Island. After thanking the Lapras and returning it, I finish the walk to my house and finally arrive in my room. I put on my pajamas and lie down in my bed. Then, I close my eyes, happy to be done with the day.

* * * * *

My alarm goes off and I quickly get out of bed before getting dressed and going through my morning routine. After finishing getting ready, I rush out the door and to the house of Shu and the others. My hands are shaking as I knock on the door. Rantaro is standing on the other side once it opens.

"Oh, I um, though that you were A-Acerola," he stutters. I look down at the ground.

"Hey, Mallow," Wakiya says, pushing Rantaro out of the doorway. I follow Wakiya inside of the house, grateful that he interrupted the awkward moment.

"Thank you for letting me come in," I say to him. He winks at me and replies,

"I'm guessing that you're here to see your boyfriend?" Wakiya smirks and I notice Rantaro perk up.

"Boyfriend?" Rantaro asks quietly. I try not to notice the hurt in his voice as I smile and answer,

"Well, of course." I look around, pretending to try to find Shu. Wakiya speaks up,

"He's in his room. Feel free to go on inside and wake him up if he's not already up." I smile at him and walk over to Shu's room, turning to face Wakiya and Rantaro before I enter the room.

"Thank you for letting me know where he was," I say to Wakiya, sneaking a look at Rantaro. He has a look of complete shock on his face as I turn around and enter Shu's room. Unfortunately, Shu happened to be changing when I walked inside. His bare chest is showing, so I look down at the floor, embarrassed.

"I'm done changing now," Shu tells me. I look him in the eyes and wonder how he's so calm after the event that just happened.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask, referring to walking outside and acting like we're together. He nods and grabs my hand before we exit his room and enter the living room. Rantaro immediately takes notice of Shu and I holding hands. Shu touches his nose to mine and I giggle, trying to keep up the act. But I also take notice of just how close we are and just how easy it would be to kiss him right now. What am I saying? This whole thing is just to get back with Rantaro anyways. Shu and I pull away from each other but continue holding hands.

"We should probably leave, Mal," Shu says, giving me a nickname. He's surprisingly good at this whole 'acting like we're dating' thing. I agree with him and we exit the house before the others do. Once we get out of sight from the house, I let go of Shu's hand and speak up,

"Okay, so Rantaro believes us now. The next hurdle is keeping up the act around the rest of our friends." Shu nods and replies,

"We'll be able to keep this up. If anyone asks about your sudden, new relationship, then just tell them that you wanted to move on from your last relationship and found someone that you like." I look at Shu and nod, agreeing with his plan.

We arrive at school and Shu and I wait for the others. As soon as we hear someone coming, we grab each other's hands and engage in small talk. Lana and Daigo walk inside, shocked to see us holding hands. If they're weirded out, they don't say anything. A minute before the bell rings, everyone is at school except for Rantaro. Since this seems like the perfect time to reveal the 'relationship' to the others, I do so. A few people tell me that they're happy for me and the rest seem to agree with the situation. I sit down next to Shu and he whispers to me,

"See, that wasn't so hard," I smile at him and squeeze his hand slightly. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

A/N- That's all for this week. If you enjoyed this chapter, like and/or comment. As always, if you have ideas for future chapters, feel free to comment those as well. Let me know what you think about Mallow and Shu pretending to date. Thank you for reading!


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