Chapter 50

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Hey readers. I just realized that it's been a little while since my last update. I wanted to firstly give a shout-out to @MrSpriggan . They helped me with the idea of bringing in Red Eye after Shu lost to Gladion. So thanks for that! Anyways, Valt's back to bring back Shu. What will happen next? Read to find out!

Lana's POV

I reload my text messages and still see no reply from Daigo. Sighing, I fall back onto my bed and wait for a response. About five minutes later, my phone goes off. I answer it quickly.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Lana, it's Mallow," she replies. I sigh, expecting Daigo.

"What is it?" I question, a little annoyed at my boyfriend.

"Daigo's here with me. He says- What, Daigo? Oh, that was so funny! I wasn't expecting that out of you- Sorry, Lana. I'm back and Daigo says that his phone died and he had to charge it. That's why he hasn't responded to your texts yet. Anyways, we've gotta go now. Meet us at his house, 'kay? Bye," The call ends. I feel a pang of jealousy. 'Why on Earth is she with Daigo?' I think to myself, 'Are those two cheating on Honcho and I? No, I can't rush to conclusions. I trust Daigo.'

Sighing again, I get dressed and brush through my hair. I then finish getting ready and walk out of my front door. After getting across the ocean and arriving on Melemele Island, I quickly walk to Daigo's house. I knock before deciding to walk inside. I see Mallow standing near the entrance to the kitchen. Someone grabs her hand and pulls her into the kitchen swiftly.

"What are you doing, cutie?" I hear her ask before laughing. I click my tongue and walk to the kitchen. Once I arrive, I calm down immediately.

"Hey, Lana," Honcho says to me, his hand intertwined with Mallow's. I look around for Daigo, not seeing him.

"Is Daigo in his room?" I ask Honcho. He shakes his head and points outside. I thank him quietly before heading outside. There, I see Daigo and Valt having a beyblade battle. Daigo had told me that Valt came back, but I haven't seen him yet since he arrived. Daigo gets a point against Valt.

"This reminds me of our first battle we had in the district tournament," Daigo says smugly. Valt chuckles and replies,

"Yeah, but you're being a lot nicer to me now. Before that match, you tried to get in my head by bursting Valtryek in your hand." Daigo laughs softly.

"I did do that, didn't I?" Daigo then looks really sad, "That's not even the worse thing I've done in a battle."

"You talking about your match with Yugo? Nobody still blames you for that, Daigo. Even Yugo's forgiven you by now," Valt states, trying to cheer him up.

"I haven't forgiven myself. Cheating in the regional tournament is nothing to be proud of, Valt," Daigo responds. I gasp at his words and the two boys suddenly look my way.

"Is that true?" I ask Daigo. He looks away from me and I frown. Daigo looks down and then pushes past me into the house, probably going to his room. I look at the closed door and then at Valt.

"Can I explain what happened?" Valt questions hesitantly. I nod slightly. "Okay, Daigo did cheat in his match at the regional tournament. We noticed that he was acting weird and Shu went to talk to him after the match at some point. He told me that Daigo was crying and he apologized to Doomscizor. The next day, Daigo told the officials of the tournament what he did and he was disqualified. His next goal was apologizing to Yugo. This didn't go over well. Yugo called him a disgrace to the sport and said a lot of mean words. I understand his frustration, but I thought it sounded like a little too much. Apparently, Daigo had decided to quit beyblading altogether at that point. I even heard that he tried to leave Doomscizor in the park, but some kid brought it back to him. Since then, Daigo has been super serious about his blading and training to keep getting better. That's about all, I guess." Valt finishes and takes a deep breath, looking at me.

"I'm sure that he felt lots of pressure in that match. It probably is what drove him to cheat. The important thing is that he turned himself in for it and even apologized to Yugo. That couldn't have been easy for him," I pause and look at the door, "I'll go and talk to him." I thank Valt for the explanation and then walk inside, making my way to Daigo's room. The door is cracked open, so I look inside through the crack. Daigo is looking into his mirror, tears running down his face.

"You idiot! Lana knows about you cheating now! If you never would've cheated in the first place, you wouldn't have to have hidden it like this! That's all you are is a cheater! A worthless blader! A disgrace, just like Yugo said!" I open the door and walk inside. I then close it behind me. After running over to Daigo, I pull him into a hug, resting my face in his chest.

"Stop beating yourself up about this," I plead, beginning to cry myself.

"L-Lana," he says in between tears, "I don't deserve to have you. You shouldn't be with a cheater like me. L-Let's break up." I look up into his eyes.

"No," I tell him firmly, "Not like this."

"What?" He asks me.

"We're not breaking up like this. Not because of this. You need someone to be here for you. You can't go through this by yourself. All you'll do is keep destroying yourself with blame. Let me help you, Daigo," I reply. He stares into my eyes for a while before speaking,

"Thank you so much. I really do need you with me for this. I've got to stop letting this build up inside of me." I smile and bring him back into a hug. I then plant a kiss on his cheek and wipe away his tears.

"Don't worry. We'll get through this," I say, consoling him. He nods and I wait for his tears to end. After a few minutes, they do. Daigo takes my hand in his and gives it a little squeeze.

"Shu helped me through this when it happened that day. He helped me realize what needed to be done. Now, he's going through something and I can't do anything for him. I feel so useless," he tells me. I reply confidently,

"We'll find Shu. Don't worry about a thing. You and Valt and the others will bring Shu back. You guys will be able to help him; I'm sure of it." Daigo smiles at me and kisses my forehead.

A/N- Sorry about this filler chapter. I realized that it had been over 25 chapters since I'd written from Lana's POV, so I really wanted to include her, you know? Anyways, let me know if you liked this chapter. It hurt me to write Daigo like this. I know that he was a little out of character in this chapter, but I hope that it was alright anyways. Let me know if this upset you to see him like this as much as it hurt me.

Please vote and/or comment if you liked this chapter. I love to hear from you guys in the comments! Thanks so much for reading!


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