-Chapter 0: Set up-

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Y/N's P.O.V

"If there was a word to describe how bored I am I would use it, but I'm afraid I don't." I said to myself as I looked around Youtube to see if there was something I could watch. Sadly, no. I looked at my window as I saw the light burning behind my black curtains. I basically look sick every day due to my lack of interaction with the sun. It may be the lack of vitamin D. Who knows?

"Darling?" Someone said as they knocked on my door. They opened the door and the light came in my room. I snuck under my black blanket to hide from the hellish light. The person who came in and brought the sun with them was my mom.
"You've been here all day, get your butt out your bed!" She demanded as she went through my room and opened the curtains to reveal even more sun light.

"HISSSSSSS!" I hissed as I hid even deeper in my blanket.
"Dear, get up." Mom said as she tried to grab the blanket. "Come to the beach with us." She said as I snatched away my blanket.
"Mom, I hate sand, I hate swimming AND I hate sun. All of which occur in the beach." I said from under my blanket. "Or don't you know what I hate? I'm only your daughter." I said sarcastic.

"Y/N M/L, (Middle name, if you don't have one like me...Just pick a name. I would go with: AndPeggy! ... Don't judge me.) L/N, you are coming!" My mother said as she snatched my blanket away. I got all the sunlight on me.
"SUN! MY ONLY WEAKNESSSSSS!" I yelped as I fell off my bed and hid under my bed.
"We'll be waiting downstairs." Mom said before she left. Mom has this attitude. She asks you something like you have a choice and then, if you say no, she'll force you to do it.

For example:


"Dear can you clean your room today sweetie?"




See what I mean. (Fun fact, this is how my mom deals with us.)

I huffed as I grabbed my sun cream, sunglasses and covered my body completely with black including a black hat.

Look, I just like this colour

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Look, I just like this colour. Deal with it...Mokay the sun umbrella may have gone overboard...And so did the 60 degree sun cream. But the rest is okay.

Forget the fact that I'll never probably overheat and die on the beach. But at least I'll look good.

I headed downstairs to be hit on the head by my big brother. Axel. He was 19 and was 3 years older than me, we did not get along. I just rubbed my head and stepped in the car.

"Hey Y/N." Axel called. I sighed and looked at him. "Have you killed the colour black and took it's job?" He asked with a grin. I grabbed my notebook and hit him on his head.
"Y/N! DON'T HIT YOUR BROTHER!" Mom shrieked as I put my book back down. How come that she only sees the things I do. It's never Axel, OH NO! He's the golden child.

After 15 minutes of driving we arrived at the beach. I grabbed my things and opened my umbrella. I don't know about you, but I hate the sun.
"F*cking pr*ck." I mumbled at the sun.

I sat down far away from the sand and looked at my family enjoy themselves in the sun. Bleh. I opened my notebook and began to write somethings down. After awhile my mom came to me.
"At least go and step around a bit." She said as I groaned, grabbed my stuff and made my way to the most silent parts. The silence was nice and I felt better. That's when I saw something shining in the sand. I normally wouldn't care but it pulled me in (like a holo hive)

I walked close to it and then noticed it was going further and closer by the water. I sighed as I reached for it again and stuck my hand in the water. Then the water pulled me in and pulled me in the deep, deep sea. I couldn't breath and my hair was blocking my vision. I pulled my hand loose from whatever was pulling me under and reached for the sky. The force grabbed my by the leg and pulled me until I couldn't breath. I inhaled the water and fainted from the cold water.

I woke up in a white room.
"A-Am I...dead?" I asked to no one in particular, but someone answered for me. A heavy light shined in my face.
"Yes, you are." The voice said. I couldn't make out if it was a woman or man. "But we're sending you back." They said.
"Erm...Yay?" I said as I looked at the light.
"Just walk till the end of this tunnel." The voice said. I looked around.
"There is no-"

Just then I tunnel appeared out of nowhere. I shook it off and followed it. I felt the light get lighter and lighter till it was brighter than the sun. I covered my eyes and I felt that something pulled me in just like the water.

This time I woke up and a pile of grass. I blinked a few times before I opened my eyes fully. I turned on my back and looked around. I was in the woods. I then looked at myself. I still had my clothes on and I still had my things. I stood up, I remembered vague things what happened in that white room but I did remember that I died and how. Okay now I know what drowning feels like. Cold and wet.

I looked around. I grabbed my phone and also my black leather gloves as I looked if I could call someone. But there was no service. Well this is amazing. I walked around and put my sunglasses and phone in my bag. It was a bit dark but I didn't want to waist any energy or battery from my phone so I just put my sunglasses away so I could at least see. It was a bit cold so I put my scarf on that covered my mouth. Only my eyes were visible now.

On my way outside the forest I saw a lady and her presumably child walking around, very silent like they didn't want anyone to see them. Finally help.
"Excuse me, ma'am!" I said as I ran to them. The woman looked up and her eyes widened she went before her child and held her arms wide open.
"Please don't hurt us!" She cried as she closed her eyes ready for impact.
"Why would I?" I asked confused. I then saw her clothes. They were really old as were the ones of her son, like, what people in 1800 wore.

"A-Are you not from the British forces?" She asked still terrified.
"ER...I live close." I said thinking that we were in Belgium.
"Are you from France?!" She asked hopeful.
"Why do people confuse us with France? I'm from Belgium." I said a bit annoyed she called me from France. (Not that I hate you France, people just confuse you and Belgium always. I have never had one person not from Europa not confuse us both.)

"Isn't that a stop by?" She asked.
"Woman you're really testing my patience here!" I said annoyed. She again looked terrified. "Where are we?!" I asked annoyed.
"N-New York, sir." She said. 2 Things, NEW YORK?! and SIR?!

"W-Wait, when are we?" I asked.
"1776, sir." She cried.


"Thank you for your help ma'am." I said and rushed off. I then turned back around and handed her a piece of candy that I still had in my pocket. "Also, give this to your son, see it as an apology." I said as I rushed back off. She yelled a quick thank you and made her way to...Whatever she was heading to.

But that was non of my concern. My concern was that:

1. Light B*tch lied to me.

2. I'm in the 1700's

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