-Chapter 21: Pray amen-

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Y/N's P.O.V

This is it. This is where it comes down to. The 31st of January is today. It's around 2 a.m. I got out bed after Alex shook me to get me up. We silently got out the tent, which was kinda hard since John, Hercules and Lafayette are very, VERY light sleepers. They have to be, they need to be awake when a gun shot has been heard.

Once we did get out, we headed to the place we had said we would meet. Which was pretty far...We had to make sure Washington didn't find out. As we walked over there Alexander kept talking, like he normally does...But this was to keep me from thinking that I could get shot. Once we did arrive at the place I started sweating, even though it was very cold.

I got more nervous when Charles came. And with him, Aaron Burr. "Alexander, you didn't tell me b*tches came likes stitches." I whispered to Alexander as he looked at the two. "Look, I told you the basics, I never knew what was really going down!" He shout whispered to me. "Look who decided to show up." Charles said as he looked at me. "You." I said which made Alexander snort.

Charles was about to hit me but Aaron kept him from touching me. "Not now." He said to Charles. He jerked away and got on his position. The doctor had given Aaron the choice between 2 guns as Alexander got the other one. Aaron walked to Charles and talked to him while Alexander grabbed the other gun and ran over to me.

"Okay Y/N, whatever you do. Do not, I REPEAT, do NOT! Shoot upwards. I swear to God Y/N, don't do it. You only shoot up when you know that the other is also going to shoot up. But Lee doesn't have any intention to shoot upwards." Alexander warned me as I nodded. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Y/N I can't loose you, I've already lost so much." He told me as I nodded at him. "I'll be fine. Even if I get shot, w-which is not going to happen, I'll stay alive." I told Alexander as he nodded.

I looked at the gun remembering that there should be 1 bullet in it. I had 1 shot at this. "Stand back to back." The adviser said as he put us back to back. I could feel that even though he was acting confident, that his heart beat was going off. "10 steps, NO LESS, NO MORE! After the 10th you turn and shoot. You choose where to shoot." He said as I looked at Alexander who shook his head furiously while pointing up with his finger. I rolled my eyes at him as I nodded.

"Counting the passes...Now." The adviser said as I counted in my head together with the adviser.











I turned around, forgetting to open my eyes and shot blindly at Lee. I could hear Alexander face palm once he saw that I closed my eyes. I waited a few seconds. Opened my eyes and saw Charles on the ground. I sighed out in relief as I felt Alexander wrap his arm around my shoulder. "You did it!" He said as I smiled at him. "I'm satisfied!" I smiled at him as he hit my head playfully. "Yo we won!" He said as I rubbed my head on the place where he hit me.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Made me jump. "Look this will be fun!" Burr yelled from the other side of the field. "Alexander I told you not to-" Washington yelled as he stomped over to us but stopped mid-sentence as he traveled his eyes to my hand, seeing the gun. "You didn't Hamilton." He hissed at Alexander. "I-I didn't what sir?" Alexander asked as he looked at Washington. "YOU DIDN'T SET Y/N UP TO SHOOT LEE!" He yelled as I frowned and shook my head. "N-No sir, I asked him to help me!" I admitted.

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