-Chapter 1: Help-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I was walking around the woods until I found a stone path. I followed it and saw little houses coming more frequently. Eventually I realized that I was in the city of New York. I walked around and got a couple of looks but some didn't even question it. I needed a dress. And quick.

I looked around at all the shops to see what they sold. Then I found I shop where dresses and suits were displayed before a tick glass. Bingo. I walked in and a little bell that hanged above the door. Because of that a head turned to me. It was a man and he was sitting at the counter. It was a build man with dark skin and a bandana tied around his black short hair.

"Hello, how can I help you?" He asked. 
"Hi, I want to buy a dress." I said. He nodded.
"Is it for your wife or girlfriend?" He asked with a grin. I was confused but then realized that I did look like a man if I only showed my eyes. I took of the black scarf and black hat.
"Actually it's for me." I said with a smile. 
"I'm so sorry miss, I didn't know you were a woman." The tailor apologized.
"No sweat, A woman even confused me for a man." I said as I laughed again at that moment.
"You sure act like one." He said with a smile. In this time I am...

"Er...Look I don't have any payment but, I do have this silver ring that is worth a lot. Maybe I can trade that with a couple of dresses." I said as I removed my glove and showed him the silver ring. He shook his head.
"I'd feel bad for taking that, say what, if you work here for a day I'll give you a dress." He said as I put my glove back on. I nodded in aproval. He lead me to a selection of dresses. I looked around and found this beautiful black dress with elbow long black gloves that really would fit my emo like aura.

 I looked around and found this beautiful black dress with elbow long black gloves that really would fit my emo like aura

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I grabbed it from the rack and showed it at the tailor. He aproved and told me I could change in the change room and that he'd stitch it up a bit to make it fit perfectly. It did requier a corset. I didn't have one and asked one, he gave me one and then I went to the changing room

"This is painful." I mumbled as I tightened the corset around my waist until I felt my heart beat in my waist. That meant that it was tight enough. I put the dress on and felt that it might be a bit too loose at the waist part. Never thought I would say that the clothing a wear was too big.

I pulled the gloves on and grabbed my bag and other clothes. I still wore the botinnes that I had when I came here, because I ain't wearing no heels. I pushed the yellowish curtain out the way. I walked back to the main store and there was the man, grabbing some needles and thread. He saw me coming and smiled.

"that looks good on you, can you stand on this platform so I can stich the dress up?" He asked. I nodded and stepped on the little platform that made me a good 50 inches taller. He stiched something near my waist and made the dress a bit more 1 size fit. After that he told me I could step off.

"Okay, so what can I do?" I asked when I jumped off the platform.
"Can you be the cashier today? I need to work on a few suits and I can not do the two at the same time. You just gotta give'em their orders that are right behind you. Just ask them on what name. If they want a suit or dress let them look around and if there's someone who harasses you, you can either kick their a$$ or call for me." The man said. "By the way, my name is Hercules Mulligan. But you can call me Hercules." He added. 

I nodded and headed to the shop.
"I didn't catch your name." He said. I turned around.

"I didn't throw it." I said with a grin and he just gave me a witty smile back.

I stood still by the cash register thingy...What did they call'em back then...Now? I don't even know anymore. I sat down on the chair provided and waited. This is a good time to think about what I'm supposed to do here. I hated history and I'm from Belgium, 2 strikes which means I don't know American history.

But that's okay, the worse that can happen is me being burned for being a witch...Okay I need to get out of this time as soon as possible...That's when the doorbell thingy went off and someone entered the building. I looked up to see a tall, arguably handsome man with curly hair that was tied down on a ponytail.
"Hello, what can I do for you?" I asked like Hercules asked me a few minutes ago.

"Erm...Pardon moi, mais I can't parle anglais très bien." He said in a French accent.
"Oh erm...Pas de problème, je parle français." I said bringing up the best I could what I learned in my classes. 

"Dieu merci! Quelqu'un qui parle français. J'ai besoin d'aide." He said relieved.
"Oui?" I asked.
"Je veux aider dans la révolution mais je ne sais pas où s'inscrire." He said.
"Je ne sais pas où, ...Mais j'ai un copain qui pourrait savoir." I said. "Je l'appelerai"


"Erm...Excuse me, but I can't speak English that well." 

"Oh erm...No problem, I speak French."

"Thank God! Someone who can speak French. I need help."


"I want to help in the revolution but I don't know where to sign in."

"I don't know where...But I have a friend who might know. I'll call him in."

"Er...Hercules. Someone needs your help!" I yelled awkwardly. A second later Hercules came rushing in.
"Yes?" He asked and looked at me. He then noticed the other man in the room. "Can I help you?" He asked. 
"He doesn't speak English that well but he wants to join the revolution and asked where to sign up." I explained in the French's defence.

"Ah, I can show him. Can you stay in the shop? I'll be back in 20 minutes." Hercules said as he lead the man outside. I leaned back on the chair and waited for about 2 minutes maybe before the door opened again. I looked up to see a husband and wife. The husband didn't look happy and the wife was frustrated as f*ck.

"Hello can I-" And she cut me off right there.
"I need a new dress." She complained to me.
"Erm...Sure ma'am. The dresses are over here." I said as she followed me to the dresses. She took like the first dress she saw and handed it to me. Then she grabbed another 20 and handed it all to me. I was balancing all these dresses trying not to drop them all.

"Put them in the changing room, I need to try these." The wife demanded. I did as I was told and walked off before I would grab her hair and pull it out her head. She went in and I could tell that this, this would take a long, long, very long time. Another person, a man, had entered the store and looked around so I let them be. 

"Your wife, she's something special." I said to the husband. I could tell he had drank something and he didn't seemed that fixed up. 
"I don't really like her, you on the other hand..." He said as he looked at me.
"Ah sorry to say this sir, but I'm not interested." I said not making eye contact and grinned.
"I didn't ask." He said in a low whisper. I pinched my nose and looked at him.
"Sir I am not willing to do that." I said as I looked at him. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to his chest. 
"I also didn't say anything about willingly." She said.

That's when that person who had entered a few minutes ago stepped in.
"Sir I think you might want to let go of her." The person hissed.
"Get lost kid, don't put your nose into someone else's business." The man hissed back.
"Yeah, that's the thing. It is my business." The person said with a smile.
"How so?" The man asked as he let go of me.
"You see sir." The person said as he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards him. "I'm courting her, therefor, you can't have her, you also have a wife." He pointed out as he put and arm around my waist.

"Do you have any proof?" The man asked with a smirk.
"As a matter of fact." The person said as he turned me towards him. "I do." He said as he cupped my face and kissed me. My eyes went wide but I decided not to agrue since affair here has the hots for me. So I kissed him back just to make it real enough. The man mumbled something went to get his wife and left.

The person pulled away from the kiss to check if they were gone. When he made sure of it he turned back to me.
"Hey, John Laurens pleasure to meet you." He said.

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