-Chapter 50: The diversion-

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Y/N's P.O.V

The next day, we all got on a ship and went to Britain. Since that's where they were being held captive. In the cellar of the British palace. 

Ho boi.

When we were on the boat for 7 days, we got to talk a lot. I talked to Alexander, Alexander to Thomas (believe it or not) and I also got to talk to John and that Sam guy. We all agreed to trust one another since some of us didn't fully trust one one another. Like at all. 

Thomas and I didn't trust Alexander.

Alexander didn't trust Thomas.

We all didn't trust Sam. 

So we made an oath. If anyone didn't trust the other, they couldn't come along. If we were going to the enemy and we couldn't even trust each other, we could just go back home. 

When we arrived, we had to find a camp and make a plan. 

"So, I overheard someone on the boat. There's this ball." Sam began as we all sat in a circle. "Great," Thomas interrupted. "Tell me again, why do I have to wear this?" He asked pointing at the blue soldier's uniform. "Because! It's cool." I smiled as he looked at it again. "Don't like it-"

"You don't like anything." Alexander butted in. "I like her." Thomas said and pointed to me. "As Sam was saying!!" John butted in as he separated the two. "Right! Everyone will be busy and overworked! If we can just sneak in and free the soldiers, we'll be set!" He cheered as I nodded in approval.

"Sounds too easy." Alexander remarked with a frown. "But it isn't." I added as they all groaned. "Ya'll agreed to come." I argued back.

"We need to make it inside." John remarked. "How did you get out Sam?" Thomas asked. "Via the kitchen." He stated. "Then we'll go through there, it'll be busy and we can blend in." I stated. "Once we're in, what then?" Alexander asked. 

"The plan may vary to the situation, but the mail goal is to get to the cellar and get the keys. Right?" Thomas asked as he looked at me for a sign of approval. "Right. So whenever you get the chance to get those keys, we have to take it." I stated. 

We all agreed and waited until the evening to strike.

When we did, we found ourselves in the very back of the palace. We saw multiple people come in and come out every second. We managed to sneak in and sneak past the kitchen right into the halls where guest came into a big ballroom. 

We moved further but then noticed that there were a lot of red coats. "Red coats." Alexander mumbled. "I hate redcoats..." He groaned.

"So what's your plan to getting past those guys?" He asked as he nudged me in the shoulder. "Life bait." I smirked. "Good idea-HEY!" He huffed as he folded his arm as John shushed him. "Come on, you guys need to make a diversion." I whispered as I looked at the guys. 

"This plan will require using Hamilton's greatest strength." Thomas said as we all looked at him. "What? My hair? My eyes?" Alexander guessed.  "You're obnoxious personality." Jefferson smirked.

"Oh! What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?" Alexander asked.

~2 minutes later~

"Lu'au!" Alexander called as he stood back faced to the red coats and looked behind him.

We created a hula skirt with the remains of a plant we found in the hall.

"If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat. Love my buddy John here because he is a treat!" Alexander sang as he motioned to John 'acting' as gay as possible.

"Come on down and make love, On this tasty guy. All you have to do is get in line." Alexander sang as we all face palmed. Genius yes, lyric maker, no. The red coats, full of confusion began to walk towards them, bayonet in hand.

"Aaaare you achin'." 

"Yup, yup, yup" John said as he stood next to Alexander.

"Foooor some gay-con?

"Yup, yup, yup" John said as he shook his hips. We slowly walked past the red coats to the other side. 

"Heeee has a big dick!" Alexander sang not knowing what he could place other than that.

"Yup, yup." John confirmed.

"But you guys are the little dick crew!" Alexander 

"Uy!" They both sang as the Red coats suddenly ran after them in fury. "RUN JOHN!" Alexander yelled as they both booked it to the other direction.

"God bless their heart." I mumbled as Thomas just laughed.

I just decided to make little chapters and post a single one after I study.

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