-Chapter 27: I admit-

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Y/N's P.O.V

So, I can admit that attacking Lee in the middle of a crowd full of his friends, was not a good idea.

I can also admit that even after Washington told me to stop, me hitting Washington in the face, was also, not a good idea.

I admit that starting a fight on the wedding of my friend because I was drunk was also not a good idea.

And lastly, I can admit that calling everyone in the room a f*ckboy after they pulled us apart, wasn't a good idea.

But now is not the time of regrets.

I was sitting in a separate room of the church with Lee right beside me. We were getting patched up by the people who worked there. Then the door opened. "Sup." I nervously chuckled to Alexander who entered the room. He was angry.

"Y/N I asked you to not pick a fight with Lee on my wedding. Yet here you are getting patched up after not only fighting Lee, but also his friends, Washington and the person who is patching you up right now." Alexander sternly told me.

"Yeah, I can see that. I have eyes." I told him as Lee gave me a grumble. "But clearly you don't have ears or a brain!" Alexander yelled back at me. "Well sorry I'm such an inconvenience!" I yelled back.

"Well maybe, just maybe, you could've used the 2 braincels your mother gave you!" He yelled now furious tapping on his head and getting all up in my face. "WELL AT LEAST I STILL HAVE A MOTHER!" I yelled back as he backed away from me.

"..." He stayed quiet. "Oh what is it Hamilton? Have I hit a nerve? Have I?!" I yelled as Lee was watching amused at us fighting.

"Where is your mother Hamilton? Where is she?!" I yelled standing up, pushing the nurse whom was patching me up to the side. "..." He still stayed quiet and tightened his fist.

"Oh okay then, where's your father? Where is he?" I asked now standing in front of him. He didn't even look at me. "Where are your parents wh*re son?" I asked as he looked me dead in the eye. "Get out." He said sternly. "What was that wh*re?" I asked taunting him.

"GET OUT THIS CHURCH AND GO TO HELL!!!" He yelled at me as I kept looking him in the eye. "I'm already there." I said as I walked to the door hitting his shoulder hard to mine before getting out and slamming the door behind me.

Lee's P.O.V.

Wow that was new.

Hamilton groaned in his hands and walked to the door. Not before kicking a shelf making a few things fall. He got out and now I sat alone. Then this guy walked in.

He had very light blond hair, piercing blue eyes and freckles. He had a black robe with a black Paternoster. (Just so you know, a Paternoster is a necklace which decides the order of prayers to the lord. Paternoster is also Latin for 'our father' SEE I DID PAY ATTENTION MOM!!!)


Sh*t I'm gay.

Samuel's P.O.V.

Basket full of biscuits! I forgot my glasses! I ran back to the private room of all priests and students to grab my glasses. Yes, I could still see. I couldn't see very far though. When I did arrive I saw someone sit on the table. He looked beaten up and hurt. 

But aside from that...

'Lord forgive me for I am about to sin.' I said quickly making the cross. I turned to the stranger and introduced myself. "Hello, my name is Samuel Seabury." I said as he looked at me. "..." He didn't answer which made me panic. Internally.

Fiddle sticks! I weirded him out somehow! What if he doesn't speak English! What if he doesn't dig the robe? Maybe he has a wife! Or maybe a secret homo sexual relationship! Maybe, he just doesn't like me at all! Maybe-

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