-Chapter 24: "-No you're not."-

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Y/N's P.O.V

"This just makes me sick..." I grunted as we arrived at the church. So Alexander and Eliza were still separated and were getting into fancy things. So, John, Hercules and Lafayette decided to just go to Alexander and expected ME to go to Eliza. *Blink blink*

I'm sure I would just kill someone if I did. So I decided to keep it peaceful, and don't go. I wanted to drink something anyway. I walked around in the big church as people were running around trying to remember to get my fit back in the game. The priest walked past me and we made eye contact.

Now. I may be a fearless, introvert little b*tch. But I'm powerless if an old man, A HOLY OLD MAN, is looking at me. He had grey hair which was covered with a gold, white colored miter and matching white and gold robe. He was around 80, ya know, with 2 feet in the grave and acting like he wasn't. He immediately walked his a$$ over to mine. "Oh sh*t-"

"Hello child, you seem troubled. What's wrong?" He said as he put a hand on my shoulder. This b*tch... "No my good sir, I'm alright. It's just so peaceful here...Unlike the battlefield." I said in my best angel voice I had. "It's hard to believe you if you lie to me child." He laughed at me.

"How-" I asked. "The walls have ears and the holly ones are watching your every move." He told me as he pointed to all the paintings and statues. Of many, I did not know the name. I did know of Jesus and Maria. Every single one of them, had their eyes on me.

"Many say, that its only history that keeps their eyes on you," The priest said as I looked around. "But for the ones who believe, their religion, it keeps an eye on you too." He said as I kept looking around to see all the marble statues, the oil paintings and even the wooden carvings looked at me.

"I do not know if you believe or not, but remember that whatever's on your mind, someone other than you knows." He said, pat me on the back and walked away. I was left in confusion before he said: "And oh! One more thing: I think if you're too afraid to admit your feelings," He said without turning around.

"You're the b*tch."

And he stepped away.

I just got one-upped by an old man...Damn...

But...How did he?...Anyway...

I turned around and was greeted with the joy filled face of-

"Samuel!" I smiled happily. "Hey Y/N! Fancy seeing you here. In a church of all places...I thought you told me you were-" He said but I cut him off. "I'm here for the wedding." I told him with half a smile. "Oh! That...would...make....sense...Since we're in a church and all. And there is a wedding planned and...I should just cut myself off there..." He sheepishly said.

"What are you doing here? You wouldn't be here for the wedding." I grinned as he sighed. "That man still scares me to death..." He whined as I giggled. "I still know that day when they all groaned when I told them you learned me how to stitch. It came in handy when Lafayette's gold shoulder patch stood a bit loose." I explained. "I told you it would come in handy!" The blond haired cinnamon roll laughed with his British accent.

"I was here for my morning prayers. And now I'm leaving." He explained me. "Would make sense." I chuckled. "You know, I always pray that this war may end and that you and your...Friends don't get hurt." He smiled.

"Awwwww! Sam! That's so sweet!" I smiled as he sheepishly rubbed his neck. "You should do it too. Even if it's just half a minute to pray to whatever God you want." He explained.

Food god...Definitely food god.

"Yeah. But I've already talked to the creepy priest a second ago. You know, the one with the white, gold robe. In his 80's. Looks like he's seen some shi-...Ish." I said not wanting to curse in a church.

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