-Chapter 53: When things finally go your way-

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~7 years later~

Y/N's P.O.V

"Ma! Dad! I'm going out!" Thomas and I heard as we sat in the couch. Our seven year old daughter, Mary, chirped. "Where to?" I asked as she looked at me. "Philip." She sang as I nodded. "Stay on the sidewalk." I told her returning to my book not worrying since it wasn't that far from here. 

Thomas looked at me like he just ate a lemon. 

"You're-...You're gonna let her go to those filths and Eliza?" He asked me as I looked back at him as Mary stood in front of the door, ready to go, she had already opened the door. "EY, EY, EY! You! Close that door!" Thomas barked as Mary silently closed the door. 

"No. Mary, open that door and go to Philip." I commanded as she opened the door. "CLOSE IT!" Thomas yelled as Mary closed the door. "NO, OPEN IT!" I yelled back as I looked at Thomas.

This continued until Mary just opened and closed the door automatically. 

That's until a certain boy of 10, came knocking on our door. 

"Hey Philip!" Mary smiled as Philip waved and smiled back making his curls bounce all over the place. "Dear, you can go." I smiled as Thomas narrowed his eyes at Philip. He was about to say something when I tossed my book at him. He caught it mid air. "HA! Not this tim-They're gone...Aren't they?" Thomas asked as I smiled and nodded.

We looked at the door as it creaked open and closed due to the wind. Not even 1 sign of the children. 

Thomas sighed as he sat back down next to me. I laid back against his side as he went through my hair. "I don't understand why you let them play together. Last time I checked, you didn't like the Hamiltons." Thomas argued as I smiled. "Yeah, but that doesn't have to mean that my children and their children don't have to stop from making their relationship better." I explained as he shrugged. 

"I'm gonna pull them apart." Thomas stated.

"You're not, you know why?" I asked as he looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. 


"Because I'm the president." I stated.

"You're vice president." He frowned. "Do I hear President in that title my good sir?" I asked as he scoffed. "I'm going to use that one day." He chuckled. 

Yeah. Vice President. Get on my level.

"Good luck with that." I snickered patting his hair. "I'll chop your hand off if you touch my hair ever again." He evilly grinned as I chuckled. "Sure, just make sure it's not my writing hand, I can't live without it." I smiled as I pulled my hand back. I found it funny.

He clearly didn't.

"Y/N...About that-"

"I don't want to talk about it." I stated as he sighed. "Y/N I know you work hard and I know you want everything to be perfect. But...You're out doing yourself." He stated as he looked at me. "Oh, so now I'm too weak to be vice president." I scoffed as I shot up straight and closed my book. 

"That's not what I-"

"You think I'm weak just like everybody else." I sighed and laid the book beside me. 

"No! But...When you get to the point that you're outdoing Hamilton, I will have some concerns." He frowned as I bit on my lip. It was true, I worked harder than Hamilton. That could mean a slight harm for my health but...At least I took the weekends off for at least a few hours. Like right now.

But my break was getting to an end. 

"I need to go." I stated as he frowned. "..." He didn't say anything as I walked up the stairs of our home. I gulped as I entered the darkness of my room. It was only lit with a few candles and made a known environment.

The day after that, I was needed in the office. As usual, I almost fell asleep in every meeting and I banged my head against a wall after every meeting to keep myself awake. Thomas noticed, Burr noticed, Madison noticed, Alexander noticed, Washington noticed. EVERYONE NOTICED!

So Washington called Thomas and I in a room for yet another meeting about my mental health. 

"Jefferson." Washington called. Thomas looked up as I blinked at the papers in front of me. I had so much work to do. "Jefferson." Washington called again clearly referring to me and not Thomas. Thomas grabbed my arm and shook it as I shot my eyes to Washington.

"Yeeeees?" I asked very sleep drunken and in a high voice. 

"...Okay." Washington grumbled as he rubbed his eyes. "You're taking a break." He stated as I cocked an eyebrow. "What? No! I'm fine! I swear!" I said clearly not healthy and awake. 

"So we need a location." Washington told us looking around in the room. "Mister Jefferson, location." Washington demanded. "Um...France." Thomas told us in a 'duh!" tone. 

"Great!" Washington smiled. "Y/N you're going to France for 2 months. Stay there, come back and be ready to take life with an awake life!" Washington stated as everyone seemed to agree. "Wait, wait, wait...I never-"

"Too late! I'm already signing you in for the boat tomorrow." Washington smiled as he signed a paper that was clearly my boat attendance. "...Well the..." I groaned in annoyance. "I'm coming too-" Thomas suggested.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Washington laughed as he almost fell of his chair. "You Jefferson? I'm sorry but you ain't doing sh*t around here! You're gonna stay here and work." Washington stated as Thomas blinked as he pointed to the table. "I'm staying here? While my wife GOES TO THE PLACE OF F*CKING LOVE?! Nuh-uh!" He yelled out. 

"Thomas, I'll be fine-"

"She's clearly not healthy to go alone." He protested as he motioned to me. "Took care of it." Washington stated. "Lafayette will be picking you up from the harbor." He told me.


"Exactly Jefferson, take your butt and get yourself working." Washington stated as he pointed to the door. Thomas hissed to himself and left. "Go and write 51 essays and come to me when you got the money!" He yelled after him.

Have I mentioned that Washington didn't approve of the wedding, thereby making Thomas's life hell at work?

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