-Chapter 46: Back to the future-

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Y/N's P.O.V

My head hurt. My head was cold. I felt cold. Then again, there was this warm presence which made me feel comfortable. I slowly opened my eyes with full force, they were so cold too. I could barely see. When I had them open wide enough, I was looking in dark eyes I knew so well. I was laying on his lap and he supported my neck with his arm.

"...T-...Thomas?" I called as I felt a hand cup my cheek. "Shhht..." He shushed me with a soft smile. "We're almost home." He whispered as I looked around, noticing we were in a carriage. "Where are we going?" I asked as he shushed me again putting his hand on my forehead. "I send another carriage to my doctor, we're going to my place so you can rest somewhere fresh and clean." He smiled.

"Which means my home is old and dirty?" I asked as I wanted to cock my eyebrow but I couldn't because my face was still very cold. "You know I didn't mean it like that." He softly chuckled as I softly smiled. "I know." I sighed with a smile.

"...Hey Thomas?" I called as he hummed. "Of course I will." I smiled as he gave me a confused look. "What will you do?" He asked. "I will marry you." I chuckled as he gasped for air and then a tear rolled of his cheek onto my chest. I chuckled as tears came in my eyes. 

"I love you." I said as I put my freezing cold hand on his cheeks. He didn't even care how cold they were. "I love you too." He said as he grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss on it. 

We finally reached the rental house of Thomas. He carried me inside and there was a doctor there to check if I hurt something. Thomas laid me down on the couch right next to the fire place to keep me warm.

The doctor looked at my legs, arms, shoulders, back and head to see if anything was wrong. Apparently I hit my leg against something and I would be unable to walk for a day or two. I mean, I could walk, but it would hurt. Like a b*tch.

But I was okay for the most part. I just had to warm up again, just stay near the fireplace for a couple of hours and put on some dry clothes on. I followed all of his commands.

A few hours later I sat in between the legs of Thomas on the couch near the fireplace. He softly brushed my hair as I read a book to calm myself down a bit. 

"I forgot something." Thomas suddenly said as I looked over my shoulder. "What?" I asked as he reached in his pocket. "This." He smirked as he held the engagement in between his fingers. "Oh my God Thomas, you could've just given me an onion ring and I would've been fine with that." I chuckled as he grabbed one of my hands and gently put the ring on my ring finger. 

"What's an onion ring-"

"Never mind." I chuckled as he looked at my kinda confused. "No I wanna know." He pushed forward as I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand." I smiled bitterly as I thought back of home.





I jolted up, almost falling over because...Ya know, legs are damaged. "Y/N, what's going on?" Thomas asked concerned as he pulled on the sleeve of my chemise. "Nothing! I just need to...I need to get back home." I smiled as I grabbed my shoes and put them on.

"Y/N the doctor said rest." Thomas sternly said. "I need to go home." I tried to explain. "Nope." He said as he picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs to the guest room. "Rest." He said as he laid me down on the bed and went to light to the fireplace. 

"Thomas I need to go." I tried again. He groaned and turned to me. "Y/N, sleep, rest, tomorrow, when you're better, go, home." He said in part to make me understand better.

I pushed past him and went down the stairs with a bit of a limp. He rushed in front of me and stopped me. "I forbid you take another step down these stairs." He said with his arms folded and a frown put on his face.

I looked to the side. "Okay." I smiled as I looked at him. Then I ran left, to the nearest window and jumped out of it as he yelped. 

"Y/N!!!" He yelled as I grabbed onto the roof tiles and slowly, step by step went down the walls. "5 years in war and I still got it!" I laughed as I jumped of into a tree and then onto the ground. "Y/N! This is NOT FUNNY!!!" Thomas yelled as I laughed. 

"See you later honey! I gotta do something!" I yelled as I blew a kiss to him. 

(For the ones who got the reference, I like you :3

The ones who didn't, watch this:

Ah~ Good times)

I ran to the city, pulled over a carriage and told him to go to my home. As soon as I got there I kicked the door open to see them...Playing chess?

"-THAT'S CHEATING!" Johnathon yelled as Anthony shook his head. "Nuh-uh! That's me being smart as f*ck!" He laughed as he high-fived Lin. "Guys!" I called as they looked behind themselves. "Sup! How did your date go?" Oak asked as I sat down next to them. "Nothing big...I got engaged with that's all." I shrugged as they nodded, then waited for a second, before actually reacting. 

"AYYYY!!! Congrats!" Daveed said which made me super uncomfortable because he really looked like Thomas. "Thanks!" I smiled as some other congratulations came in. Then there was Lin.

He had this bitter sweat smile on his face. "Yo, what's wrong?" I asked as he snapped out of his state. "I miss my wife." He confessed as I sadly looked at all of them.

"...I could send you back. I think I have the power to do so." I confessed as they all looked up. "I couldn't do it right after you guys got here because I was afraid I would die of the amount of power I would lose to get you guys back. When I tried it with 1 person, I fainted. You guys are with more. But I'll try." I explained.

"You don't-" Christopher said as I shook my head. "If I keep you guys here any longer, we'll all get into a lot of trouble." I sadly smiled as they all seemed to agree.

"Stand right there." I said as they all stood up and stood in a compact group. "Important thing here is to not disturb me while I'm speaking out the spell. Okay?" I asked as they all nodded. "We'll miss you Y/N!" Jon said as I chuckled. "I'll miss you guys too." I admitted as they all smiled.

"Make good life choices though! It might affect all of us." Anthony said as I chuckled. "I will." I said and then concentrated myself.

"Reduc illas. Vade revertere in tempore. Revertete ad eos tempus." 

"Y/N CATCH!" I heard someone yelled as I felt something land in my chest. I looked up to see them all disappear. Then I fell down and hit my head against the floor.

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