-Chapter 4: That morning-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I awoke on a couch that I was not familiar with. It wasn't my couch at home that's for sure. I tried to remember why I was here. I stood up and tried to put my feet on the floor but I hit something soft. I looked down to see that it was someone's back.


Oh God I've been murdered in a mass murder and then I've been put with the rest in an abandoned house so I can rot away but magically I've survived and now I'll stay here for the rest of my days!

"..." Oh wait I remember...The guys and I went to Hercules's place and I fell asleep on the only couch and then the guys fell asleep on the rug next to the couch. I kinda felt bad that they slept on the floor but they insisted so...Also THERE'S A TURTLE ON MY LAP!

I grabbed the thing and looked at it. 
"Wait...Aren't you the turtle John chased after yesterday?" I asked the little guy. He began to wiggle and move it's little arms and tail around. I set him back down and laid back down in front of him. He sat down and we just stared at each other...

"I may have to steal you from John..." I said as we looked at each other.
"Steal what now?" I heard John say as he looked over the couch. I jumped and looked at him in shock. I breathed heavy as he began to chuckle. He then looked from me to the turtle and picked the turtle up.

"Hey little guy, how did you get here?" He asked the turtle.
"You chased him down and then grabbed him and then fell asleep." I said as John looked at me and blushed from embarrassment. I laughed at it.

"What's it's name?" I asked as I pointed to the turtle. 
"Oh, er...I don't know yet but...I dub this turtle...(A/N...I don't know how to name turtles. *Searches popular turtle names* Taco, Yoda, speedy, Yoshi, Donatello, Mr.turtle, MiSHELL Obama,...These are all great...Okay I found one) Yafa." He said with a smile.

"Yafa?" I said a bit confused. "Why?" I asked.
"You Are F*cking Adorable." He said with a smirk. I flushed and sunk away in the couch. John hopped over the couch and sat next to me.
"Out of the topic...Yafa is a unique name." I said with a smile. 

"Yeah I agree. It's a great name." John said with a grin.
"Now don't get cocky." I said as I pocked him in his side. 

"SHUT UP!" Hercules said as he rolled on his side on the floor. We chuckles as we realized that the rest were still here. 
"Let's just go to the tailor shop so the others can sleep." I suggested as he nodded. Before we went to the shop, we went to the bathroom so we can splash some water in our faces. I also grabbed a comb and untangled my hair. I looked at John and his tangled hair.

"Do you want the comb?" I asked. He looked at the comb.
"I don't comb my hair." He said as he grabbed a towel to rub the water of his face.
"Whaaaat?" I asked as he looked at me. "Then...I'll comb it." I said.
"What?" He asked confused.
"You said that you didn't comb your hair so I'll do it." I said as he flushed. "Sit down and I'll comb your hair. I said as John grabbed a chair and sat down. I looked around in the bathroom and I saw a bouquet with flowers in a vase....I'll buy him new flowers...

I put some flowers together and made a flower crown and put it in his hair. He tapped his hand on the flower crown and chuckled.
"Really?" He asked as he turned around and smiled. 
"We do need to buy a new bouquet of flowers for Hercules." I said sweat dropping.  He nodded as we made our way to the tailor shop. It was the same as yesterday. 

We sat down on two tailor chairs and began to talk until Hercules came in the shop rubbing his face. He saw me, John and Yafa sitting in his shop. 
"Good morning." I said as he grabbed another chair and sat next to us. He shot a look at Yafa and kept staring.
"I am not even gonna ask." He said as he looked back at us. We three began to talk about somethings until the topic of the revolution dropped.

"We 4 may be joining." Hercules said as he looked at John.
"Really?" I asked not making eye contact. They both looked at each other.
"You're not mad are you?" John asked looking at me poking Yafa with my finger.
"No, no...I'm just a bit...Concerned." I said as I pet Yafa with my finger.

Yafa fell over and was now laying down on his shell. I pushed him back on his little feet.
"I don't really have a place to stay." I admitted to them.
"Why don't you just...Stay here and care for the house and...That turtle." Hercules suggested as I looked up at him.
"Yafa, it's Yafa." John corrected him.

"What does that stand for?" Hercules asked as he looked at Yafa.
"You're A F*cking A$$hole." John hissed at Hercules as I began to laugh.
"Ha ha ha..." Hercules said tired as he knocked Yafa over on his shell.

The Lafayette came in looking as good as Hercules which wasn't that good.
"Yo." John said as Lafayette also grabbed a chair.
"Eh." I said as he banged his head on the table.
"I told you 4 to stop." I oozed in.

"Now is not the time to think of past errors." Lafayette said with his accent.
"Ha!" I said with a laugh.

"Where's the other f*ckboy?" John asked with a pound on the table.
"He's up, just knocking the alcohol out his head." Lafayette said. Then Alexander came out the room like it was a setup. He sat down and almost fell over.
"Was it worth it?" I asked as I looked at him.
"Heck yeah." He said as he balanced himself on the chair.

"Can you make us breakfast?" Alexander asked. See now my smile dropped.
"Why?" I asked to hear his reason.
"Because you're the only woman here?" He said still knocking the alcohol out his ear.

John's P.O.V

I don't know Y/N that well but I could see that pulled a string in her head.
"Alexander you should-" I tried but Y/N cut me off by standing up and leaving the shop. 
"Now you've done it." Hercules said as he looked mad at Alexander.
"What?" Alexander asked as if he didn't remember what he said.
"He's still drunk of his a$$." Lafayette said as he looked at us.

"You just called Y/N a woman who needs to do the dishes." I said as Alexander's eyes opened and he looked kinda shocked.
"WHAT?!" He said as if he didn't knew what he had said.
"Just try to find her in the city, she doesn't know the way she couldn't have gone that far." Hercules said as we all stood up and wobbled to the door like we were standing on ice.

We all gripped on something as I grabbed Yafa to keep him from running away when we were gone plus, I always wanted a turtle on my head.

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