-Chapter 58: Help me from myself-

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(I am sorry.)

Y/N's P.O.V

Seconds passed, seconds turned to minutes. Minutes passed, minutes turned into hours. Hours passed, hours turned into days. Days passed, days turned into weeks. Weeks passed, weeks turned into months. Months passed, months turned into years...

Danger was growing in each corner as I tried to find a way out. Lafayette and Sam had been asking for the reign. I asked them how they wanted it.

They told me that they wanted funds for France. Money, food, health care. That was the beginning for something big. The demands came from funds and went to political changes. It all happened so fast.

While that was happening...The election...I was thinking that Washington would come in and win it! ...He stepped down. 

John Adams, out of no where, swooped in. It was unexpected. Alexander got fired, that was to be expected... Everything began to become harder to get the reign that the both wanted. I worked more than I had ever worked before, often just sleeping in the office, door locked so Thomas couldn't come and get me.

When Thomas tried to get me out of my office, he'd bang on the door making me crawl in a corner, ears covered. Around 12 o'clock he would give up and go home. When I did go home for the night, Thomas would treat me like I was a Goddess. 

Not even to mention that Mary hasn't stopped growing. She was now a full 16 years old. And she was head over heals for Philip and told me about it. Of course, I supported it. Thomas. He didn't. What was to be expected.

Hercules and I have been getting out the cold zone with each other and actually talked a bit. Mostly him ranting as to where my brain had gone after the war.

Is that everyone? I think so.

John's P.O.V

I sat on my couch, in my home, crunched into the couch like a sack of old potatoes. Everyone is doing their own thing. Alexander and Y/N are working, Lafayette is in France, Hercules is dead and I'm not that desperate to go to the Lee-Seabury house.

Martha was somewhere.

How come that it looks like everyone has moved on and I'm still stuck in this mental state? 

(Dude, same question I ask myself every day!)

Let me think. When did I last feel okay? I mean, forced marriage does take a toll on someone. 'Go marry that Martha girl!' they said. 'It'll be fun!' They said. Yeah right.

The last moment I think I had fun, was when we went to France to save Lafayette, 16 years ago. 

*Sudden realization hits*

Holy f*ck, I'm miserable!

What am I even living for? God, I need someone to tell me. 

I shot up and grabbed my jacket. I need to talk to Alexander, now. Maybe he was at his office or at home? Didn't he get fired? At home in his study then. When I had arrived, knocked the door and nervously tapped my finger on my arm, Eliza opened the door.

"He's busy." She apologetically smiled. "I-...It's an emergency." I stated as she looked worried. "You can always try." She insisted as she opened the door wider and let me in. I walked straight past the 5 kids staring at me and headed to the end of the hall with orange candle light coming out of the creaks. 

I harshly knocked on the door. "Hamilton." I sternly stated as I saw Eliza and her kids in the corner of my eye at the front door. "...no..." I heard a mumble as I crunched up my nose. "I won't take a 'no'." I stated as I opened the door, airless air hit my face. 

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