-Chapter 14: I see...-

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Y/N's P.O.V

He finally let go off me and turned back to his plate. "Hmm you're right it is delicious." He said as he swallowed the cake. My face that was as red as a tomato turned redder. My eye lightly twitching to the king. "Now get up and go back to your place." He hissed at me. Now I was throwing a warning glare at him, basically telling him to shut it or I'm not gonna care if I die again. Non the less, I stood up and my eye kept twitching at him. No one messes with a(n) L/N...

After I cleaned up I left the kitchen. Not even caring that someone saw me leave. I grabbed a mop from a passing person who was very confused but didn't go after me. I knew that Ilona was in the garden, cleaning the marble porch. When I arrived I saw multiple guards talking to Ilona's group. I shook my head and made my way to them.

"Sir, we just need to clean this. Can you leave us alone?" A girl maybe my age said as she looked at the guards. "You have no rights to speak." One of guards said. "Sir we were assigned to do this." Ilona quietly stated. "Shut up brat!" A guard said as he raised his hand. I rushed in and hit the hard wood of the mob right on his wrist, making him wince in pain. "What the bloody hell?!" He said as he rubbed his wrist. He looked at me and grabbed me by the beginnings of my hair close to my scalp. "You b*tch." He said as he put force into his hand.

I raised my nose and spit in his face which made him throw me backwards right on the marble. He rubbed his face and looked at me. "She's not worth it, we need to go to the king." One of the guards said as he looked at me and then they left.

I groaned as the 4 girls helped me get up while Ilona stood there speechless. "Are you okay?" One of them asked. "I could've been better but I'm good enough to move." I said as the moon light shone in my face. I blinked a few times then felt two arms wrap around me. I looked down to see Ilona pressed against me. I sighed and got to her level to give her a proper hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She cried in my shoulder.

King George's P.O.V

I was sitting on my throne, very bored. Suddenly the 2 large doors of the room opened to reveal a hand full of guards. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed and bored. "S-Sir, one of the slaves is acting rebellious." One of them said. "Drown 'em." I said as they looked nervous to me. "Wait, which one?" I asked first. "T-The one in the cleaning crew, she had h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. She was protecting the little girl with the red hair" One of them said.

My ear twitched. "How many persons are in that crew?" I asked. "6 sire." He said. "I only have 5 cleaning slaves for the main palace." I said as looked at the nervous guards. "Er..." They all said. "You're dismissed." I said as they all ran out the room.

'So that's what's she does in her free time...' I thought as I smirked.

~Meanwhile~ (Madison is grappling-...Wrong book)

Y/N's P.O.V

We all headed back to the sleeping dorm after we had cleaned every inch of the marble porch. I laid down in bed and closed my eyes. Not a second later the door of the room where I was sleeping opened and a soft light of a oil lamp hit my face. "You, get out." I heard as I sighed but still got out bed.

"You are going to the king, clean up." The guard said as he walked out. I put my normal uniform on again and put my hair in a bun, here we go. I got out and followed the guard. He brought me to the throne room but before he even opened the door...

"You need to bow 3 times while entering and 3 times while leaving. Do not face your back to his sire. You will bow when you enter with your left foot one step behind. Bow deep. Then when you're halfway there just bow with both legs at the same position and then when you arrive with your left feet one step before yourself. Then after you talked to him, left foot one step before yourself and bow. Walk backwards to the exit, bow with both feet side to side wen you're halfway and then when you're at the door you put-" The guy rambled on. "My right foot one step behind me and bow deep." I finished very annoyed.

"Now bow so I can see how you do it." The guard said. I sighed but bowed. "Deeper, who do you think you're going to talk to? Your younger sister?" The guard said as I sighed deep and bowed even deeper. "Bow as deep as you sigh and you might come out alive." He said. "Alive?" I asked.

"Yes, now go." He said as he pushed me in. The doors closed behind me and I scoffed. Then I looked before me to see king George standing next to his throne. Looking at me intently. I sighed and put my right foot back and bowed. Then I slowly stepped to him not breaking eye contact. When I realized that I had reached the midway, I bowed with both of my feet next to each other. Then I walked to him and bowed one last time with my left foot one step before me.

(I've watched too much John Adams, the series. This was just really funny to me, seeing Adams bow for king George 3 times.)

"You know why you're here?" King George asked as I sighed. "I talked back to a guard and spit on him." I answered. "And I won't hesitate to do it again." I said between gritted teeth. "I don't think you will darling." George grinned as he sat down on his throne. "And what makes you think that?" I asked with both of my arms folded. "You did something wrong." King George said as I nodded in all obviousness. "And people who do things wrong around here get killed." King George said as I nodded.

"But since you wouldn't give a flux capacitor if you're going to die or not, I'm gonna alter the rules." George said as I looked at him, not nodding this time. "Bring her in." George hissed to the guards behind the throne. They nodded and went in a side door and came back each holding an arm of a terrified Ilona. My eyes widened as I tried to rush to her but I was hold back by a guard that came outta nowhere. 

"She has nothing to do with this, let her go." I begged to George as he smirked.

"I mean, I could but if I do you'll see that I have a soft spot and I don't so, no." George said as I made eye contact with Ilona. I mouthed 'sorry' over and over again as she kept looking terrified at me. "Look, I'll obey, I'll listen, I won't speak ever again but let her go." I cried. George chuckled as he made his way to me. He grabbed my chin and looked with his sharp blue cold eyes right in my e/c eyes. "Cut her." He said as my eyes widened when I heard a sword enter somebody. A tear flowed down my face. I heard a tud, someone falling on the ground and so I kicked myself free from the guard and rushed to Ilona who was now on the ground, bleeding to death.

I grabbed her head and placed it on my lap as I sat down. I grabbed her half warm hand in mine and looked at her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I repeated as she looked at me with her green eyes half open. "A-At Least I-I'll be back with m-my dad and brot-ther." She smiled. "I-If you find my mom, free her, p-please." She said as I nodded. "I will, I will, don't worry." I whispered. She smiled before I felt the little strength in her hand disappear. Her eyes slowly closed and her smile faded. 

"Grab the girl and toss her with the others and you, get the other one back to the dorms, now." I heard George say. Someone grabbed my arms and let me stand up. I was too broken to even argue with them. I passed the king not saying a single word. 

He did it, he broke me.

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