-Chapter 42: "Work." "Break."

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Y/N's P.O.V



"F*CK! WHAT DID I DO!?" I yelled out as Hercules totally disappeared. 

"F*CK F*CK F*CK!!!" I yelled again and went to search in the book what I did. I read for a couple of seconds and then banged my head against the table. "F*CK I MADE HIM GO BACK TO THE HEADMASTERS!!!" I yelled and banged my head on the table over and over again.

"Okay, Y/N. CALM YO'SELF THE F*CK DOWN GIRL." I stated as I slapped myself. 

"There must be...Something in here to get him back, right?" I mumbled as I flipped through the pages. "Return...Return-AH! RETURN FROM THE DEATH!" I yelled out in excitement. "Will he understand my mistake?" I anxiously said to myself and looked at the spell.

"...We'll laugh about it 5 years from now." I bluffed and put my finger on the spell.

"Apporte eos. Apporte eos et dimittete eos vivere." 

I felt something leave my body and I fell down on the floor. Then everything went black.

When I woke up again, I wasn't in my home. The sent was other than my room. The bed felt different and everything in general felt...Off. I was sure this wasn't my home. I went upright which caused my hair to get before my eyes. Full of anger, I blew the hair out of my face. 


I looked outside, noticing it was night. I didn't feel sleepy though...(Same fam.)

A smirk crept on my face as I threw the blankets off me. "Time to see where I am." I whispered and slowly went to the door. Then I noticed I had a night dress on. I remember falling down with work clothes. SO WHO EVER TOUCHED ME, I'LL KILL YOU!!! I DON'T LIKE TO BE TOUCHED!!!

I opened the door and looked around. I didn't recognize it. Partly because it was very dark, but I also didn't really remember going here. I slowly walked down the halls. I finally saw the stairs and that's when it hit me. 

This was Jefferson's house...

I went downstairs into the living room. I was going to sit there and wait until Thomas came down and explained me why I was here. But turns out, I didn't have to. 

There on the magenta couch was the magenta devil himself. Sitting upright, watching the fireplace burn. Back turned to me, head in his hands.

Why was he here?  Why wasn't he sleeping?

"Thomas?" I called as he perked up out of his potato like form and turned around. "Y/N." Thomas exhaled with a surprised yet so relieved tone. "Thomas, why am I here-" I tried to ask but he had already jumped over the couch and embraced me.

"Y/N don't you ever do that ever again! I was so worried!" Thomas said hugging me tighter like he was afraid I was disappear right then and there. "...I'm sorry." I said as I hugged him back. "But I need to work-"

"Y/N You've been work for weeks! I have seen your work load you somehow deliver in every day! Stop it! Take a break! Get a house in the mountains and listen to the wind for a couple of days!" Thomas said squeezing my shoulders. "I-"

"That's enough for you to do." He said cutting me off. 

'You will never be satisfied.' I heard as a sudden wind brushed against my cheeks. 

"No! I will not-" 

"Y/N." Thomas said with pain in his voice which made me stop talking. "Please, everyone is worried for you. If you don't take care of yourself for a few days, you'll collapse and when that time comes. You won't stand up." Thomas said as he held my hands. 

"I'm not going to the mountains, I hate hiking." I argued back. "Fine. You'll stay home, but you have to promise me to not do anything that takes maximum effort." He sighed as he looked me in the eyes. 

"I can't promise anything-"

"Promise me L/N." Thomas said very serious. "...Fine." I exhaled as he smiled. "Thank you." He smiled as I looked away with a blush forming on my face. "Yeah, yeah..." I said with a frown.

~Some days later~

I was in my home, reading a book, trying to keep a promise I made. I was also thinking about the spell. Why didn't Hercules appear? My energy drained completely, so why didn't it work? Just as I thought that, I heard something in my kitchen. 

My head snapped towards the sound and I immediately stood up. My war reflexes peaked up and I sneaked to a corner. I peaked in the kitchen and saw someone stand there. It wasn't a ghost...So it wasn't Hercules. 

I slowly prepared myself and jumped on the person, we both fell down on the ground and I was on top of them, holding my elbow against their throat. As soon as I saw their face, I knew who it was. 

"You." I hissed angry and looked at the person. That person, was king George. Somehow, he had brown hair but that wasn't the point. The point was that I was about to kill a Brit. 

I pushed all my weight to my hands and began to choke him.  "W-W-Wait!" I heard him cry out as I began to push harder on his throat. Suddenly I felt myself being removed off him. I grabbed the hands who held me by the waist and threw the over me to the ground. 

George began to cough and get as far away from me as he could. The person who tried to remove me from him was...John? Wait...This doesn't make sense.

"JOHN WHAT THE F*CK DUDE?!" I yelled as I grabbed him by his hair and looked at him. "Ey, ey, ey! Chill dude!" He yelled as I looked at him. Since when does John wear a shirt and jeans instead of...Old timey sh*t?

Hold up...

"What's happeni-"

I didn't even let them finish their sentence before I swung my fist in their face without turning around. I let go off...John?...And turned around to see Alexander? What is happening here? AND HOW DID THEY GET IN MY HOUSE?! 

"OH F*CK YOU MATE!" I yelled and threw a cook book at Alexander. Okay why does he have jeans and a hoodie? "SOMEONE TIE HER UP!" I heard from behind me as I turned around to look at George and John sitting next to each other, back against the wall in fear. 

"I got a sword!" I heard someone else say. Suddenly Jefferson walked in with my sword. "YEAH BECAUSE WE WANT TO KILL HER!" George yelled sarcastic. "Thomas can you explain what the f*ck is going on here?" I asked Thomas as I came closer, but he pointed the sword towards me. 

"Someone call the police now!" I heard John cry out. "On it." I heard someone else say as I looked over Jefferson to see...Madison? No...Hercules?!...No......I have no idea if that's Madison or Hercules.

"Did you just say call?" I asked ...Herison. "Just call them Oak!" Alexander yelled. "There is no signal here..." Herison said. "...Excuse me, but what year is it?" I asked them. "2018. NOW SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!!!" Alexander yelled. I frowned before I felt a frying pan hit my head.

I fell on the ground. Again.

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