-Chapter 15: Shhht...-

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Y/N's P.O.V

Hot tears streamed off my face as the guard lead me outside the throne room. "How could you just stand there?" I mumbled with a sob to the guard as we walked through the hall. "She was just a kid..." I cried. I turned to the guard. He had a scarf around his nose and mouth, partly because it was winter. The guard didn't reply but I did notice he was taking a left where he should've taken a right. The slave dorms were located at the East, not at the West of the castle. Instead of the dorms he brought me to an empty portrait room.

He pushed me in and then got in himself. He quickly closed the door and locked it. "Man, if you're gonna rape me you should've done it before me seeing the child die." I said as I frowned. He covered my mouth and shushed me.

"Shht...Listen to me. I'm gonna bust you out." He said as I cocked an eyebrow. "Why?" I asked. He removed the scarf and grabbed a Lucifer. He lit it up and now I could make his face out by the little light shining on our faces. "Hercu-" I said shocked but he covered my mouth. "I'm here on a spy mission, we can talk after you and I are on a ship. Meet me at the gate tomorrow at midnight." He said as I nodded. 

After he was done with talking I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. Tears were spilling from my cheek onto his coat. Suddenly we heard the door open so Hercules tackled me on the ground. "STAY DOWN YOU SLUT!" He yelled as he pinned my hand above my head. "What is going on here?" I heard a British officer say. "This twat tried to escape so she kicked me, then fled to this room so I pinned her down, sir." Hercules said with a pretty good British accent.

"Good job soldier. Take her to the dungeon. She'll serve some time there until the king says otherwise." The officer said as Hercules nodded, got off me and pushed me out the room. He lead me to a dark and scary hallway. The air was moist and it made me feel like I was in a jungle or a classroom in high school.

He grabbed a key from his belt and opened a heavy door. It looked like solitary but worse. People were screaming to let them out, people were crying and people were banging against the rails. They mostly yelled at Hercules but he tried to look forwards. All the prisoners were in the same room and they were angry.  

"Slight change of plans." Hercules mumbled so only I could hear it. "You're gonna stay here and we're gonna free all these people at midnight tomorrow." He said as I nodded. "Tell them about it, but be careful how you tell it. See you tomorrow." He said as he opened a jail door, pushed me in the mass cage and closed it. He gave me this last look and then he left.

"So how did you piss off the king?" I heard and everyone fell silent. "Er...I didn't." I told them and they all burst out laughing. A man, maybe a few years older than me approached me. "You wouldn't be the first." He laughed at me. "Why are you all here?" I asked. "Some of us didn't want to fight and we're here. Some of us tried to kill the king. Some of us were torn away from our family." The man explained. "So you all hate the king?" I asked. "We wouldn't be here if we didn't." The man said. 

I thought for a second. "Is there a mother in here?" I asked. "Countless." The man answered as I looked at all the woman. "Where's the mother of Ilona?" I asked as they all fell silent again. A woman who was first crumbled up in a corner looked up. "T-That's me." She said as she stood up and rushed to me. "Is she okay? H-How is she doing?" She asked as she squeezed my arms. I inhaled and looked down. "She's with your husband and son now." I quietly mumbled as her hand began to shake. "N-No..." She said as she let go off me. 

She backed away and a good amount of woman sat her down and began to talk to her. "How did you know the daughter died?!" The man said as he grabbed me by my collar cutting off my air pipe. "T-The king wanted t-to harm h-her so I-I fought back, they t-told me off a-and then th-they k-killed h-her." I said with the last of my breath. "Lucerna was the only light we had in this dark room and her only light was her daughter. You did not only break her sanity but ours too!" He said as he threw me down on the floor.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know...I didn't think-" I said as soon as I breathed in. "This is the real world, not a world were you can make the rules." The man said as he went to the mother. "I-I'm gonna get you all out!" I said as I stood up. They all looked at me with this glare. "How?" A woman spat at me. "The guard who brought me here, he's my friend, he's going to bust us all out tomorrow." I said as they all began to whisper and give me some glares. 

"Don't get our hopes up..." A man said as I shook my head. "I'm not! He's gonna come and bust us out as soon as he can and you'll see." I said they rolled their eyes as I sat down in a corner. "You'll see..." I said.

King George's P.O.V

"So she's in the dungeon now?" I asked to the head officer who nodded. I put my hand under my chin as I was leaning on my elbow. "And what now?" I asked as he nervously stuttered: "W-Whatever you w-want sir." He answered. "Exactly." I answered. "Tomorrow I'll pay her a visit at dawn. I'll make a deal with her, if she declines she'll be decapitated." I said as the officer nodded. "You may leave." I said as the officer left.

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