-Chapter 31: it ends, now.-

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~A few years later~

Y/N's P.O.V

This. Is. It.

5 years long. We have been fighting. 

Now. We're going to end this. Right here, right now. York Town, 1781.

Let me fill you in on what happened.

So first of all, Alexander. He was promoted to fight in York town as a general. He was so excited! Which was, good for him. We became less awkward and angry around each other and became best friends. My feelings for him were erased. 

Then Lafayette, he has a really high rank. At this moment he's in Chesapeake Bay. It's all a part of Alexander's big plan to end this war once and for all. 

Then Hercules. He's in Britain, getting all the information over to us. He's been working on a British accent with me since I learned it when I was back in... 



Washington, (Reader: CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHERE IN THE F*CKING WORLD LAURENS WENT TO?!) Is being the brilliant general he always is. Leading troops, fighting, and handling documents all at once. (That would actually look funny)

And lastly, (Reader: Finally) Lee. (Reader: THE FU-) 

Guess who had to study a religion in their free time to help a gay couple get married. This girl. Apparently, Lee and Samuel had become...Friendly with each other. A couple months ago, Samuel asked me if I could wed them in whatever holy belief I could wed them.

So I wed them in name of the, you guessed it, food Gods. I literally studied about food for 3 months and wedded them just before the York Town business. So now they're married. That happened.

(Now John, (Reader: Final-) Adams. (Reader: I will kill you.) )

John went to South Carolina.

That's all I know. I haven't heard anything about him. 

Meanwhile, I was able to fight some fights, but due to a lack of secretaries, I had to stay behind and make sure that everyone had food, bullets, weapons, medicine, ect.

So one day, I was at my desk. Not doing anything special, but to pray that everyone was still alive while I was stuck here. I was writing something down when I heard the tent flaps open. First, I thought it was the person who brings me the papers from all the local businesses. 

When I looked up, only 1 glance was needed to know who it was. Even if they looked drained and maybe be full of cuts and bruises. Lafayette. I stood up. He was panting, so I knew he ran. Before I could say something close to 'What happened?' Lafayette said:

"It's over. The war, has ended." 

My mouth was agape. There's no way. A tear rolled of my cheek making me realize that this was real and not another good dream. I began to laugh. Not a bitter laugh, more like a laugh you would laugh after you had a near dead experience. 

Or when you fell off your bike after your phone dropped and you squeezed the breaks and then you did a 360 in the air after landing on the floor and then give your last f*cks to crawl to your phone to see if it hasn't cracked. THAT LAUGH after you see that it isn't cracked.

That's the one.

(Reader: ...That's a little specific. Did this happen to you?

Author: What do you think?)

More tears flowed as I laughed even harder. "No way." I said as I covered my mouth to not look as crazy as I did. "As they say, YES WAY!" Lafayette yelled as he ran to me for a hug. We jumped up and down and began to cheer: 

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