-Chapter 18: Not with you-

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Alexander's P.O.V

After a few more hours of working I decided to turn in for the night. I made my way back to my tent when I saw that the oil lamp was still on, indicating that everyone inside was still awake and they usually weren't. I opened the flap of the tent to see John, Lafayette and surprisingly Hercules.

"Wow, Herc, you're back?" I said with a smile only to return a glare from the others. "He arrived here 10 hours ago." John stated not sounding like a simple statement. "Why didn't you tell me? I would've come out sooner." I said as they all fell silent. "Y/N...Didn't..." Lafayette mumbled. "Y/N what? Is there news about her?" I asked jumping a bit. They all looked at each other. "She didn't pass by his tent did she?" Hercules concluded. 

"Alexander did something happen maybe...3 hours ago?" John asked looking at me. "Let's see...Ah yes, Britney passed and...Oh God she didn't see me and her...Did she?" I mumbled to myself. "Alex what happened?" Hercules asked not understanding my mumbling. "Where is Y/N?" I asked panicked."She said she went out for a walk but-He's gone isn't he?" John said as I ran out the tent praying to Irene she didn't see me kissing that female dog.

Running around like crazy didn't solve much since the guys just kept staring at me run from left to right. Washington grabbed a chair, sat it down in front of his tent and just watched me run around with a drink in his hand.

"Sir. Have you seen Y/N?" I finally asked immediately regretting it. "Why?" He asked sipping from his drink. "I just-...JUST TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" I yelled as he kept sipping from his drink like he didn't like my tone. "Is someone in love?" He finally asked as I stopped and twitched my eye at him. "So you are in love." He confirmed. 

"I'llkillyouinyoursleepoldmanIknowpeoplewhoknowpeoplewhocankillyouandmakeitlooklikeanaccident." I said fast my eyes turning red.

"She's near the lake." Washington grinned as I stomped off. "Thank you." I told him as I stepped away. "Make me proud son!" He yelled after me. "Still not your son!" I yelled  pointing at him.

I stepped to the lake and leaning against a tree, there she was. I slowly stepped to her. As I came closer I saw her eyes look at the lake, thinking about something. "Y/N?" I called as she raised her shoulders and turned her head to me. An empty look splattered on her face. 

"My God, I thought you were dead." I said as I kneeled down to her level. She kept staring at me not saying a word. "Y/N, what's wrong?" I asked having a slight idea of what was wrong. "Nothing." She finally said as she shook her head lightly. "O-oh..." Is all I could get out my mouth.

"Where have you been?" I asked to change the topic quick. "Britain and back." She replied as my mouth dropped to the ground. "Why? What happened?" I asked panicked. "I got: kidnapped by the British forces, send on a ship to Britain, bought as a slave to the king, saw a kid get killed, escaped my own execution and got on a boat to America." She said emotionless slightly irritated. I had no words.

"I'm going to the tent to sleep not worrying about if I'm gonna get decapitated for a night." She said and stood up. I wanted to say something to her but no words came to mind. She began to take her leave when I grabbed her arm and she turned to me. "What?" She asked a bit rude. "Y/N...Did you by any chance see...Me and-" I started but she tore her hand away and walked off, not wanting to hear me.

~A week later~

Y/N's P.O.V

"Mail for-" I  started but was cut off by the guy and he grabbed the letter from my hand and went back in his tent. I groaned and jumped back on my horse. Back to this sh*t. A few hours later I had done my routine and returned to the tent. The guys were on training so the tent was empty. I sat down on my bed and grabbed a book to read. I miss Youtube so, so much.

The good news is that the Winter's ball is coming in a few days. I can really use some of that relaxation. Me and Alexander haven't been talking a lot lately. The best we said to each other was a mumbled 'Good morning' and a sleepy 'Good evening' That's it. 2 days ago he asked me to the winter ball and I declined.

Then Lafayette entered the tent. "Hey, how was training?" I said from my position on the bed with my book in my hands. "Exhausting." He said in one word. "Where are the others?" I asked as he slightly chuckled. "Hamilton called the trainer a donkey so he had to do 200 push ups after practice. John and Hercules went to get some water but I already drank after the training so I just returned." He told me and sat down. 

"Classic." I huffed and closed my book. Then I could feel him getting nervous. "Y-Y/N?" He called as I looked up and swung my legs to the side of my bed so I was in a sitting position. "Yes?" I answered looking at him. He was nervous, I could tell. "I-Is t-there b-b-by any ch-chance already someone who erm...Who asked you out to the winter b-ball?" He asked very nervous.

"No, no one did." I said as he shot up and he immediately asked. "Can you go to the ball with me?" I was taken back while I just sat there and looked at him which made him more nervous than 2 seconds ago. "I-I mean if you didn't want to go then I suppose you don't have to but I was just wondering since the guys didn't talk about it and-" I cut him off in his rant. "Sure." I told him. 

"Sure what?" He asked nervous. "Sure I'll go with you." I said. He stood there for a good 10 seconds before getting back to his brain. "O-Okay. I'm going to go somewhere now, s-see you later." He said and rushed out the tent.

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