-Chapter 13: the servant-

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Y/N's P.O.V

At 6 o'clock in the morning a loud bell rang in the dorm. I slowly woke up and saw the light hit from the open door right on my face. I groaned but stood up, put some clothes on, did the bun and everything and rushed to the kitchen. Like I said, keep a low profile, don't act dangerous until you have the chance to escape.

As soon as I got in the kitchen, the fresh smell of breakfast hit me. People were cooking on stoves left and right. I passed them all and went to the door so I could wait to get some plates as soon as I could. like I said, low profile. After a few hours of just standing there looking at the people who were cooking I saw a little girl crept up against a corner. I looked around to see that no one was paying attention to her. She had red hair and had freckles covering her body, for a split second I saw she had green, blueish eyes.

I slowly walked to her and sat down. She slowly turned her head to me as I looked at her. She twisted it back and buried her head between her legs. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked as she raised her shoulders and let them down again. "I don't like it here either..." I said as she looked at me. "My name's Y/N L/N. What's yours?" I asked as she opened the mouth to say something. "I-It's Ilona..." She slowly stuttered.

"So Ilona, what's wrong?" I asked as I put a hand on her shoulder. She leaned on her knees and sighed. "They took her." She said with a tear rolling down her freckle covered cheek. "Who?" I asked. "The servant for serving, get the plates!" I heard. I sighed. "Stay here, I'll come when 'his majesty' is done eating." I said with a funny accent that made her laugh. I smiled, stood up and balanced the plates.

I entered the room and immediately made eye contact with the king. I looked down and put the plates down. I turned around to get the rest when I heard:

"You didn't poison it, did you?"

I turned around faster than Micheal Jackson did his spins. "Excuse me?" I said as I was holding both of my arms down so I couldn't smack this guy's crown of his head and then hit it. "That's how the last one was killed. She tried to poison me." He said tapping his fork on the table. "Psh, you think I'm gonna waste my time with that? PSH!" Is what I would've said if there weren't any guards at the doors. Instead I just turned around and got the other plates.

After I put all the plates on the table I backed away and stared at him with the death stare my mom used to give me. He gave me some glances but kept on eating. After he was done he just stood up passed me and went to his office. The doors closed and I pshed him before grabbing the plates.

As soon as I put the plates on the table I rushed to Ilona only to see that she was gone. I sighed and looked around. You know what? They can't blame me if I go and 'clean' the castle right? I grabbed a bucket and mop and left the kitchen. I slowly and carefully walked around. I saw a group of servants clean a big ball room and in that crowd I saw Ilona. She was on her knees with a wet towel cleaning the floor. I slowly snooped in and began to mop.

"Hey Ilona." I said as I slowly made my way over to her. She looked up with surprise. "What are you doing here?" She asked panicked. "I've come to see you, now tell me who took who?" I asked as she looked down. "My mom and I were here as prisoners after they came in our house and killed my dad." She said tears pricking in her eyes. "After that my mom began to fight back and she is now in the dungeon." She explained as she whipped her tears. "And they'll throw you there too if they find out that you snuck out of the kitchen." Ilona said to me.

I sighed and put my hand on her head. "Then so be it." I said with a smile she hugged my legs as I got down and hugged her. I soon got up and finished mopping. I then rushed back to the kitchen without anybody noticing and waited till lunch.

The plates were ready to be served and I was thinking about actually putting poison in the food now. I decided not to because I felt like I still had a sprinkle of dignity in myself. I put the plates down and waited for him to eat. He finished, I got the plates and snuck out to see Ilona cleaning in the bedrooms. We talked about so many things until I was to get back to the kitchen. THEN...

After I served the dessert and stepped away, the king raises his hand which made everyone look up, including me. "Everyone out." He said as the guards opened the door and every servant stepped out I sighed and made my way to the door. "Except you M/L/N." He said as I gritted my teeth. 'ITS L/N!' I thought.

The doors closed and everyone was gone except for me and him. "Sit down." The king said as he motioned to the seat next to his. Mentally I was shaking my head furiously but did I have a choice? I'm sure he's just gonna decapitate me as soon as I say no.

I sat down and tapped my foot making it obvious that I didn't want to sit here, let alone alone with him. But he decided to act oblivious about it. "Can you taste test this for me?" He asked as he pointed to the dessert right in front of him. It was a chocolate cake. I blinked a few times making sure I just heard that right. I looked at the cake which looked so good but for my sake and my dignity, I pushed the plate further away from me and looked away. The king chuckled. "I know for a fact you haven't eaten in 2 days dear." He said as I held my stomach.

I sighed and shook my head. "Your choice." He said as he pushed the plate again in front of me, sat back and waited for me to eat it. It took me a good 10 minutes before I had a spoon in my hand with some cake on it, the king slightly looking to the side. I slowly put it in my mouth hoping this wasn't poisoned. Luckily for me, it wasn't. 

I sighed out. "Is it good?" He asked as I nodded without thinking. "Let me try." He said. Now I was expecting him to grab a spoon and eat a bit but he turned my face to his and pressed his lips against mine and then took some cake out of my mouth with his tongue.

And me being the responsible adult that I almost am stayed calm.

~in Y/N's mind~

"CODE RED, CODE RED!!!" The head minister yelled as she ran over from place to place. "Madam, I'm going 100 miles and hour what should we do?" The heart asked. "LOCK DOWN, CLOSE THE MOUTH, BITE ON HIS TONGUE!!!" She yelled. "But madam." The brain
said. "If we do we'll be killed by this crazy b*tch." The brain said.

"DO YOU THINK I CARE BRAIN?-WHERES ANGER?!" She yelled looking around. "She quit madam." One of the soldiers said. "WHAT?!" She yelled. "She said it was too much." The soldier said. "Hey, he kinda cute though~" Lust said looking at the guy. "LUST THIS IS WHIP WHIP NEY NEY SITUATION WITH EVERY WHIP REMOVED!!!" She yelled as she pushed lust in a closet.

"ANYBODY ELSE FEELING FRISKY?!" The head minister yelled as everybody looked at little Frisk. "GET IN THERE!!!" She yelled as Frisk jumped in the closet.

~again in the real world~

I need help.

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