-Chapter 34: Witchery -

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Y/N's P.O.V

"You see, there are these...Headmasters." Hercules began. "They decide where you're going after you died: Heaven, Hell or roam realm." He said as I looked pretty confused about that last thing. Hercules saw my expression and then decided to explain.

"You go here because they basically don't know what to do with you. It's better than hell but worse than Heaven. But there is this tiny detail...You lose ALL your memories of what you did wrong!" He explained. 

"Ah..." I said a bit less confused. "So, guess what? I didn't get in heaven nor hell nor the roam realm." He whined. "Why? You lived a good life!" I protested. "I did. But the roam realm was too full and they're dealing with someone who escaped apparently, I drank too much to be in heaven and hell was too harsh." He explained.

"...So that's why they send you back to earth...As a ghost..." I said looking at him. "Bing bing bing, we have a winner!" Hercules chuckled.

"T-...THAT'S GREAT! We should tell the others and-"

"We can't do that." Hercules interrupted me. "...Why?" I asked as I turned to him. "See, when something great happens-" Hercules explained as he reached his hand to me and went right through my face to the back of my head making his hand stick out. "-There are grand consequences." He said as I freaked the f*ck out as he removed the hand.

"I don't see why I can't tell them," I said after he removed his hand. "Do you really think that only not being able to touch anything was the only price I had to pay?" He asked bittersweetly. It hurt seeing him like this.

After showing with my expression that I didn't understand, he explained:

"You're the only one who can see me." He said with as much pain as someone putting a silver blade in his gut and started twisting it. Which is exactly how I felt. 

"So in exchange that you would stay here, you had to give up your ability to touch and I'm the only one who can see...You..." I said being hit with the hard reality, like when puberty hit you and you were like:

"... . . . 


Exactly like that. 

"...Isn't there a...A way to make you at least being able to touch again?" I asked as Hercules put his chin in between his thumb and index finger. "...Well I mean there is always that book upstairs about witchery. I can see it in my head, it's on the top shelf. A big black book with the Wicca symbol. But that's too dangerous...What if we- Y/N what the f*ck do you have in your hands?" Hercules asked. 

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