-Chapter 57: Home, bitter home-

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Y/N's P.O.V

As I heard foot steps leaving the hall, I took a good look at Hercules. "What are you doing here?" I shakily asked Hercules as he coldly stared back at me. "..." Thus he kept quiet. "...I thought that you-"

"Well you thought wrong." He barked at me as I sulked away in the corner. "..." Full of fear, I remained silent and didn't say a word. Lafayette may have gone back to the living room, but he would confront me about it in the morning. 

And I didn't want to sleep, to then wake up again.

"What...What happened to you after I...After I...Killed you?" I asked with much hesitance in my tone. "Well, there was no place in the roam realm. So I got send to hell, as you might have guessed." He stated as he looked to the side. His clothes were burned and you could see all kind of wounds in the holes of his shirt. 

"...I did tell you to slow the drinking down..."

"NOT HELPING Y/N." Hercules barked at me as I put my hands up in defense. "Right...So how did you come back?" I asked as he shifted his weight in an uncomfortable manner. "Well, when we first met after I was killed, I left out a tiny detail when I told you I got send to Earth." He mumbled, looking to his side. "And that is?" I asked.

"I'm your guardian angel." 

"But I thought-"

"There was no place in the roam realm and they did first send me to hell. But a guy, I don't know his name, it started with a L, stopped that from happening. He told me that I could return to Earth as a ghost. But I had to select a task. I chose to be your guardian angel." He explained as I frowned, deep in thought.

"So when Lafayette had the intentions to use violence, I automatically got send back." He explained with a sigh. 

"He had the intentions to hurt me...With violence?" I asked as I rubbed my arm. "I wouldn't be here if he wasn't planning it." Hercules bitterly stated. Clearly he found it as weird as I did. 

"And, you are here against your will?" I asked to confirm I was alone in this. "Who's to say?" He answered with a frown. 

"So you're not?" I asked confused. "Who's to say?" He repeated.

"...You're gonna help me...Right?" I asked as he chuckled. "That depends. Am in your way to be satisfied?" He asked which made me uneasy. 

"Who's to say?" I mimicked. "True..." He sighed in agreement.

"..." I stayed silent as Hercules stared down at me in a cold manner. "I am ashamed from what happened. But I can't undo it." I told him as he groaned. "You're either going to tell them, or you're gonna have Sam and Lafayette have control over you." Hercules argued back. 

"...I know." I admitted. "So?" He asked.


"Nobody needs to know." I mumbled as Hercules sighed in a disappointed tone but didn't add anything to my statement.

~A week later~

"Y/N!" I heard someone yell as I turned around, luggage in hand. Thomas came out of nowhere and ran towards me. He tackled me to the ground, making me drop my luggage as I felt his lips press against mine. 

I could feel the guilt run along my spine in the form of sweat.

"I missed you so much!" He sighed as he pulled me up and hugged me. This time, the guilt came in tear form. I cried on Thomas' shoulder as he hugged me tighter thinking that I was crying because I saw him again. 

Partly, I was. But the other part of me never wanted to let go and just stay like this so I wouldn't have to face the consequences. "Let's go home. Mary is waiting there for you!" Thomas smiled, whipping my tears. I nodded trying to hold in a sob as he tenderly held my hand. 

As we sat in the carriage, Thomas began to talk about the cabinet. I zoned out and began to think about what Lafayette had said to me as I left the house.

He only said one thing before I left.

"Tell Thomas I said hi."

"-And Hamilton kept arguing. Washington actually wanted to see both him and me. You should come too because I need you to keep me-" He suddenly stopped and waved a hand in front of me. "Y/N?" He called as I snapped out of whatever I was in.

"Yes?" I answered his call as he frowned. "Are you alright?" He asked me as I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked as oblivious as I could. "...Anyway-" He continued now looking me right in my eyes making sure I was listening. 

As soon as we got home, Mary rushed out of the house and jumped in my arms. "Hi!" I greeted her with a smile as she hugged me. "Ma! You're back!" She yelled with a smile as Thomas sweetly looked at us. "Did pops take good care of you?" I asked as she put on a thinking face. "He sometimes said I couldn't play with Philip." She pouted as I turned to Thomas. 

"I'm giving you 5 seconds to run." I stated as Thomas got back in the carriage.

"TO THE CABINET!! QUICK!!" He yelled at the equestrian. As they drove off I shook my head and chuckled. "Can I go to Philip now?" She begged as she pulled at my skirt. "I'll come along, I need to greet Eliza." I smiled as she smiled back.

As we made it to the Hamilton house hold, I saw a curtain move and 3 seconds later the door opened and Philip popped out. "Mary!" He yelled with a smile as Mary ran towards him, giving him a bear hug. "Philip!" She yelled in response. 

"I ship it..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Eh?" Philip said confused as he looked up at me. "Nothing." I chuckled as they both shrugged. "We're going to the park! Bye misses Jefferson!" Philip stated as they both ran towards the park. "Be careful!" I yelled. "We will!" Mary yelled back.

"Y/N!" I suddenly heard from behind me as I turned around. There stood Eliza in all her glory. "Eliza!" I greeted as she hugged me. "It's so good to see you! How was France?" She asked as she let go off me. "...Great..." I said as normal as I could. 

"...Do you want some tea?" She asked avoiding the question of 'What's the matter?' "Yes please." I nodded as she lead me inside. "I need to leave in a few minutes though. Washington needs me in the office." I told her as she nodded. "You sound like Alexander." She chuckled.

"I know, I know." I sighed ashamed. 

(A/N I have returned!)

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