-Chapter 12: Britain-

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Pst...PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST!!!" I whispered trying to get the attention of the two guards, whom were guarding to door of the place where me and all these other people were stuck in. "Hey...HEY!" I shout whispered. They both groaned and turned around. "What do you want?" One of them said. "Help me, the people here are going crazy, they've been here for 5 days without any sunlight and they're not even going normal crazy...They're going Miley Cyrus crazy!" I whined. "Miley Cyrus?" One of them asked. "Just please get me outta here!" I whined. "We're almost there so hold on!" One of them said annoyed.

"Wait, how long?" I asked. "We already stopped, we just gotta get you and your other friends of the ship to the slave sale!" One groaned annoyed. Just then we heard a lock open and a ray of sun light hit my face. "Out." One commanded. I stepped out and saw more sun light hit my face. I rubbed my eyes and finally got used to the light.

We've been in there with little to no food for 5 days. Days in there felt much longer than days in my room with Netflix. I was pushed off the ship and then directly put in the back of a carriage together with the other 50 persons.

The carriage rode a few miles and stopped. As we stopped we all launched to the front of the carriage and back to the back. The doors opened and they all let us out. We were put in line. I looked around for a board and saw the board: Registration

The few before me answered some questions and then were put in a row before a board: on sale

"Name." I heard before me. It was a red coat at a table with a list and a quill. "Y/N L/N." I said as he wrote that down. "Put this around your neck and get in line." He said as he gave me a wooden necklace with the number #241 on it. I went in the row. As soon as all 50 were in the row, people came flooding in. Rich people. They came and checked every person in the row. Some passed by me and some even grabbed my chin looked at my face, let go and moved onto the next one.

Then this one guy came in. He looked around a few minutes and went to the same register man. He gave him money and then walked walked over to me. He put rope around my wrists and pulled me towards the exit. He then pushed me in a carriage, got in himself, closed the carriage door and locked it. "To the Castle!" He yelled as I frowned and looked at the guy. Did he just say castle?

"Sir I-" I tried but I was immediately shut up. "As of now you'll be the slave that has to serve meals for the king. You're not getting paid and you don't speak unless spoken to." The man said as he pushed his glasses on his nose. He had a grey wig, powdered face and a brown richmens coat. For his eyes. These were a bit grayish. The carriage stopped and I was dragged out the carriage. They led me to this room in the palace with a few maids in those black dresses and white aprons. The man went out the room and the maids gave me an uniform like theirs and put my hair into a bun. They washed my face, perfumed me, washed my hands and nails making sure that I was clean enough to see the king. But they also said to look what they were doing so I could do this again and again everyday.

After they were done I looked in the mirror, checked what they had done, nodded and went outside the door. I need to keep a low profile if I'm ever going to escape this prison. It's 101 of escaping a prison. You know Epic how to? Yeah, I've learned enough from them.

The man stood outside, looked at me up and down and nodded. "Good enough." He said and motioned for me to follow him. He lead me to the kitchen and gave me 5 trays that I balanced on my arms, somehow. I don't know how I'm gonna walk. Then he put one on my head. "Now go and serve it." He said and opened the door to a eat room. I slowly walked in and saw the bright light of the chandelier prick in my eyes. Why did they only have 1 person to do this task? Don't they have enough? I saw like 20 more plates. Is this king a fata$$? There is no way that he can eat 25 plates. What happens with the rest of the food?

I slowly set the 6 trays on the table and looked at the king to see how he looked like. Once I locked eye contact with him I saw that he didn't look like what I imagined him to be. He had a grey wig and baby blue eyes. He was tall and slim. Hallelujah it's raining men-NO DON'T! I turned my head back as soon as I turned it to him.

"You are?" I heard from his direction. Like a robot, I slowly turned my head towards the king. "Y/N L/N." I said slowly and not surely. "I'll call you L/N. No, even better M/L/N (Mispronounce for your last name, mine would be Erbeski instead of Erbezci (You pronounce it like Erbezgi) )

Last straw taken, this guy is a jerk. My eye twitched as I turned around and went to get the other plates. As soon as I set the other plates I rushed out the room back in the kitchen and looked right in the eyes of the man that I met before. "And where do you think you're going?"He said. "I-I don't know." I said honestly. "You are supposed to stay there and then grab the plates back when he's done. After that you go to the slaves dorm to sleep. At 6 am you need to be back here." He said as he pointed a lot and made me feel very tiny, tinier than I already am.

"Yes sir." I said as I put my hand to my head like a soldier and went back inside like the undercover cop girl thingy I am. I went back inside and stood far enough from the table and watched the king eat. Then it slowly hit me that I was hungry too. I felt that my stomach was going to make noise so I did a trick that I taught myself to avoid this sound. I had to do it mostly in exams. I pulled all my stomach fat in and leaned forwards and like magic the sound did not come. I sighed out the relief.

As I leaned back backwards I saw that the king was looking at me from the corner of his eye and looked back at his food. Was he judging me? I swear if I was allowed to, I would be kicking his butt. Or suffocate him with his red coat with fake fur. After he was done I cleaned up went to the slaves dorm, fell on the bed with my number on and fell into a deep sleep.

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