-Chapter 30: Quality (Alexander's P.O.V)-

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Alexander's P.O.V

We had just left the church and my dear Eliza. Washington didn't come along because he had some...Business to take care of. He didn't specify. As we were walking back with a group of a 100 men, we suddenly noticed that no one was in the camp. We all went to check in some tents. John went to check in our tent but didn't find Y/N.

Where was she?

Even though she ruined a part of my wedding...Deep inside me, I was concerned. She was still my friend. ...My friend...

"Nothing?" I asked as everyone shook their heads. "Okay, 15 people go to the West and warn-"

"That won't be needed." We heard as we turned around and saw a little army of 25 people in red approached us. We all reached for our guns, realizing that we just came from my wedding. Some of us did had something but that wasn't enough to take out this army.

The person who stood up front looked like a general. He was a ginger with piercing blue eyes slowly pushing daggers into our bodies so it tortured us instead of killing us. The general was well known as general William Howe. Honestly f*ck that guy.

Hesitantly the guys without a gun put their hands on their heads because they knew better than to shoot blindly at this little armed army. Including John, Lafayette and Hercules. But me? I know better, I just chose to ignore my brain and go with my gut feeling.

The guys with a gun didn't know what to do. If they went for shooting then everyone would die, if they didn't went for shooting then everyone would die. THIS IS A LOSE LOSE SITUATION!!!

So they put their guns on the ground and held their hands on their heads. I sighed as I realized that I was the only one who wasn't with their hands on their head.

"You there." Howe said as I looked at him. "Put those hands up before we nail'em up." He said as I scoffed but put my hands on my head. Then they took us to their camps and more specifically, in a big tent in their camp.

A few hours passed and early morning changed into late morning. That's when we heard a few foot steps approach the tent. It was general Washington with the supply dude. They were set on their knees like us with their hands on their head.

I looked around in search of Y/N. If she was still out there, she would've surely noticed that the rest of camp was gone and she went to search us. Or she bailed on us. Both of them could mean bad news.

"We're missing someone..." A soldier said to Howe. "Is it that messenger?" Howe asked angry and irritated. "Y-Yes sir, our spy told us they resided in the East. But there isn't any messenger here." The soldier said a bit scared. "...Then we interrogate about the messenger." Howe said as he walked to us.

"Do any of you blockheads know about the messenger?" He stated as everyone remained silent in a looking down position. Does he really think that we'll sell our only ticket out of here?

"..." As we remained silent, he just sighed. "That's so disappointing...I guess the term 'Rebel' was a good term for you baboons." Howe said as he sighed. "I guess we'll just have to use the tell-me-or-I'll-shoot-you method." He grinned as he pulled out a gun and put it on my head.

"Where is the messenger?" He asked as I gritted my teeth and looked down.

I saw that his finger was about to pull the trigger when a soldier came running in. "WE FOUND HER SIR!" He yelled as all our hearts dropped. Hope is equal to lost.

"Great. Get her over here. As for you-" he said as he pulled the gun away from my head. "I'm going to spare you, you're not worth it." He said as I felt the last drop in my overflowing bucket.

"F*CK YOU!" I yelled as I felt the back of a bayonet hit the back of my head and I fell down.

Quality is doing the right thing, when no one is looking. 

The next five minutes past like five seconds. I heard people yelling. Some gun shots. Then suddenly I felt myself being picked up. With the best of my ability, I at least tried to help by standing up. Then I felt myself being laid down and then someone patting me down. 

I forced myself to open my eyes, even though the light of the raised sun pricked in my eyes. I opened my eyes lightly. "W-What..." I said as I looked at the person. I swore I saw a halo above their head thinking that I was in literal heaven. Which would be impossible. Because I'm needed in hell.

"Hey sleeping beauty, you seem fine, no bullets. But ya hurt a$$ can't walk now so stay here, grab my gun and stay safe, okay?" I heard a voice say. I recognized this voice to be Y/N's. A soft slap was given to me on my cheek as she stood up making the sun light flicker in my eyes. 

When she was about to leave, I felt a lonely feeling hover around me. I didn't want her to leave. So I grabbed her sleeve keeping her in a crouched position as I looked at her. She yanked her hand back and said to me while looking me dead in the eye:

"Alexander stay safe, for your wife's sake." 

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