-Chapter 2: Shot-

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(The art above is made by Fibbled . Give her a follow and appreciate her art above!)

Y/N's P.O.V

"I'm Y/N? Er...This is a strange first impretion." I introduced myself.
"Oh no, I liked it." He said with a smile.

We were still in the kiss hold position talking, so not kissing but just talking, when John got hit on the head with a fist. John fell down and behind him was Hercules and that French man from before. Totally forgot about them.

"That's what you get for harassing." Hercules said as he rubbed his fist.
"Est ce que ça va?" The Frenchman asked. I am everything but okay.

"Guys, he wasn't harassing me." I said with a nervous voice.
"He clearly was. What do you think Lafayette?" Hecrules asked the French which presumably was names Lafayette.
"Oui, oui. C'est le harcèlement." Lafayette said nodding.

"No, no, no, no, no. He helped me from a man that was harassing me." I explained.
"By kissing you?" Hercules asked pissed.

"Okay, I'll give you that one. But he still helped me." I said trying to defend John.
"Uh-huh." Lafayette said looking at John who was probably just waking up from that punch.

"God, where am I?" He asked himself as he slowly stood up. We all looked at him trying to get his memory back when he suddenly realized that he was being watched.
"Oh I remember." He suddenly said and looked at Hercules. "You slammed me on the head." He hissed at Hercules.
"You were harassing her." Hercules said and pointed to me.
"She was kissing back, then it's not harassing." John explained.
"You made a mistaaaaaaaake..." I whispered as he first looked confused to me but then got my message when both Lafayette and Hercules punched him in the jaw.

"SAY THAT AGAIN FRECKLE!" Lafayette yelled. That's the first time he said a good sentence in English. I'm amazed that that was his first. I helped John off the floor and sat him down on a chair.
"Okay enough with the punching. Maybe we just gotta get a...Drink for you all." I said turned my head to Lafayette and Hercules. They seemed to agree.

"Ey, John wake up." I said as I softly hit John's cheek to wake him. "We're going to drink, you coming?" I asked he nodded and stood up from the chair rubbing his cheek and jaw.
"Lead the way." He said singnaling to me that he was fine.

We walked through the city followling Hercules since he was the only one who seemed to know at least, a bit about this place. He lead us to a bar with a lot of people, a orangy-yelowish light that the candals provided and a little band in the very back providing some amuzing music. Not my setting but I know that my brother would come to these kinds of places to forget his mistakes, which is why we came here.

We sat down and ordered our drinks. I asked water since I don't drink, Hercules asked cold, hard wiskey, Lafayette asked some beer and John asked a Sam Adams.

"So." I said trying to start a conversation. "The revolution, what about it?" I asked.
"Have you been living under a rock?" Hercules asked.
"If I got a penny for every time I heard that I would be rich." I said with a smile. They laughed with it because the alcohol was getting to their heads.
"We are trying to break free from Brittany and so we want to start a revolution." John explained as he tilted the Sam Adams in his mouth.

"Got it." I said nodding my head.
"Where did you actually come from?" Lafayette asked trying his darn best.
"It's close to French, it's Belgium." I said.
"Never heard of it." Hercules said thinking about it.
"Oo, Isn't it a part of France!" John tried.

"Hahahaha; *Inhales*"

~7 seconds later~

"SAY THAT AGAIN I DARE YOU!" I yelled as I smashed John's head against the wall via his collar.
"Now for this I can settle." Hercules said from the background.
"Okay, okay. I've been hit on the head by 3 different people in 1 hour. STOP IT!" He yelled as I let him go and apologized. He accepted and we sat back down.

"So what's your name freckle." Hercules asked.
"I'm John Laurens, who're you?" He asked Hercules and Lafayette.
"I'm Hercules Mulligan and that there is Marquis de Lafayette." Hercules answered.
"Can I have another Sam Adams up in here!" John yelled as the bartender nodded.

"You want anything?" John asked kinda drunk.
"No, I'll stick with water." I grinned as he shrugged. The other Sam Adams arrived and the other guys ordered something else. They were kinda getting drunk of their a$$es.

"What time is it?" I asked a bit annoyed because it was kinda getting dark outside.
"SHOW TIME!" The guys yelled in sink.
"That's not what I meant." I said trying to make a point.
"That's exactly what you meant." Hercules said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. A tiny blush crept on my face as he smiled.

"You guys are really getting drunk." I said as they grinned.
"Look I've only had 2 pints o'Sam Adams. But I'm working on three." He said as he banged his empty cup on the table which made me jump.
"Oui, oui I get you mon ami. I myself only drank like...je pense it was 5 but now I'm not so sure." Lafayette murmured. They're drunk alright.

"Ha, we should order some shots." Hercules laughed as I slowly removed his arm of my shoulders. When I was doing that I saw 2 men, not that far from us, sitting and talking. One had a purple suit and looked fairly handsome. I mean I've been sitting with 3 other very handsome men but yeah...I should never complete this sentence.

The other one though...He had long dark brown hair and matching brown eyes. A slow blush crept on my face as I stared at him. I mean I had been blushing this whole time because I was on a table with 3 handsome men and...I should never return to the subject of this...EVER AGAIN!

"Hey Y/N, are you getting some shots?" John asked me as he waved his hand in front of my face. I then also noticed that he had freckles on his hand.
"Maybe just 1." I said with a smile.

The shots came.
"To freedom!" John yelled as we toasted. They chugged it down, that was the time I took to look at the two men again. I glanced at them and saw that they were staring at us. I turned my head back, hoping and praying that they didn't see me look.

"HEY! ...Isn't that Aaron Burr." John yelled to the two men. I thought that it might be acceptable to look now, so I looked. I was guessing who was Aaron Burr.
"HEY AARON!" Hercules yelled as one of them nodded and motioned him to be quiet. The two made their way over to us.

"What do you guys want?" The guy who I presumed was Aaron Burr asked.
"Hi." Lafayette said as the others began to chuckle. Aaron groaned and wanted to return back to where he and the other dark browned guy were sitting.
"Hey, who's the guy behind you?" Hercules asked as he pointed to the dark haired man.
"Yeah, who's he?" Lafayette asked.
"Same question over here." John said as he looked at the man.

"I'm not throwing away my shot!" The man said.
"Well, hi not throwing away my shot. I'm Y/N L/N!" I said and reached my hand out to him.

"..." Everyone near the table went silent.

"Isn't that like a weird name that people here have?" I asked. "Because if it is your parents must have really hated you...I MEAN!" I yelled as I looked at the man who partly looked confused and partly hurt.

" I-I'm outta line. I need air." I said as I walked out and leaned against the wall of the pub. F*ck me...

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