-Chapter 10: The mail woman-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up with smell of alcohol all up in my nostrils. I spat the smell out my mouth, grabbed a tissue and blew my nose to get the smell out. I looked at the sun to see it was on the horizon. I sighed and stood up. To Washington we go!

I walked to the tent that was near by and entered without saying anything. "Sir I-" I started. "get out, ask for permission and get back in." Washington said from his desk pointing at the entrance. I put my hands up in defense, walked backwards out the tent and waited for a second. Since when is he like my teacher?

"Sir, can I come in?" I asked kinda annoyed. "Yes you can." He said. I entered again. "Better?" I asked. "Better." He confirmed. "What was the...Er...Meaning behind me getting in and out?" I asked. "So you know that you need to announce you're there, when you go to the generals they may as well be naked so you ask if you can come in." Washington said dipping his quill in the ink pot.

"That's gross." I stated. "That's your job." Washington corrected me. "Here." He said as he handed me a bag of letters. "Wait, wait, wait...You want me, to deliver all of these in 1 day?" I asked. "No, in 5 hours." He said as he wrote a few things down. "Wait, wait wait, I got lost when I tried to find your tent. How will I find100 tents in 5 hours?" I asked panicked. "Like you did when you tried to find my tent. Ask around and if they don't help you, tell that they've got the loss of America on their soul." Washington grinned. I smiled back.

"Now go and don't embarrass me." He said as I nodded and got out the tent. Okay, first stop west, which is...Here? I looked in the bag to see 4 separate little bags with: North, East, South and West marked on them. I grabbed the baggy for West where I was now and grabbed the first letter. Daniel Brodhead...PFFFFFT!!! Okay, let's go. Tent number 242...Oh, that's next to mine...

I walked back to my tent which I had marked with a stroke of a rose that I found before we came to the battlefield and went next to that one. "Daniel Brodhead? I've got a letter from you from George Wash-" I said as I held the letter between my index and middle finger. I wasn't even done with my sentence and a sleepy head pocked out of the tent and a hand quickly snatched the letter and the head popped back in the tent. "Oh...Okay...Rude..." I said as I walked away. 

And like Daniel, there were 19 others who reacted the same. I even got thrown a shoe at after I yelled that it was rude to snatch a letter out of somebody's hand, it was that Rufus Putnam guy...It hit my head and I threw it right back which resulted in me running away. These generals...And these aren't even the major generals, THEY'RE THE BRIGADIER GENERALS!

After that fiasco...I had to go South, then East and then North and then come back in time for other letters out of this camp. I hope they pay me... 

I was about to head out when a soldier came up to me with a horse. He said that I had to use it to get faster to the sides. I have never even been near a horse but I stepped up and rode the thing. It was hard at first because the thing wasn't even listening and kicked me off 3 times...But after we arrived at South, it at least stayed with me and let me step up after I gave the letters to the nurses. But before I stepped up this nurse...

"You must be really lucky to be surrounded with all these men." She said as I handed her letter. "Er...I don't get to hang around that much." I said honestly. "Well, I like your job more, it's so peaceful. Meanwhile we have to put up with blood and misery." She hissed. "I-I need to go. I only have 2 hours left." I said as she threw me a nasty glare. While I sat on my horse riding to the East where the most generals were I thought about what she said.

So, there was Peter Muhlenberg. He was nice...I mean I did think he was nice until he stared at me...And I had to leave because I can't embarrass Washington by hitting this guy into the battlefield without any weapons. 

The others were fine. They grabbed their letter and told me to leave. Some quite rudely but it was nothing I couldn't handle. Then...This pretty old man...Not that old I mean...just older than I saw around in my camp. He was around 40. His name was Philip Schuyler.

"Sir Schuyler, can I come in?" I asked as I waited outside the tent. "Yes, come in." He said. I entered and saw Philip Schuyler. "Sir, I have a letter for you from general George Washington."I said as I handed him a letter. He grabbed it and thanked me. That was a first. "Ah yes..." He said as I stood there awkwardly as he wrote something down. "So, you're his messenger?" He asked while writing something down. "Y-Yes sir." I said quickly. "How old are you?" He asked. I was a bit skeptical about it but I knew his name so I could report him. "16 sir." I said. "I have 3 daughters roughly around your age." He said as he kept writing. "Angelica, Eliza and Margarita Schuyler." He said as he signed the bottom and gave the letter to me after putting a wax stamp onto it. "Give this back to George Washington please." He said as I nodded and headed outside.

I hopped on the horse, gave the letters to the nurses on the North and galloped back to the West, just in time. "Sir, can I come in?" I asked as I stood in front of the tent of Washington. "Yes." He said as I entered. "Did you do everything?" Washington asked looking up at me from his paper work. "Yes sir and I got a letter from Philip Schuyler for you." I said as I gave him the letter.

He grabbed it, opened it, took a moment to read it and grinned. "Sir, if I may ask, what's in the letter?" I asked. "It's an invitation for the winter." Washington said with a grin. "Sir just get to the F*ing point." I said slightly irritated. "Right, we've been invited to a ball this winter." Washington said slightly chuckling at my patience. "WHAT BALL, WHO'S BALL?!?!" I yelled my patience hitting an end. "The winter's ball that Philip Schuyler is hosting this winter." Washington said now full on laughing. 

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT FROM THE BEGINNING!!!" I screamed as Washington fell of his chair from laughing at me.

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