-Chapter 38: I don't like him-

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~A day later~

Y/N's P.O.V

"Y/N A RELATIONSHIP WITH JEFFERSON IS LIKE A CROOKED RULER! LIKE: Of course I'll buy this ruler that is crooked and not straight and doesn't do what its supposed to do properly. Straight lines? Sure!" Alexander yelled as I worked on the cabinet papers.

I just told him I liked Thomas and he sat down ON my desk and started listing lists full of reasons why I shouldn't court him and flaws about Thomas. Some of them, I would want to forget. Forever.

"Alexander, can you name 1 good thing about Thomas?" I asked as I looked up to him. "...He has money." He said as I groaned. "Which isn't that great actually! He could be using his money to feed the poor or-" And he started to ramble again.

Then something came to my mind.

"Eliza sucks." I said and Hamilton fell silent almost immediately.

He looked like the girl in the ring but waaaaaaay scarier. If Pennywise and the girl in the ring had a baby, Alexander would pop out. Crucial difference was, I didn't get my 7 days and I wasn't 12.

He jumped off the desk onto me and started to punch the sh*t out of me. I blocked all of his punches because...I'd rather not look like a f*cking smurf right now. 

"HOL' UP! HOL' UP!!! I WAS F*CKING JOKING ALEXANDER!!! ALEXANDER!!!!" I yelled. Since he didn't stop, I kicked my foot up his area and rolled over so I was on top of him. I held his arms at the side of his head and yelled: 


He calmed down as I sighed and got off him. 

"See? It isn't that fun when a person says that your crush sucks...Now does it?" I asked with a slight chuckle. He frowned. "Crucial difference is that Eliza is an angel and Jefferson is the devil." He stated and got up. "...Can you try to be happy for me?" I asked as he groaned. 

"I have a meeting to attend to." He said to avoid my question. "Who are you meeting up with?" I asked as I sat back down in my chair. "Jefferson." He hissed as I frowned. "Good luck." I sighed and began to write again.

Alexander noticed the tone in my voice. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yes." I answered.

Guys, if a girl says yes when you annoyed them. You better go and find some f*cking strawberries dipped in f*cking chocolate. (But don't do that for me. You see, I'm actually allergic of strawberries. SO STAY THE F*CK AWAY FROM ME WHEN ITS VALENTINE JIMMY!!!)

 "..." He knew I was lying, but chose to not irritate me more. He left. 

After 2 minutes past Washington came in. I hadn't seen him since he gave me that advise since I had a free day in between that day and today. "So...How did it go?" He asked as I smiled. "It was wonderful. I slept on a couch for 1/4 of the day." I told him as he widened his eyes. "Why?" He asked.

"I promised not to say anything, but Jefferson wasn't ready." I told him which made him chuckle. "Did he fall off the stairs of something?" He asked. I blinked and didn't answer. "...Oh God...He fell off the stairs..." He yelled as he laughed.

"What happened after that anyway?" He asked.

"So we went to a restaurant. It was nice, fancy. He also yelled at waiter because the people who got there after us got their food first." I sheepishly said. "I can imagine that..." Washington said looking to the side.

"Then I decided to take him around the city at least for a bit. We came near the plaza and there was this festive thing happening. I'm not much of a dancer...But Jefferson went in and grabbed my hand. I haven't danced for a few years ever since the winter ball. But he gave me some comfort." I continued. 

"Yet again, sounds like Jefferson. Going to Paris really opened his social status more than it was." Washington said with a smile. 

"After that, I suggested to go to a park and he agreed. Then he became flirty-"


"No he didn't touch me." I lied.

"Anyway, he then began to talk about France and how great it was..."


"-You should try it!" Jefferson said finishing his rant about ice cream. I was so happy to hear ice cream was back! I need some ice cream and I haven't eaten ANY ICE CREAM IN 5 YEARS!!!! HOW AM I STILL ALIVE?! 

"Sounds good!" I said as we both sat down on a bench. "It's such a shame I couldn't stay longer." Thomas said as I smiled. "Maybe I can return some day." He sighed. I myself have been to France multiple times before. You know, when your family has the time to go to places they do. 

We sat there in silence. It wasn't awkward like it was with most people, it was the type of silence when you feel okay with everything around you. 

I felt slightly sleepy. I hadn't slept for 3 days and those 3 hours would not satisfy (Let the comments come) my need for sleep. There by I blame my sleepiness for my next action. 

I let my head fall on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I first didn't feel any motion. But then I felt his arm wrap around my waist and he came closer to me. (Washington: HE TOUCHA MY CHILD!!!)

We stayed there for awhile until we really had to get going. Because I didn't feel like being carried I stood up and just leaned on him until we got to my house. I had woken up a little bit because I had to grab my keys.

As I opened the door, Jefferson kissed me on the cheek. "Good night princess." He said as I turned to him. "Good night." I said with light powdery pink forming on my cheeks. 

Then I slept for a day to catch my sleep.

~End flash back~

"Sounds like a lovely evening." Washington concluded. "It was." I sighed with a smile. "Well, get back to work! Those papers won't confirm themselves." He said as he handed me my quill. "I wish they would." I chuckled and sat down. 

"Good day L/N." Washington said as he left. "Good day sir." I said and began to work.

Later that day I went home. 

"So I am confusion." Hercules said as he looked at a diagram. 

He made it while I was at work. I told him about the whole light b*tch zapping me here deal. I had told him about that the they had a president. And he started to ask me about everything and then made the diagram.

"Why is this one hated?" Hercules said pointing at a drawing of Trump. "And these ones chose him!" He yelled as he began to tap on the map of america. "AMERICA EXBLAIN! EXBLAIN! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IN OUR CONSOLE?!" He yelled furiously tapping on the map.

Just then someone knocked on the door. I went to open it while Hercules followed me. I opened the door and there was Jefferson. "Hello mister Jefferson, what can I do for you?" I asked with a smile. "You left these at your office." Jefferson said as he showed me my glasses. I pat down my pockets. I hesitantly reached for the glasses. 

As soon as I put my hand over the glasses Jefferson grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward.

I was confused about what was happening. But that amount of confusion was only an atom in comparison when he cupped my cheek and pressed his lips on mine. 

"Oldest f*cking trick in the book Y/N! The 'You-forgot-your-glasses-so-I-will-give-them-to-you-now-SIKE-I'm-here-to-kiss-you' trick!" Hercules yelled as he leaned against the door frame. 

'Well f*ck you Hercules!' I yelled in my mind.


So I colored my hair red today...That was fun.

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