-Chapter 33: We're both crying, but you don't know that-

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~A few weeks later~

Y/N's P.O.V

I came back home after doing the groceries. I pushed the door shut and quickly moved the basket full of food to the table. I took out the stuff and put the basket aside. When I went to look around in the house, I found a cookbook. It was old and self-written making me think that Hercules had made it or that he got it from someone.

The writing did look like his, but I could never be sure. In the book, I found a recipe for soup and I had to have it. I love soup on cold days like these. As I grabbed the ingredients, I thought about how the rest had been feeling.

They had received (*First wrote received* ...I before e except after c *Writes received*) the letter. I knew because they send me a letter back. But I didn't respond, causing them to send a letter every other day with the short message:

"Are you okay?"

Physically, I am. Mentally...Better than a week ago. Better. 

Somehow, by being here in this house, my homesickness went away bit by bit. I felt safe. 

I have also been running the shop while maintaining my job as a secretary. DOUBLE TASKING YEAH!!!!

While cooking, I felt a bit paranoid. I am a little bit too paranoid sometimes. I didn't know how or why I just felt it. I have always had this kind of feeling, even in my first life. You know, the typical holding your keys in between your fingers to stab someone if necessary. This was sharpened after I joined the revolution and became a literal knife after coming back from Britain.  

Now, it was annoying the cr*p out of me. 

I constantly turned around and ever time I turned around, it went away. And every single f*cking time I turned back it doubled. This wasn't just paranoia, if it was, I should go to a doctor, now. 

Finally, I turned around and yelled:


As I yelled, I had closed my eyes to let my ears catch any sounds which may be from shock so I could stab and kill with the spoon I had in my hands.



"Wow...Do you always yell at the formal house owner?" 

I turned around to come eye to eye with 2 glowing eyes. I yelped and fell backward while still looking up. 5 seconds later I had let my eyes figure out who it was. My eyes widened as I refused to believe who it was.

"..." Not saying a word but instead shedding a tear, was the only thing I could do. He chuckled. "I should've said: "Heads up! I'm back!" " He chuckled, he laughed, but he was dead. But he was alive. But he was dead. But he was alive. BUT HE WAS DEAD AND ALIVE!!!

"Herc?" I asked in utter confusion. "The one and probably not only!" He said as he smiled at me with the warmest smile I had ever seen. "I'm gonna faint and/or puke," I said slightly gagging. "I would too honestly. Look, I would help you up, but..." He said sheepishly looking to the side.

I stood up by myself after awhile. I blinked as I looked at him. I reached my hand inside him and out. I did that a few time before he told me to stop because I was freaking him out. "How..." I said as he smiled. 

"I'll tell you..."

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