-Chapter 48: There comes the bride! And-Oh no...OH NO!-

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(Read the title though, we actually have a song about this in Belgium. Yeah. It's about how the bride fell down when she walked the isle. We literally made a song about it. That's how many times that happened.)

Y/N's P.O.V

"Thomas no." I groaned as he wrapped his arms around me from the back. "I agreed to the white and boring dinner table. Now you have to wear this deep pink wedding dress." He smiled in my neck as I sighed. "Thomas no." I whined and stomped my foot against the floor. 

(Reader: Oh how bad can it be-

(Reader: Oh how bad can it be-

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...The f*ck?)

We were in the tailor shop and he agreed to make the main color white if he could choose my dress. I silently hoped that he didn't see the dress I made a few weeks ago. But of course his eagle eyes spotted it when he came into the store.

"Too late, the wedding is today!" He smiled as he separated himself from me. "I need to check on everything okay? You'll be fine right?" He asked as he grabbed my hands. "I fought the war. I'll be fine." I chuckled as he smiled. "Love you." He whispered as he gave me a short kiss on my mouth. "Love you too." I smiled as he left. 

I turned to the mirror. I sighed with a smile. "If it makes him happy...Then I'll wear it."

"And burn it tomorrow." I cringed with a chuckle. I sat back in a chair. The wedding was in about 2 hours and I had to leave soon too. I was waiting on Peggy. She was one of my bride maids and was going to bring me there. 

"She should be here any minute." I mumbled as I picked up a book. A few minutes passed and I heard knocking on my door. "Finally!" I said as I got up and tried to move with the dress and failed. "I hate my life..." I sighed as I moved to the door. I took the door handle in my hands and slowly opened the door.

"I thought you would never come! Say. Did you become slower since-" I rambled as I looked at the person in front of the door. 

"Hey." They breathed out as I cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"Hey Alexander, what are you doing here?" I asked as he shrugged. "I wanted to see you before you got overwhelmed with all of those people." He chuckled as I smiled. "Oh! That's...That's...I don't even know." I admitted as I opened the door wider knowing that we'd probably not see each other over the next weeks.

He came inside as I closed the door. "What's with the dress?" He asked as I chuckled. "Long story, but, Thomas choose it." I sheepishly said as he chuckled. "Could've guessed." He snorted. "Ha Ha Ha. You wear a green suit 24/7 so don't act so high on your horse." I said with my hand on my hip. 

"HEY! ...Green is beautiful." He laughed as I snorted. "Uh-huh...Almost as beautiful as you." I nodded with much sarcasm in my tone. "You take that back!"  He yelled as soon as he heard my sarcasm.

"No." I said shaking my head no. He gave me a little push in my shoulder and I pushed him back with both of my hands in his shoulders. He then pushed me harder and I pushed him back while we both began to laugh. 

He suddenly pushed me so hard that I began to fall and I reached for his sleeve to keep balance. I got a hold of his sleeve alright. But I kinda...I kinda fell...With him. We fell on the ground but my dress cushioned our fall. THE DRESS SURVIVES!

I was under Alexander, he was holding his hands on the side of my head to prevent himself from falling on my face. Because I swear to God if he did, I would've killed him. 

"Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded. "I'm fine." I said. 

He didn't move.

"...Alexander...Can you..." I said implying that he should get up. He sighed and got off me sitting on his knees. "Thank you." I smiled as I pushed myself and sat down beside him. 

"Y/N, you can't just say that it's...That you..." He stuttered trying to form a sentence. "What?" I asked as he puffed. "Your feelings for me aren't really gone are they?" He asked with sadness in his voice. 

"...Alex we've been over this-"

"What is my love to you?" He asked as he grabbed my hands in his. There was a mental battle happening inside of me. Part of me loved Thomas so much and had moved on. Then there was this part of me whichwanted to kiss him right then and there.

 I sighed. "Count the stars." I whispered to him. He cupped my cheek. "It's endless?" He asked as he was coming closer to me. I relaxed a bit as he came closer to me. I answered:

"It's a waste of my time." 

I jerked my face away from him and turned away. 

There was a knock on the door. I stood up and opened the door. It was Peggy this time. "YO! I got the bouquet, the chocolates for after and some protection if you know what I'm saying~" Peggy said wiggling her eyebrows. 

"Thanks Peggs." I smiled as I followed her to the carriage. 

I looked at my house.

...I hope he gets over this.

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