-Chapter 19: The winter's ball-

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Y/N's P.O.V

I was ready, I was mentally prepared to go to this ball and set myself out there. Yeah I was. (God I'm tired it's like 11 pm...But...SLEEP IS FOR THE WEEEEAAAAAK! *Furiously begins typing*)

I wore a purple dress I had payed with my own money a few day prier. It was an elegant dress which was blue but also with a purple shine which made it hard to look away from. There were bows at my corset which made it look more lady like, like all of those around me said when I was buying it. Bleh. And I also had a choker with the same material.

Yeah I would rather wear black but I've been reading this book and there it said to not do that so I stopped wearing it when I didn't wear my uniform

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Yeah I would rather wear black but I've been reading this book and there it said to not do that so I stopped wearing it when I didn't wear my uniform. ButIswearIwillbegintowearitassoonasIcan. (For my bea @kaBOOMhamilton : But I swear I will begin to wear it as soon as I can.)

(P.S. can you tell that I'm tired. I'm so sloppy today. OH WELL! I have a list of like 10 request so I need to begin typing 5 chapters per day...I am really the new female Alexander aren't I?)

I put the whole outfit on as soon as I could and fixed my hair as much as I could because my hair was oily but at the time dry and it was just a nightmare. "You look fine." John said from his bed, arms behind his head leaning on his cushion. "Can't say the same." I grinned as he grabbed the nearest item which just happened to be a book and threw it to my head. "I WAS JUST KIDDING!" I laughed as he laughed along.

"No but seriously. I wish I'd asked you before Lafayette did. But maybe I can steal a dance?" He grinned like an idiot. "Perhaps." I said and stuck my tongue out at him. "But you still gotta find some other company." I told him as he sighed. "I have Yafa, that's enough." He said as I looked at Yafa. I had made him a little bow tie which looked adorable.

 I had made him a little bow tie which looked adorable

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(I told you I'm in my weird state.)

Lafayette soon came in to quote on quote 'Pick me up'. Alexander, John and Hercules were already gone when he did so and I think he did it to be alone with me before going into thE CHAOS WHICH IS A BALL ROOM. IT'S LIKE PROM ALL OVER AGAIN! (HAH! She's only in high school, she didn't go to prom. I win you all LOSE YOU LOSE!)

(Okay Amber, calm down and write some real sh*t...Oh look snapchat...*Loses like 15 minutes to make sure everybody's night is ruined on there* Okay, now we continue. Oh yeah #Mostrelatablechapterever )

When we did arrive it was still a bit calm but we all knew that was going to change very soon. As we entered, some people already would have found their way to the dance floor. John, Hercules and Alexander were drinking already and I think Alexander may have drunk a little too much since he looks like a teenage girl who just saw Justin Bieber.

"Dance floor Lafayette." I said tugging him at his sleeve. He squinted his eyes looking at me. "But they're right the-" "I SAID DANCE FLOOR!" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to the dance floor not wanting to deal with whatever bullsh*t Alexander and Co was on.

"Ma cherie, why did you pull us here?" Lafayette asked as I put my hand on his shoulder and my other hand in his. "Because I don't want to deal with their drunk a$$es right now." I told him as he chuckled with a smile. "I'm sure they'll be fine." He told me.

Alexander's P.O.V

"That sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstupid a$$ Lafayette just had to grab her right under mah feet." I complained to John and Hercules. "A-And all because Y/N thinks I kissed a whore!" I said as I poured the alcohol in my system. "Alexander. Confession time. I'm actually a bicycle. KISS ME!" John yelled as he put his hand before himself and tried to kiss me. "NO! NO! JOHN I'M STRAIGHT! ...At least...I think I am." I said as I pushed John's face out of my reach. "Guys you're both gay for each other. Admit it so I can have Y/N." Hercules said as John turned to Hercules. "I SAID I WAS BI NOT GAY!" He yelled as I hiccuped from the amount of alcohol I had. "I'm questioning my sexuality right now..." I said as I looked up at the ceiling. "You can be whatever-*Hic*- You can be whatever you want Alexander. I-*hic*-I believe in you." Hercules said. "Can I kill Lafayette to get Y/N?" I asked as he crunched his nose. "Aim a bit lower..." He said.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Yeah I'm sure they're fine..." I said a bit unsure if they were fine. After the dance it became very, very crowded so Lafayette took me inside from all the commotion. "This night is so much more peaceful then all the nights in the camp." I chuckled as we looked at the stars. "Yeah it is..." Lafayette agreed as I smiled. I looked at Lafayette but while I did I saw Alexander, completely sobered up and all that jazz, talking to a girl with raven black hair and a blue dress which I recognized from the tailor shop.

I squinted my eyes as I saw both of them blush. Jealousy hit me like a stone. I mean sure I may be in love with the four of them but if I saw Lafayette, Hercules or John blushing and holding hands with another woman I'd crumble in jealousy. You know what I don't have to explain myself. I have reasons to be jealous.

"Yeah, not under my watch." I mumbled to myself and grabbed Lafayette by his collar and pressed my lips onto his, positioned perfectly for Alexander to have first row seats to this.

Lafayette wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer and I have to admit that I did enjoy the kiss very much. Alexander? I have no idea.

Alexander's P.O.V

Once I got sober I walked around a bit running into this lovely girl named Angelica, one of the Schuyler sisters. I talked to her 2 minutes maybe 3 minutes before she introduced me to her sister and left. We talked for awhile and she clearly seemed interested in me but...I liked Y/N.

"So do you have any wife waiting for you to come back home?" Eliza asked as I struggled to find a right answer. "No I don't but I have this thing for a girl but she's kinda mad at me for...reasons..." I explained as Eliza's smile dropped just a tiny bit. "O-oh...Well who is she?" She asked still smiling. "She's the mail woman in the revolution. She delivers letters to all the generals and such." I explained as she still kept smiling. "Do you want any tips to win her heart?" Eliza asked as I was taken back by her question. "I-If you would be so kind." I confirmed with a slight blush as she smiled also lightly blushing.

When she opened her mouth to speak I saw two particular human beings kissing. When I looked a bit sharper my heart stopped. Eliza looked over to see what I was looking at. "Is that her?" She asked as I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Y-Yeah...Excuse me." I said and went back inside leaving Eliza alone.

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