-Chapter 56: La la la la love-

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Y/N's P.O.V


I wish I could say that was the last time.

Heh...I said that last time...

It became a past time!

I sat at the desk in the guestroom, hand in my hair while my dominant hand had the quill in its hand. Tear stains on my cheeks, desk and my letter to Thomas telling him everything was alright. 

I shakily inhaled and exhaled. I was trapped in a cobweb of my own fears and stupidity created by Lafayette. Breathing was hard and I became less sane and more paranoid than I was before I got the stupid quill in my hand. 

This was a bad idea.

All of it. 

I had to get out of this house and get fresh air. Hope that this last day would pass and that this could stay between Lafayette and I. 

I stood up and glanced at the letters that I had received from Thomas. "..." Not saying a word, I passed the desk and headed to the door, then to the stairs and passed the living room where Lafayette sat. I was hoping and praying that he hadn't heard me. 

That wasn't the case.

As I opened the door, it was being leaned on by someone and so it shut again. Hesitantly I looked to my side to see Lafayette next to me, leaning on the door. "Where are you off to?" He asked as I looked to the side. "Out." I answered honestly. "Come back in an hour or two." He stated as he leaned in and pressed his lips on mine.

I nodded as I tore my lips from him, opened the door and quickly stepped outside and kept the fast pace. "One more day, you can do this." I mumbled to myself as motivation. 

The outside air helped me to breath again. It felt so much better to be able to. I inhaled, exhaled and moved around in the city. I passed through the post office to pick up probable letters of Thomas. 

"Bonjour." The 60 year old man at the counter said recognizing me. "Bonjour." I answered. "Monsieur Jefferson?" I asked as he looked through the letters. "...Non, mais...Vous avez une lettre d'un autre monsieur." He said as he gave me a letter. 

Alexander maybe? John. Washington...."Merci." I mumbled very unfocused as I walked to the park to read the letter. As I sat down, I read the address from where it was send.

France, Paris, Rue Verte 241 

"..." I frowned. Was this a mistake? I opened the letter and read it.

Dear ma'am, I hope this letter finds you in good health

"Eh..." I groaned as I looked at the conditions I was in.

And in a prosperous enough position to put reign

In the hands of people like me: down on their luck

You see, that was not your husband that you decided to

"F*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************" I mumbled with wide eyes.

Uh-oh! You made the wrong sucker a cuckold

So time to pay the piper for the dress you unzippered

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