-Chapter 40: Valentine (Part 2)-

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A/N Okay, first of all, YOU GUYS ARE SO CREATIVE! I liked all the ideas very much! I didn't respond to any because I felt like I'd be giving away a lot of content if I did. So...That chapter will be deleted as soon as this one comes out. If you couldn't join on the: 'YOU DECIDE' action. Then you can always just comment a comment about what you might want to see happening. I read all of your comments so I'll most likely find it. OKAY TO THE CHAPTER!!! 

Y/N's P.O.V

At the end of the day I had finished all that had to be done and more. I was on a roll today! WOO! I put all my papers away and put my writing feather in its ink pot. I stood up and went outside. Then Jefferson stopped me. 

"Didn't we agree to go on a date? I reserved places in Sabbes." He asked with a panicked smile. "Yes, but you see, saving Philip from that chandelier ripped my dress." I said sheepishly referring to my dress. It had a big rip across the side. "Hamilton's only bring destruction don't they..." Jefferson mumbled. 

"He's just a kid." I reminded him. "I'll go and get another dress. Just...Pick me up at my house in an hour." I said and he nodded. I smiled and pressed a kiss on his cheek. He just smiled and waved as I went home to get another dress.

Alexander's P.O.V

I moved some leaves from the bush I was in and looked at Jefferson helplessly putting his hand on the placed where Y/N just kissed him. 


Y/N's P.O.V

I had arrived home and I had put another dress on and put the ripped dress over a mannequin. I had some time left so I grabbed needle and tread and began to sew in together.  "Need some help with that?" Herc asked as he looked over my shoulder. 

"Yes actually, I don't know what stitch to use." I sheepishly said. He smiled and held out his hand so I could give him the needle. I gave him the needle and we both skipped a heart beat when we heard the needle fall on the floor.


"Well then." I said and stood up to get that spell book. "NO Y/N WAIT!" Hercules yelled and ran after me. I grabbed the book from the shelf and opened it. "Y/N, NO. NOT AGAIN! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU AGAIN!" Hercules yelled and tried to pull my arm, of course he failed. 

I opened my mouth and just then I heard knocking on my door. I sighed and closed the book as Hercules sighed in relief. I gave a bitter look at the book and put it back in the shelf.

"H-Have a good date!" Hercules smiled as I sighed but gave him a small smile. I went to the door and opened it. "Hey!" I smiled as I saw Thomas's face. "Hello, you look amazing." He said and pressed a kiss on my forehead. "Shall we go then?" He asked as he grabbed my hand. "We shall." I answered with a smile.

When we arrived there, we immediately saw someone we knew. "Hey guys!" I said as I pulled Thomas (unwillingly) along to the table of Alexander and Eliza. "Oh, Y/N! What a coincidence!" Eliza said as she stood up and gave me a hug.

"Jefferson." Alexander said with a stern tone. 

"Hamilton." Thomas spat back.  

"You know what would be lovely." Alexander said. "If we had a double date!" He smiled. I just felt something break in Thomas's head. "Actually-" 

"That would be wonderful!" I agreed as I cut Thomas off. "Excuse us." Thomas said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. "Y/N, do you want me to kill him or vise versa?" Thomas asked very panicked. "Oh come on, I haven't seen Eliza in ages! Please?" I asked as I got closer to him.

"...I hate you." Thomas mumbled as I chuckled. "Love you too." I said, kissed him on his cheek and we moved back to the table and sat down. We had some conversation and they only tried to kill each other twice!

"So how have you been Eliza?" I asked her. "I've been good, you?" She asked. "Since I've met Thomas I've felt better." I admitted. "Oh that's so sweet!" Eliza fangirled. Thomas smiled at me as he grabbed my hand. 

Alexander stayed quiet, he had this look in his eyes. 

I had to excuse myself. I didn't feel comfortable with it. I walked outside and far enough to just take a breather. First Hercules is losing the spell effects and now Alexander is giving me this look what's next? Him coming to k-

"Here you are." I heard which made me jump. I turned around to see Alexander. 

"I was just going inside." I lied with a smile. "We need to talk." He said as I stood still as the smile faded away. "I-About what?" I asked as I turned around. "You should break up with Jefferson." He coldly stated. "W-Wait, just like that? You came here to me to tell me that I should break up with Jefferson?" I said a bit irritated. 

"What gives you the right to say that?" I asked with a frown. "He's not good for you! You know that he's been in France? How many hearts did he break there? Do you know that?" He asked immediately being triggered by my answer. "Do you know how many?" I re-asked. "Probably many." He answered. "Probably?" I asked angry.

"You know, if you looked around for maybe 2 seconds, you would find someone who would treat you better!" He yelled as he put his hands on my shoulders. "Yeah okay! Like who smarta$$!!!" I yelled back.

"Like me!" He yelled back and pressed his lips on mine. My world turned grey and I felt a very old emotion pop out and say: "YES! YES THIS IS IT!" 

I waited for too long to even react to what he did. What should I do? Honestly whenever I would read something like this I would just say: "JUST PUSH HIM OFF YA IDIOT!" But when you're in that situation...It isn't that easy. 

I eventually ended up pushing him off me and crumbled down on the ground. Alexander ran up to me and crouched down. "Are you okay?!" He asked concerned.

"5 years ago Alexander." I answered. "If you had done that 5 years ago, I would've been yours." I said looking through my fingers. "You're too late. I've moved on. You should too." I cried and stood up pushing him off me and ran away. 

"Y/N WAIT!" Alexander yelled.

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